scale (n.)
- amount
- amplitude
- area
- array
- articulation
- atlas
- balance
- bank
- barometer
- beam
- bigness
- board
- body
- breach
- breadth
- break
- breakage
- bulk
- burst
- bust
- buzz
- cake
- caliber
- calibration
- canon
- carry
- cartographer
- cartography
- catena
- catenation
- chain
- chart
- check
- chip
- clamber
- cleft
- climb
- coat
- coating
- compass
- concatenation
- connection
- continuum
- course
- coverage
- crack
- criterion
- crust
- cut
- cycle
- dandruff
- decrease
- degree
- depth
- descent
- diameter
- diapason
- dimension
- doorstep
- drone
- enamel
- encrustation
- escalade
- eschar
- expanse
- expansion
- extension
- extent
- facing
- file
- filiation
- film
- fissure
- flake
- floccule
- flock
- footrest
- footstep
- foray
- fracture
- fur
- gamut
- gap
- gauge
- girth
- globe
- gradation
- grade
- graduation
- greatness
- hachure
- height
- hierarchy
- hum
- imbrication
- increase
- incrustation
- index
- inroad
- interval
- lacquer
- ladder
- lamella
- lamina
- laminate
- largeness
- latitude
- layer
- leap
- legend
- length
- level
- line
- lineage
- longitude
- lower
- magnitude
- map
- mapper
- mark
- mass
- measure
- measurement
- meridian
- model
- monotone
- mount
- nexus
- norm
- notch
- nuance
- overlay
- paint
- parallel
- parameter
- paring
- pas
- pattern
- peel
- peg
- pellicle
- pendulum
- period
- periodicity
- pitch
- plane
- plaque
- plate
- plateau
- plenum
- point
- progression
- projection
- proportion
- proportions
- quantity
- queue
- radius
- raid
- raise
- ramp
- range
- rank
- ranking
- rate
- ratio
- reach
- reading
- readout
- recurrence
- register
- remove
- rent
- rest
- reticulation
- revetment
- rift
- rip
- riser
- rotation
- round
- routine
- row
- rule
- run
- rundle
- rung
- rupture
- scab
- scales
- scope
- scum
- scurf
- scute
- sequence
- series
- shade
- shadow
- shaving
- shell
- shin
- shinny
- size
- skin
- slash
- slice
- slit
- snap
- space
- spectrum
- splinter
- split
- spoke
- spread
- stair
- stalactite
- stalagmite
- standard
- stave
- step
- stepladder
- stint
- storm
- stretch
- string
- strip
- succession
- swath
- sweep
- tartar
- tear
- temperament
- test
- thread
- tier
- topography
- touchstone
- train
- tread
- tuning
- type
- value
- varnish
- veneer
- volume
- weighbridge
- width
- yardstick
scale (v.)
- adjust
- amount
- array
- ascend
- balance
- bank
- beam
- board
- body
- breach
- break
- bulk
- burst
- bust
- buzz
- cake
- carry
- chain
- chart
- check
- chip
- clamber
- climb
- coat
- compass
- course
- crack
- crust
- cut
- cycle
- decorticate
- decrease
- desquamate
- dimension
- diminish
- drone
- enamel
- enlarge
- escalade
- escalate
- exfoliate
- file
- film
- fissure
- flake
- flock
- foray
- fracture
- fur
- gap
- gauge
- girth
- globe
- grade
- hum
- increase
- index
- inundate
- invade
- lacquer
- ladder
- laminate
- layer
- leap
- level
- line
- lower
- magnitude
- map
- mark
- mass
- measure
- model
- mount
- notch
- overlay
- overwhelm
- paint
- parallel
- pattern
- peel
- peg
- pitch
- plane
- plate
- point
- proportion
- prorate
- queue
- raid
- raise
- ramp
- range
- rank
- rate
- reach
- reduce
- register
- regulate
- remove
- rent
- rest
- rift
- rip
- round
- row
- rule
- run
- rundle
- rupture
- scab
- scope
- scum
- sequence
- shade
- shadow
- shell
- shin
- shinny
- size
- skin
- slash
- slice
- slit
- snap
- space
- splinter
- split
- spread
- stave
- step
- stint
- storm
- stratify
- stretch
- string
- strip
- surmount
- sweep
- tear
- test
- thread
- train
- tread
- type
- value
- varnish
- veneer
scale (adj.)
- amount
- beam
- board
- bust
- buzz
- carry
- chain
- chip
- cleft
- course
- crack
- cut
- descent
- facing
- grade
- height
- hum
- length
- level
- line
- mark
- mass
- meridian
- model
- monotone
- mount
- notch
- parallel
- paring
- peg
- plane
- point
- raid
- range
- rank
- ranking
- rate
- reach
- rent
- rest
- rift
- rip
- round
- routine
- row
- run
- rung
- series
- size
- split
- spoke
- spread
- stair
- standard
- step
- stretch
- string
- test
Free-livers on a small scale, who are prodigal within the compass of a guinea.
For he by geometric scale
Could take the size of pots of ale.
Poetic Justice, with her lifted scale,
Where in nice balance truth with gold she weighs,
And solid pudding against empty praise.
With an auspicious and a dropping eye,
With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage,
In equal scale weighing delight and dole.