essay (n.)
- approach
- article
- assay
- attempt
- autograph
- bid
- brainchild
- causerie
- chance
- composition
- copy
- crack
- criterion
- crucible
- descant
- determination
- discourse
- discussion
- disquisition
- dissertation
- document
- draft
- effort
- endeavor
- engage
- engrossment
- etude
- examination
- excursus
- exertion
- experiment
- explication
- exposition
- feature
- fiction
- flimsy
- fling
- gambit
- go
- hassle
- holograph
- homily
- labor
- letter
- lick
- literature
- lucubration
- manuscript
- matter
- memoir
- monograph
- morceau
- move
- nonfiction
- note
- offer
- opus
- ordeal
- original
- outline
- paper
- paragraph
- parchment
- piece
- play
- poem
- printout
- probation
- production
- prolegomenon
- proof
- research
- sample
- screed
- scrip
- script
- scroll
- seek
- shot
- sketch
- stab
- standard
- step
- striving
- stroke
- struggle
- study
- survey
- tackle
- taste
- test
- theme
- thesis
- toil
- touchstone
- tract
- transcript
- transcription
- travail
- treatise
- treatment
- trial
- try
- typescript
- undertaking
- venture
- verification
- version
- whack
- work
- writing
essay (v.)
- approach
- article
- assay
- attempt
- autograph
- bid
- chance
- confirm
- copy
- crack
- descant
- discourse
- document
- draft
- endeavor
- engage
- experiment
- feature
- fling
- go
- hassle
- labor
- letter
- lick
- matter
- move
- note
- offer
- outline
- paper
- paragraph
- piece
- play
- proof
- prove
- research
- sample
- script
- scroll
- seek
- sketch
- stab
- step
- strive
- stroke
- struggle
- study
- substantiate
- survey
- tackle
- taste
- test
- theme
- toil
- tract
- travail
- try
- undertake
- validate
- venture
- verify
- whack
- work
Of seeming arms to make a short essay,
Then hasten to be drunk,—the business of the day.