try (n.)
- aim
- annoy
- approach
- assay
- attempt
- bid
- bolt
- bother
- burden
- chance
- check
- clear
- crack
- criterion
- crucible
- dab
- determination
- distress
- effort
- endeavor
- engage
- essay
- experiment
- extract
- filter
- filtrate
- fling
- gambit
- go
- harrow
- hassle
- hear
- hope
- irk
- jab
- judge
- leach
- lick
- load
- martyr
- move
- offer
- ordeal
- overburden
- overload
- pain
- percolate
- pop
- probation
- proof
- rack
- referee
- research
- sample
- screen
- seek
- separate
- shot
- sieve
- slap
- stab
- stagger
- standard
- step
- strain
- stress
- strike
- striving
- stroke
- struggle
- sublimate
- taste
- test
- torment
- torture
- touchstone
- trial
- trouble
- umpire
- undertaking
- venture
- verification
- vex
- whack
- whirl
- winnow
- wring
try (v.)
- agonize
- aim
- annoy
- appraise
- approach
- arbitrate
- aspire
- assay
- attempt
- bid
- bolt
- bother
- burden
- chance
- check
- clarify
- clear
- confirm
- crack
- crucify
- dab
- demonstrate
- distill
- distress
- edulcorate
- elute
- endeavor
- engage
- essay
- examine
- excruciate
- experiment
- extract
- filter
- filtrate
- fling
- go
- harass
- harrow
- hassle
- hear
- hope
- inspect
- irk
- jab
- judge
- leach
- lick
- load
- martyr
- move
- offer
- officiate
- oppress
- overburden
- overload
- pain
- percolate
- pop
- proof
- prove
- purify
- rack
- rectify
- referee
- refine
- research
- sample
- screen
- scrutinize
- seek
- separate
- sieve
- sift
- slap
- spiritualize
- stab
- stagger
- step
- strain
- stress
- strike
- strive
- stroke
- struggle
- sublimate
- sublime
- substantiate
- taste
- test
- torment
- torture
- trouble
- umpire
- undertake
- validate
- venture
- verify
- vex
- weigh
- whack
- whirl
- winnow
- wring
try (adv.)
try (adj.)
Try first thyself, and after call in God;
For to the worker God himself lends aid.
These are the times that try men's souls.
We are ready to try our fortunes
To the last man.
Let the end try the man.