crack (n.)
- abrasion
- abysm
- abyss
- ace
- address
- adept
- allegation
- alligator
- answer
- aperture
- aphorism
- apostrophe
- apothegm
- approach
- arroyo
- assay
- assertion
- attempt
- averment
- band
- bang
- bar
- bark
- bash
- bastinado
- bat
- beating
- belt
- bezel
- bid
- biff
- birthmark
- bit
- blackhead
- blast
- blaze
- bleb
- blemish
- blister
- blow
- boom
- bottom
- brand
- bravura
- breach
- break
- breakage
- breath
- breathing
- broach
- bug
- bulla
- bump
- burn
- burst
- bust
- canal
- canyon
- cast
- catch
- cavity
- chafe
- chamfer
- channel
- chap
- char
- chase
- chasm
- check
- chimney
- chink
- chip
- chisel
- chop
- cicatrix
- clack
- clap
- clash
- claw
- clean
- clearing
- cleft
- click
- clip
- clobber
- clout
- clump
- coal
- col
- comeback
- comedo
- comment
- conceit
- concussion
- corrugation
- coup
- crack
- crackerjack
- cracking
- crackle
- crackling
- cranny
- crash
- crater
- craze
- crepitation
- crevasse
- crevice
- crimp
- cunning
- cupel
- cut
- cute
- cwm
- dado
- daedal
- dash
- deal
- deck
- declaration
- decrepitation
- defacement
- defect
- defection
- deficiency
- defile
- deformation
- deformity
- dell
- detonation
- dictum
- dig
- dike
- dint
- discharge
- disclosure
- discontinuity
- disfiguration
- disfigurement
- distortion
- ditch
- divaricate
- divide
- divine
- do
- dope
- draw
- drawback
- drollery
- drubbing
- drumming
- dump
- earreach
- earshot
- effort
- endeavor
- engraving
- epigram
- essay
- excavation
- exclamation
- experiment
- expert
- explosion
- expression
- failing
- failure
- fancy
- fathom
- fault
- fenestra
- fetch
- fissure
- fistula
- flame
- flap
- flash
- flaw
- fleer
- fling
- flip
- flop
- flume
- flute
- fluting
- foible
- fontanel
- foolery
- foramen
- found
- fracture
- frailty
- fray
- frazzle
- freckle
- fret
- fulminate
- fulmination
- furrow
- fusillade
- gag
- gall
- gambit
- gap
- gape
- gash
- gat
- get
- gibe
- go
- goffer
- good
- gorge
- gouge
- greeting
- groove
- guess
- gulch
- gulf
- gully
- gunshot
- hair
- hairsbreadth
- handy
- hemangioma
- hiatus
- hickey
- hit
- hole
- hollow
- hurt
- imperfection
- inadequacy
- inch
- incision
- infirmity
- injury
- inlet
- instant
- interjection
- interstice
- interval
- jab
- jape
- jeer
- jest
- jiffy
- joint
- keloid
- kink
- knock
- laceration
- lacuna
- leak
- leg-pull
- lentigo
- lesion
- lick
- list
- little
- mar
- master
- maul
- mention
- microsecond
- milium
- millisecond
- minute
- moat
- mock
- mole
- moment
- mot
- move
- mutilation
- neat
- nevus
- niche
- notch
- note
- nullah
- observation
- offer
- ope
- open
- opening
- orifice
- outlet
- parch
- part
- pass
- passage
- passageway
- paste
- pelt
- percussion
- persiflage
- phrase
- pierce
- pimple
- pit
- pleasantry
- pleat
- plow
- plumb
- plunk
- pock
- pockmark
- poke
- politic
- pop
- pore
- position
- potshot
- pound
- problem
- professional
- pronouncement
- punch
- puncture
- pustule
- put-down
- put-on
- question
- quick
- quip
- rabbet
- rap
- ravel
- ravine
- ready
- reflection
- remark
- rend
- rent
- repartee
- report
- resolve
- retort
- riddle
- rifle
- rifling
- rift
- rime
- rip
- riposte
- rive
- ruck
- run
- rupture
- rut
- sally
- salvo
- savage
- say
- saying
- scab
- scald
- scale
- scar
- scintillation
- scissure
- scoff
- scorch
- score
- scotch
- scrape
- scratch
- scuff
- scurrility
- seam
- sec
- second
- sentence
- separate
- shake
- shiver
- shortcoming
- shot
- show
- singe
- skin
- slam
- slap
- slash
- slat
- slice
- slick
- slit
- slot
- slug
- smack
- smash
- snag
- snap
- soak
- sock
- solder
- solve
- some
- sore
- space
- span
- spit
- spitting
- splat
- splinter
- split
- splitting
- sprain
- spread
- stab
- stagger
- start
- statement
- step
- stick
- stoma
- strain
- streak
- stria
- striate
- striation
- strike
- stripe
- striping
- stroke
- sty
- sulcus
- superior
- swap
- swat
- swing
- swipe
- taint
- tap
- tattoo
- taunt
- tear
- thought
- thump
- thwack
- tick
- time
- track
- trauma
- trench
- trial
- trice
- trough
- try
- twinkle
- twinkling
- twist
- twit
- twitch
- undertaking
- undo
- unlock
- utterance
- valley
- verruca
- vesicle
- virtuoso
- void
- volley
- wadi
- wale
- wallop
- warp
- wart
- weakness
- weal
- weld
- welt
- wen
- whack
- whirl
- whitehead
- whop
- wink
- wisecrack
- witticism
- word
- work
- wound
- wrench
- wrinkle
- yak
- yawn
crack (v.)
- abrade
- ace
- address
- allegorize
- alligator
- answer
- approach
- apt
- assay
- attempt
- band
- bang
- bar
- bark
- bash
- bastinado
- bat
- belt
- bid
- biff
- bit
- blast
- blaze
- blemish
- blister
- bloody
- blow
- bonk
- boom
- bottom
- brand
- breach
- break
- breath
- broach
- bug
- bump
- burn
- burst
- bust
- canal
- canalize
- carve
- cast
- catch
- cauterize
- chafe
- chamfer
- channel
- chap
- char
- chase
- check
- chink
- chip
- chisel
- chop
- cicatrize
- clack
- clap
- clarify
- clash
- claw
- clean
- cleave
- click
- clip
- clobber
- clout
- clump
- coal
- coldcock
- comment
- corrugate
- coup
- crack
- cracking
- crackle
- crash
- craze
- crepitate
- crimp
- crump
- cut
- cute
- dado
- dash
- deal
- debug
- decipher
- deck
- decode
- decrepitate
- decrypt
- deface
- defect
- defile
- deform
- demonstrate
- demythologize
- detonate
- dig
- dike
- discharge
- disentangle
- disfigure
- disintegrate
- distort
- ditch
- divaricate
- divide
- divine
- do
- dope
- draw
- drub
- dump
- elucidate
- endeavor
- engrave
- enlighten
- essay
- exemplify
- exfoliate
- experiment
- explain
- explicate
- explode
- exposit
- expound
- fancy
- fathom
- fault
- fetch
- fissure
- flame
- flap
- flash
- flaw
- fleer
- fling
- flip
- flop
- flout
- flute
- found
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- freckle
- fret
- fulminate
- furrow
- fusillade
- gag
- gall
- gap
- gape
- gash
- get
- gibe
- go
- goffer
- good
- gorge
- gouge
- groove
- guess
- gulf
- hair
- handy
- hit
- hole
- hollow
- hurt
- illuminate
- illustrate
- inch
- incise
- injure
- interpret
- jab
- jeer
- jest
- joint
- kink
- knock
- lacerate
- leak
- lick
- list
- little
- maim
- mar
- master
- maul
- mention
- minute
- mock
- move
- mutilate
- notch
- note
- offer
- ope
- open
- oxidate
- oxidize
- parch
- part
- pass
- paste
- pelt
- phrase
- pierce
- pit
- pleat
- plow
- plumb
- plunk
- pock
- pockmark
- poke
- pop
- popularize
- pore
- position
- pound
- punch
- puncture
- question
- quip
- rabbet
- rap
- rationalize
- ravel
- ready
- remark
- rend
- rent
- report
- resolve
- retort
- riddle
- rifle
- rift
- rime
- rip
- riposte
- rive
- ruck
- run
- rupture
- rut
- sally
- savage
- say
- scab
- scald
- scale
- scar
- scarify
- scoff
- scorch
- score
- scotch
- scrape
- scratch
- scuff
- seam
- sear
- second
- sentence
- separate
- shake
- shatter
- shiver
- show
- simplify
- singe
- skin
- slam
- slap
- slash
- slat
- slice
- slick
- slit
- slog
- slot
- slug
- smack
- smash
- smite
- snag
- snap
- soak
- sock
- solder
- solve
- space
- span
- spit
- splat
- splinter
- split
- sprain
- spread
- stab
- stagger
- start
- step
- stick
- strain
- streak
- striate
- strike
- stripe
- stroke
- sty
- superior
- swap
- swat
- swing
- swinge
- swipe
- taint
- tap
- tattoo
- taunt
- tear
- thump
- thwack
- tick
- time
- track
- traumatize
- trench
- trice
- try
- twinkle
- twist
- twit
- twitch
- undo
- unfold
- unlock
- unravel
- unscramble
- untangle
- untwist
- unweave
- vesicate
- void
- volley
- vulcanize
- wallop
- warp
- wart
- weld
- welt
- whack
- wham
- whap
- whirl
- whomp
- whop
- wink
- wisecrack
- word
- work
- wound
- wrench
- wrinkle
- yak
- yawn
crack (adj.)
- ace
- adept
- adroit
- apt
- artistic
- authoritative
- band
- bang
- bar
- belt
- bid
- bit
- blaze
- bloody
- blow
- bottom
- breathing
- brilliant
- broach
- burn
- bust
- cast
- channel
- chip
- clean
- cleft
- clever
- coal
- coordinated
- crack
- cracking
- crackle
- cunning
- cut
- cute
- daedal
- dash
- deal
- deft
- dexterous
- dextrous
- dig
- diplomatic
- ditch
- divine
- do
- excellent
- expert
- failing
- fancy
- fault
- flame
- flash
- fling
- flip
- found
- gape
- get
- go
- good
- goodish
- graceful
- handy
- high-class
- high-grade
- hit
- hole
- hollow
- hurt
- ingenious
- instant
- joint
- knock
- lacerate
- leak
- lick
- list
- little
- magisterial
- mar
- master
- masterful
- masterly
- minute
- mock
- moment
- neat
- notch
- ope
- open
- opening
- part
- pass
- pit
- plumb
- poke
- politic
- pop
- pore
- pound
- professional
- proficient
- question
- quick
- ready
- rend
- rent
- resourceful
- rifling
- rift
- rime
- rip
- ruck
- run
- rut
- savage
- say
- scale
- score
- scotch
- sear
- sec
- second
- separate
- shot
- sizzling
- skilled
- skillful
- slick
- some
- sore
- span
- split
- splitting
- spread
- start
- statesmanlike
- step
- stick
- streak
- striate
- sty
- stylish
- superior
- tactful
- tap
- tentative
- thought
- tick
- time
- track
- trial
- try
- twinkling
- virtuoso
- void
- wart
- well-done
- whack
- work
- workmanlike
- wound
What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?
You think they are crusaders sent
From some infernal clime,
To pluck the eyes of sentiment
And dock the tail of Rhyme,
To crack the voice of Melody
And break the legs of Time.
Should the whole frame of Nature round him break,
In ruin and confusion hurled,
He, unconcerned, would hear the mighty crack,
And stand secure amidst a falling world.
Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!