compass (n.)
- ambience
- ambit
- amount
- annex
- blockade
- bound
- boundaries
- boundary
- bounds
- bourn
- cage
- caliber
- carry
- catch
- ceiling
- chain
- chamber
- circle
- circuit
- circumference
- circumscription
- circumstances
- clearance
- close
- confines
- context
- coop
- cordon
- corral
- cut
- cutoff
- cycle
- deadline
- degree
- delimitation
- determinant
- dial
- diapason
- dig
- dipstick
- discharge
- dispatch
- distance
- divergence
- do
- domain
- effect
- embrace
- enclosure
- end
- entourage
- environment
- environs
- extension
- extent
- extremity
- farness
- fetch
- field
- finish
- flank
- floor
- frontier
- gain
- gamut
- gestalt
- get
- girdle
- goniometer
- grade
- grasp
- gyre
- gyrocompass
- habitat
- have
- hedge
- height
- hem
- infinity
- interface
- interval
- jail
- kennel
- land
- lap
- leaguer
- leap
- leeway
- length
- level
- limen
- limit
- limitation
- limitations
- limits
- line
- log
- make
- march
- marches
- margin
- mark
- measure
- mete
- meterstick
- mew
- micrometer
- mileage
- milieu
- needle
- neighborhood
- notch
- nuance
- octant
- orbit
- outskirts
- pale
- pas
- peg
- pen
- perimeter
- period
- periphery
- perspective
- piece
- pitch
- plane
- plateau
- plumb
- point
- produce
- proportion
- protractor
- purview
- quadrant
- quarantine
- radius
- range
- ratio
- reach
- register
- remoteness
- remove
- restriction
- ring
- rod
- round
- rule
- ruler
- rung
- scale
- scope
- sector
- see
- separation
- sextant
- shade
- shadow
- shrine
- situation
- skirt
- skirts
- space
- span
- spectrum
- sphere
- spiral
- square
- stable
- stair
- standard
- start
- step
- stint
- stretch
- stride
- surround
- surroundings
- sweep
- tape
- tapeline
- temperament
- term
- terminus
- theodolite
- threshold
- transit
- tread
- tuning
- twig
- vernier
- vicinity
- way
- ways
- wheel
- win
- work
- wrap
- yard
- yardstick
compass (v.)
- accept
- accomplish
- achieve
- acquire
- amount
- annex
- attain
- beleaguer
- beset
- besiege
- blockade
- bound
- cage
- carry
- catch
- ceiling
- chain
- chamber
- circle
- circuit
- circulate
- circumambulate
- circumnavigate
- circumvent
- close
- comprehend
- confine
- consummate
- contain
- coop
- corral
- cut
- cycle
- dial
- dig
- discharge
- dispatch
- distance
- do
- effect
- effectuate
- embrace
- enact
- encircle
- enclose
- encompass
- end
- enfold
- enshrine
- envelop
- environ
- enwrap
- execute
- fetch
- field
- finish
- flank
- floor
- fulfill
- gain
- get
- gird
- girdle
- grade
- grasp
- have
- hedge
- hem
- impound
- imprison
- incarcerate
- include
- invest
- involve
- jail
- kennel
- land
- lap
- leaguer
- leap
- level
- limit
- line
- log
- make
- manage
- march
- mark
- measure
- mew
- needle
- notch
- obtain
- orbit
- pale
- peg
- pen
- perform
- piece
- pitch
- plane
- plumb
- point
- procure
- produce
- proportion
- quarantine
- range
- reach
- realize
- register
- remove
- revolve
- ring
- rod
- round
- rule
- scale
- scope
- secure
- see
- shade
- shadow
- shrine
- skirt
- space
- span
- spiral
- square
- stable
- start
- step
- stint
- stretch
- stride
- succeed
- surround
- sweep
- tape
- term
- transit
- tread
- twig
- understand
- way
- wheel
- win
- work
- wrap
A narrow compass! and yet there
Dwelt all that's good, and all that's fair;
Give me but what this riband bound,
Take all the rest the sun goes round.
Though pleased to see the dolphins play,
I mind my compass and my way.
There are no points of the compass on the chart of true patriotism.
Free-livers on a small scale, who are prodigal within the compass of a guinea.
From harmony, from heavenly harmony,
This universal frame began:
From harmony to harmony
Through all the compass of the notes it ran,
The diapason closing full in Man.