ache (n.)
- aching
- ail
- angina
- anguish
- backache
- bellyache
- bleed
- blow
- cephalalgia
- chilblains
- chill
- chilliness
- chilling
- colic
- collywobbles
- cramp
- creeps
- cryopathy
- cut
- distress
- dolor
- earache
- fret
- frostbite
- gooseflesh
- grief
- grimace
- gripe
- gripes
- hanker
- headache
- heartburn
- hemicrania
- horripilation
- hunger
- hurt
- injury
- kibe
- lesion
- long
- longing
- megrim
- migraine
- misery
- mope
- odontalgia
- otalgia
- pain
- pang
- passion
- pine
- pound
- pounding
- pyrosis
- rack
- shivering
- shock
- shoot
- shrink
- smart
- smarting
- sore
- soreness
- sorrow
- spasm
- sting
- stitch
- stomachache
- stress
- stroke
- suffering
- thrill
- throb
- throbbing
- throes
- tingle
- toothache
- twinge
- twitch
- wince
- wound
- wrench
ache (v.)
- agonize
- ail
- anguish
- bellyache
- blanch
- bleed
- blench
- blow
- chill
- cramp
- crave
- cut
- distress
- fret
- grieve
- grimace
- gripe
- hanker
- hunger
- hurt
- long
- mope
- mourn
- pain
- pang
- pine
- pound
- rack
- shock
- shoot
- shrink
- smart
- sorrow
- sting
- stitch
- stress
- stroke
- suffer
- thrill
- throb
- tingle
- twinge
- twitch
- wince
- wound
- wrench
- writhe
- yearn
Charm ache with air, and agony with words.
The weariest and most loathed worldly life
That age, ache, penury, and imprisonment
Can lay on nature, is a paradise
To what we fear of death.
Some things are of that nature as to make
One's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache.