piece (n.)
- actor
- adaptation
- air
- alike
- allotment
- allowance
- antagonist
- antihero
- arrangement
- article
- ass
- autograph
- automatic
- babe
- baby
- bait
- ballet
- beat
- bishop
- bit
- bite
- blowgun
- blowpipe
- bolt
- bomb
- brainchild
- breeze
- bric-a-brac
- broad
- budget
- butt
- cast
- castle
- causerie
- character
- charade
- chessman
- chick
- chiding
- chip
- chunk
- cinch
- classic
- clearance
- clip
- clipping
- coil
- coin
- colleen
- collop
- commission
- compass
- composition
- connect
- contingent
- copy
- creation
- crown
- crumb
- cue
- cut
- cutting
- dame
- damoiselle
- damsel
- deal
- demoiselle
- descant
- design
- destiny
- dialogue
- discourse
- discussion
- disquisition
- dissertation
- distance
- ditty
- divergence
- dividend
- division
- document
- dole
- doll
- dollop
- doubloon
- draft
- drama
- draughtsman
- ducat
- duologue
- eagle
- end
- engrossment
- essay
- etude
- examination
- exclusive
- excursus
- exercise
- exposition
- extent
- extravaganza
- failure
- farness
- fate
- feature
- feeder
- fiction
- filly
- firearm
- fix
- flamethrower
- flimsy
- flop
- fraction
- fragment
- frail
- gal
- gat
- gather
- girl
- giveaway
- gob
- gobbet
- grotesque
- guinea
- gun
- half
- handgun
- happening
- harmonization
- heater
- heavy
- heifer
- hell
- helping
- hero
- heroine
- hit
- holding
- holograph
- homily
- hoyden
- hunk
- infinity
- ingenue
- interest
- invention
- jingle
- king
- kitsch
- knight
- lass
- lassie
- lead
- lecture
- leeway
- length
- letter
- literature
- lot
- lucubration
- lump
- mademoiselle
- maid
- maiden
- man
- manuscript
- margin
- masque
- master
- masterpiece
- matter
- measure
- meat
- meed
- melodrama
- melody
- member
- memoir
- mend
- mess
- mileage
- miracle
- miss
- missy
- mobile
- modicum
- moiety
- monograph
- monologue
- morality
- morceau
- morsel
- music
- musket
- mystery
- napoleon
- nocturne
- nonfiction
- note
- nude
- nymphet
- opera
- opus
- orchestration
- original
- outline
- pageant
- pantomime
- paper
- paragraph
- parcel
- parchment
- paring
- part
- particle
- pastiche
- pastoral
- pawn
- percentage
- person
- personage
- perspective
- pistol
- play
- playlet
- poem
- portion
- printout
- production
- prolegomenon
- proportion
- protagonist
- quantity
- quantum
- queen
- quota
- rake-off
- range
- rasher
- ration
- reach
- rebuke
- remnant
- remoteness
- repeater
- report
- reprimand
- review
- revolver
- revue
- rifle
- rod
- role
- roll
- romp
- rook
- rouleau
- run
- sample
- schoolgirl
- scolding
- scoop
- score
- scrap
- screed
- scrip
- script
- scroll
- section
- segment
- separation
- serial
- serving
- shard
- share
- shaving
- shiver
- shotgun
- show
- shred
- side
- sitcom
- six-gun
- six-shooter
- sketch
- skirt
- skit
- slice
- slip
- sliver
- snack
- snap
- snatch
- snip
- snippet
- soap
- sonata
- sonatina
- song
- soubrette
- sovereign
- space
- span
- specie
- specimen
- spectacle
- splinter
- stabile
- stake
- statue
- stitch
- stock
- story
- stretch
- stride
- strip
- stud
- study
- stump
- survey
- swatch
- tableau
- taste
- tatter
- theme
- thesis
- token
- tomato
- tomboy
- tongue-lashing
- tract
- transcript
- transcription
- treatise
- treatment
- trio
- tune
- typescript
- uniform
- unite
- variation
- vaudeville
- vehicle
- version
- villain
- virgin
- virtu
- walk-on
- way
- ways
- wedge
- wench
- work
- writing
piece (v.)
- actor
- air
- allowance
- article
- ass
- assemble
- autograph
- baby
- bait
- beat
- bit
- bite
- bolt
- bomb
- breeze
- budget
- butt
- cast
- castle
- character
- chip
- chunk
- cinch
- clip
- coil
- coin
- collop
- commission
- compass
- compose
- connect
- copy
- crown
- crumb
- crumble
- cue
- cut
- deal
- descant
- design
- discourse
- disintegrate
- distance
- document
- dole
- draft
- eagle
- end
- essay
- exercise
- fate
- feature
- fix
- flop
- fraction
- fragment
- gal
- gather
- gun
- hell
- hit
- hunk
- interest
- jingle
- king
- knight
- lass
- lead
- lecture
- letter
- lines
- lot
- lump
- man
- master
- matter
- measure
- member
- mend
- mess
- miss
- mobile
- music
- note
- nude
- outline
- pantomime
- paper
- paragraph
- parcel
- part
- pawn
- play
- portion
- proportion
- queen
- range
- ration
- reach
- rebuke
- report
- reprimand
- restore
- review
- rifle
- rod
- role
- roll
- romp
- rook
- run
- sample
- scoop
- score
- scrap
- script
- scroll
- section
- segment
- share
- shatter
- shiver
- show
- shred
- side
- sketch
- skirt
- slice
- slip
- sliver
- snack
- snap
- snatch
- snip
- soap
- song
- space
- span
- splinter
- stake
- stitch
- stock
- stretch
- stride
- strip
- stud
- study
- stump
- survey
- taste
- theme
- token
- tract
- tune
- uniform
- unite
- way
- wedge
- wench
- work
piece (adv.)
piece (adj.)
- air
- aleatory
- alike
- ass
- automatic
- beat
- bit
- broad
- broken
- budget
- cast
- chip
- classic
- contingent
- crown
- cut
- cutting
- deal
- destroyed
- distance
- draft
- eagle
- end
- exclusive
- flimsy
- frail
- gal
- grotesque
- half
- harmonious
- heavy
- hit
- holding
- identical
- interest
- king
- lass
- lead
- length
- letter
- lot
- lump
- maiden
- man
- master
- member
- miss
- mobile
- nude
- original
- paring
- part
- pastoral
- person
- play
- range
- ration
- reach
- rod
- roll
- ruined
- run
- score
- script
- section
- serial
- serving
- shattered
- side
- similar
- slip
- smashed
- song
- sovereign
- span
- stabile
- stitch
- stock
- story
- stretch
- taste
- token
- tract
- tune
- uniform
- virgin
- walk-on
- way
- ways
- work
- writing
Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see,
Thinks what ne'er was, nor is, nor e'er shall be.
It can be said of him, when he departed he took a Man's life with him. No sounder piece of British manhood was put together in that eighteenth century of Time.
This goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god!