derangement (n.)
- aberrance
- aberrancy
- aberration
- abnormality
- alienation
- amorphism
- anomalousness
- anomaly
- confusion
- convulsion
- craziness
- daftness
- dementedness
- dementia
- deviation
- difference
- disarrangement
- disarray
- discomfiture
- discomposure
- disharmony
- disintegration
- disjunction
- dislocation
- disorder
- disorderliness
- disorganization
- disorientation
- disproportion
- disruption
- distraction
- disturbance
- divergence
- eccentricity
- entropy
- folie
- furor
- haphazardness
- incoherence
- inferiority
- insaneness
- insanity
- irrationality
- irregularity
- lunacy
- madness
- mania
- monstrosity
- nonuniformity
- oddness
- perturbation
- possession
- promiscuity
- promiscuousness
- psychopathy
- queerness
- rabidness
- randomness
- senselessness
- shuffling
- sickness
- strangeness
- subnormality
- superiority
- turbulence
- unbalance
- unnaturalness
- unsoundness
- upset
If I reprehend anything in this world, it is the use of my oracular tongue, and a nice derangement of epitaphs!