distress (n.)
- abashment
- abuse
- ache
- aching
- adversity
- affliction
- agitation
- agony
- ail
- amercement
- angst
- anguish
- annexation
- annoy
- anxiety
- anxiousness
- apprehension
- apprehensiveness
- attachment
- bite
- bitterness
- bleakness
- blight
- blow
- bother
- burden
- burn
- calamity
- care
- catastrophe
- chafe
- chagrin
- cheerlessness
- collectivization
- communization
- concern
- confiscation
- confusion
- cramp
- cross
- curse
- cut
- damage
- damages
- defile
- depression
- desolation
- difficulty
- disadvantage
- disaster
- discomfiture
- discomfort
- discomposure
- disconcertion
- disconcertment
- dismay
- disquiet
- disquietude
- distraint
- distressfulness
- disturbance
- dolor
- doom
- dread
- dreariness
- embarrassment
- encumbrance
- escheat
- execution
- exigency
- expropriation
- fear
- fester
- fine
- foreboding
- forfeit
- forfeiture
- frazzle
- fret
- gall
- garnishment
- grate
- grief
- grievance
- grind
- gripe
- hardship
- harm
- harrow
- harry
- heartache
- heartbreak
- hex
- hurt
- hurting
- impecuniousness
- impoundment
- impressment
- inconvenience
- infliction
- injury
- inquietude
- insolvency
- irk
- jinx
- joylessness
- lament
- lamentation
- lesion
- levy
- load
- malaise
- martyr
- menace
- misery
- misfortune
- misgiving
- mortification
- mournfulness
- mulct
- nationalization
- nervousness
- nip
- oppression
- outrage
- overanxiety
- pain
- painfulness
- pang
- pass
- passion
- pathos
- perturbation
- pierce
- pinch
- plague
- poignancy
- poison
- poorness
- pother
- poverty
- prejudice
- prick
- pucker
- puzzle
- rack
- rasp
- rigor
- rub
- sadness
- savage
- scathe
- sconce
- sequestration
- sharpness
- shock
- socialization
- solicitude
- sore
- sorrow
- sorrowfulness
- spasm
- stab
- stew
- sting
- strain
- strait
- straits
- stress
- stroke
- suffering
- suspense
- taint
- tension
- thorn
- throes
- torment
- torture
- tragedy
- trial
- tribulation
- trouble
- try
- tweak
- twinge
- twist
- uneasiness
- unhappiness
- upset
- vex
- vexation
- vicissitude
- visitation
- weight
- woe
- woefulness
- worry
- wound
- wrench
- wretchedness
- wring
- wrong
- zeal
distress (v.)
- abuse
- ache
- afflict
- aggrieve
- agitate
- agonize
- ail
- anguish
- annoy
- befoul
- beset
- bewitch
- bite
- blight
- blow
- bother
- burden
- burn
- care
- chafe
- chagrin
- concern
- condemn
- constrain
- convulse
- corrupt
- cramp
- cross
- crucify
- curse
- cut
- damage
- defile
- deprave
- depress
- despoil
- destroy
- disadvantage
- discommode
- discountenance
- dismay
- disquiet
- disturb
- doom
- dread
- envenom
- excruciate
- fear
- fester
- fine
- forfeit
- frazzle
- fret
- gall
- gnaw
- grate
- grieve
- grind
- gripe
- harass
- harm
- harrow
- harry
- hex
- hurt
- impair
- inconvenience
- infect
- inflame
- injure
- irk
- irritate
- jinx
- lacerate
- lament
- levy
- load
- maltreat
- martyr
- martyrize
- menace
- mistreat
- molest
- mourn
- mulct
- nip
- oppress
- outrage
- pain
- pang
- pass
- perplex
- persecute
- perturb
- pester
- pierce
- pinch
- plague
- poison
- pollute
- pother
- prejudice
- prick
- pucker
- puzzle
- rack
- rankle
- rasp
- rub
- savage
- sconce
- shock
- sorrow
- stab
- stew
- sting
- strain
- stress
- stroke
- taint
- threaten
- torment
- torture
- trouble
- try
- tweak
- twinge
- twist
- upset
- vex
- violate
- weigh
- weight
- worry
- wound
- wrench
- wring
- wrong
Affliction's sons are brothers in distress;
A brother to relieve,—how exquisite the bliss!
Of blessed consolations in distress.