relief (n.)
- abatement
- agent
- aid
- alimony
- alleviation
- allotment
- allowance
- alternate
- alternative
- anaglyph
- analeptic
- analogy
- annuity
- appeasement
- assist
- assistance
- assuagement
- assurance
- backup
- balm
- balsam
- benefit
- benevolence
- boldness
- boss
- bounty
- bout
- break
- cameo
- casting
- chance
- change
- changeling
- chasing
- clemency
- comfort
- commiseration
- comparison
- compassion
- condolence
- configuration
- consolation
- contour
- contrast
- copy
- corrective
- counterfeit
- cure
- delineation
- deliverance
- deputy
- dole
- double
- downtime
- dummy
- ease
- easement
- easing
- elevation
- embossment
- eminence
- encouragement
- engraving
- equal
- equivalent
- ersatz
- exchange
- excrescence
- extrusion
- fake
- favor
- feeling
- fellowship
- figuration
- figure
- fill-in
- forbearance
- forgiveness
- founding
- framework
- gestalt
- ghost
- ghostwriter
- gibbosity
- gibbousness
- glyph
- go
- grace
- grant
- grant-in-aid
- hand
- help
- holiday
- humanity
- imitation
- inning
- innings
- intaglio
- interim
- interlude
- intermezzo
- intermission
- intermittence
- interregnum
- interruption
- interval
- kindness
- leniency
- letup
- liberation
- lift
- lightening
- lull
- makeshift
- mask
- medal
- medallion
- mercy
- metaphor
- metonymy
- ministration
- ministry
- mitigation
- modeling
- molding
- mollification
- office
- opportunity
- outline
- pardon
- pathos
- pause
- pension
- personnel
- phony
- pity
- place
- plateau
- prescription
- profile
- projection
- prominence
- protection
- protrusion
- protuberance
- proxy
- quarter
- reassurance
- receipt
- recess
- recipe
- redress
- release
- relievo
- remedy
- remission
- replacement
- representative
- reprieve
- rescue
- reserves
- respite
- restorative
- ringer
- round
- ruth
- salience
- salient
- say
- scholarship
- sculptor
- sculpture
- secondary
- self-pity
- service
- sign
- silhouette
- skeleton
- softening
- solace
- solacement
- specific
- spell
- stand-in
- statuary
- stipend
- sub
- subsidization
- subsidy
- substitute
- substitution
- subvention
- succedaneum
- succor
- supplanter
- support
- surrogate
- symbol
- sympathy
- synecdoche
- therapy
- time
- token
- tuberosity
- turn
- understudy
- unloading
- vacation
- vicar
- vice-regent
- welfare
- whack
For this relief much thanks: 't is bitter cold,
And I am sick at heart.
Pity the sorrows of a poor old man,
Whose trembling limbs have borne him to your door,
Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span;
Oh give relief, and Heaven will bless your store.
For the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate.
So, when a raging fever burns,
We shift from side to side by turns;
And 't is a poor relief we gain
To change the place, but keep the pain.