spell (n.)
- access
- alchemy
- allure
- alternate
- appeal
- arsis
- attraction
- augur
- beat
- bewitchery
- bit
- bode
- bout
- break
- breath
- breather
- captivation
- chance
- charm
- circle
- circuit
- conjuration
- course
- cover
- curse
- cycle
- day
- diastole
- divination
- divine
- downbeat
- downtime
- draw
- duration
- enchant
- enchantment
- entrance
- express
- fascination
- fetishism
- fit
- folklore
- foretoken
- formula
- ghost
- glamour
- go
- halt
- hex
- hint
- hoodoo
- hour
- import
- incantation
- influence
- inning
- innings
- instant
- interlude
- intermission
- interval
- intrigue
- jinx
- juju
- juncture
- letup
- lore
- lull
- lure
- magic
- magnetism
- mean
- mesmerism
- minute
- moment
- necromancy
- obeah
- omen
- opportunity
- patch
- pause
- period
- place
- point
- presage
- promise
- pull
- pulse
- re-up
- recess
- relay
- relief
- replace
- respite
- rest
- revolution
- rotation
- round
- run
- rune
- say
- season
- seizure
- series
- shamanism
- shift
- sorcery
- space
- span
- stage
- stay
- stint
- streak
- stretch
- superstition
- surcease
- suspension
- syllable
- systole
- tenure
- term
- thaumaturgy
- thesis
- theurgy
- time
- token
- tour
- tradition
- trance
- transport
- trick
- turn
- upbeat
- vamp
- vampirism
- voodoo
- voodooism
- watch
- whack
- whammy
- wheel
- while
- witch
- witchcraft
- witchery
- wizardry
spell (v.)
- access
- allure
- alternate
- appeal
- argue
- augur
- beat
- becharm
- beguile
- bespeak
- betoken
- bewitch
- bit
- bode
- bout
- break
- breath
- breathe
- breather
- captivate
- chance
- charm
- circle
- circuit
- clarify
- connote
- course
- cover
- curse
- cycle
- day
- delineate
- denote
- displace
- divine
- draw
- elucidate
- enchant
- enlist
- enrapture
- enthrall
- entrance
- express
- fascinate
- fit
- ghost
- ghostwrite
- glamour
- go
- halt
- hex
- hint
- hoodoo
- hypnotize
- imply
- import
- indicate
- infatuate
- influence
- intend
- interlude
- intrigue
- jinx
- lore
- lull
- lure
- mean
- mesmerize
- minute
- omen
- patch
- pause
- place
- point
- portend
- prefigure
- presage
- promise
- pull
- pulse
- recess
- relay
- relieve
- replace
- represent
- respite
- rest
- round
- run
- rune
- say
- season
- shift
- signify
- space
- span
- specify
- spellbind
- stage
- stay
- stint
- streak
- stretch
- subrogate
- succeed
- suggest
- supersede
- supplant
- syllabize
- symbolize
- tenure
- term
- time
- token
- tour
- trance
- transport
- trick
- turn
- typify
- vamp
- voodoo
- watch
- whack
- wheel
- whet
- witch
The soul of music slumbers in the shell
Till waked and kindled by the master's spell;
And feeling hearts, touch them but rightly, pour
A thousand melodies unheard before!
The oracles are dumb,
No voice or hideous hum
Runs through the arched roof in words deceiving.
Apollo from his shrine
Can no more divine,
With hollow shriek the steep of Delphos leaving.
No nightly trance or breathed spell
Inspires the pale-eyed priest from the prophetic cell.