dole (n.)
- accord
- ace
- adjunct
- administration
- adversity
- affliction
- aid
- alimony
- allocation
- allot
- allotment
- allow
- allowance
- alms
- anguish
- annuity
- apportionment
- assistance
- atom
- award
- benefit
- bit
- bite
- bounty
- budget
- care
- charity
- chunk
- collection
- commission
- compensation
- component
- contingent
- contretemps
- contribution
- cut
- dab
- deal
- destiny
- detachment
- detail
- disbursal
- disbursement
- dispensation
- dispersion
- disposal
- disposition
- distribution
- dividend
- division
- donate
- donation
- dot
- dram
- dribble
- driblet
- dwarf
- end
- farthing
- fate
- fellowship
- fleck
- flyspeck
- fraction
- fragment
- gift
- give
- gobbet
- grain
- grant
- grant-in-aid
- granule
- gratuity
- grief
- groat
- hair
- half
- handful
- handout
- heap
- heartache
- heartbreak
- help
- helping
- installment
- interest
- iota
- issuance
- issue
- item
- jot
- largesse
- little
- lot
- measure
- meed
- mess
- mete
- minim
- minimum
- mischance
- mishap
- mite
- modicum
- moiety
- molecule
- mote
- nutshell
- offer
- offering
- offertory
- ounce
- parcel
- part
- particle
- particular
- pebble
- pension
- percentage
- piece
- pinch
- pittance
- point
- portion
- pour
- present
- proffer
- proportion
- quadrant
- quantum
- quarter
- quota
- rain
- rake-off
- ration
- regret
- relief
- remainder
- render
- rue
- sample
- sampling
- scholarship
- scruple
- section
- sector
- segment
- serve
- share
- shower
- slice
- slip
- smidgen
- snow
- speck
- spoonful
- spot
- stake
- stipend
- stock
- subdivision
- subgroup
- subscription
- subsidization
- subsidy
- subspecies
- subvention
- support
- tender
- thimbleful
- tithe
- tittle
- tragedy
- trivia
- welfare
- whit
- woe
- yield
dole (v.)
- accord
- ace
- administer
- afford
- aid
- allocate
- allot
- allow
- allowance
- alms
- anguish
- apportion
- award
- benefit
- bestow
- bit
- bite
- budget
- care
- chunk
- commission
- communicate
- confer
- cut
- dab
- deal
- detail
- disburse
- dispense
- disperse
- dispose
- distribute
- donate
- dot
- dribble
- dwarf
- end
- extend
- fate
- fleck
- fraction
- fragment
- gift
- give
- grain
- grant
- hair
- heap
- help
- impart
- interest
- issue
- jot
- lavish
- little
- lot
- measure
- mess
- mite
- mote
- offer
- ounce
- parcel
- part
- pension
- piece
- pinch
- point
- portion
- pour
- present
- proffer
- proportion
- quarter
- rain
- ration
- regret
- remainder
- render
- rue
- sample
- scruple
- section
- segment
- serve
- share
- shower
- slice
- slip
- snow
- speck
- spot
- stake
- stock
- subvention
- support
- tender
- tithe
- vouchsafe
- yield
With an auspicious and a dropping eye,
With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage,
In equal scale weighing delight and dole.
Happy man be his dole!
Happy man, happy dole.