trial (n.)
- adversity
- affliction
- aggravation
- agony
- anguish
- annoyance
- approach
- arrangement
- assay
- assize
- attempt
- audition
- bane
- bedevilment
- bid
- blight
- bore
- bother
- botheration
- bout
- briefing
- bummer
- calvary
- care
- check
- complication
- contest
- control
- court-martial
- crack
- criterion
- cross
- cross-examination
- crucible
- curse
- deltoid
- derby
- determination
- devilment
- difficulty
- distress
- downer
- drag
- dual
- effort
- empiricism
- encounter
- endeavor
- engagement
- enquiry
- equipment
- essay
- exam
- examen
- examination
- exasperation
- experiment
- experimentalism
- experimentation
- familiarization
- fight
- final
- fixing
- fling
- foundation
- gambit
- game
- games
- go
- grief
- groundwork
- gymkhana
- harassment
- hardship
- hassle
- headache
- hearing
- heartbreak
- heuristic
- inquest
- inquiry
- inquisition
- irritant
- irritation
- joust
- lawsuit
- lick
- litigation
- makeready
- manufacture
- match
- matching
- meet
- meeting
- midterm
- misery
- misfortune
- mistrial
- mobilization
- molestation
- move
- nuisance
- number
- offer
- oral
- ordeal
- persecution
- pest
- pilot
- plague
- planning
- plight
- plural
- pragmatism
- prearrangement
- predicament
- prelim
- preliminary
- prep
- preparation
- prerequisite
- pressure
- probation
- problem
- processing
- proof
- propaedeutic
- proving
- provision
- quiz
- rally
- readying
- rigor
- sample
- shot
- singular
- sorrow
- spadework
- stab
- standard
- step
- stress
- stroke
- suffering
- test
- testing
- three
- tilt
- touchstone
- tournament
- tourney
- training
- treatment
- tribulation
- trine
- triple
- triplex
- tripos
- trouble
- try
- tryout
- undertaking
- venture
- verification
- vexation
- vicissitude
- visitation
- viva
- warm-up
- whack
- whirl
- willing
- woe
- worriment
- worry
trial (adj.)
- bane
- bid
- bore
- bout
- care
- conditional
- crack
- cross
- deltoid
- determined
- dogging
- dual
- empirical
- experimental
- exploratory
- fan-shaped
- final
- fixing
- fling
- game
- go
- hearing
- heuristic
- hit-or-miss
- lick
- matching
- meet
- meeting
- oral
- plural
- preliminary
- prerequisite
- pressure
- probationary
- probative
- probatory
- proof
- propaedeutic
- proving
- provisional
- resolute
- shot
- singular
- standard
- step
- suffering
- tentative
- test
- three
- tilt
- training
- trial-and-error
- triangular
- trinal
- trine
- triple
- triplex
- triune
- try
- trying
- venturesome
- verificatory
- whack
- willing
- written
Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations,—entangling alliances with none; the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns, and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies; the preservation of the general government in its whole constitutional vigour, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad; . . . . freedom of religion; freedom of the press; freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected,—these principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us, and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation.