fret (n.)
- ache
- achievement
- aching
- ail
- angina
- annoy
- annulet
- arabesque
- argent
- armory
- arms
- arouse
- azure
- backache
- bandeau
- bar
- bark
- basketry
- baton
- beat
- beef
- bellyache
- bend
- billet
- bitch
- bite
- blazon
- blazonry
- bleed
- blemish
- bluster
- boil
- bother
- break
- bristle
- brood
- bug
- burn
- cancellation
- canton
- cephalalgia
- chafe
- chaplet
- charge
- check
- chevron
- chief
- chip
- churn
- clamor
- claw
- cockatrice
- cockle
- colic
- collywobbles
- concern
- coronet
- crab
- crack
- craze
- crescent
- crest
- croak
- cross
- crown
- cut
- device
- difference
- dimple
- disquiet
- distress
- dither
- dog
- dudgeon
- eagle
- earache
- embitterment
- erase
- ermine
- escutcheon
- exacerbation
- exercise
- falcon
- ferment
- fess
- fester
- field
- file
- filigree
- flap
- fleur-de-lis
- flurry
- fluster
- flutter
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- fretwork
- fume
- fur
- fusil
- fuss
- gall
- garland
- gash
- grate
- grating
- gravel
- graze
- grid
- gridiron
- griffin
- grille
- grillwork
- grind
- gripe
- gripes
- grit
- groan
- grouch
- grouse
- growl
- grumble
- grump
- grunt
- hachure
- harrow
- harry
- hassle
- hatching
- haunt
- headache
- heartburn
- helmet
- hemicrania
- holler
- hound
- howl
- huff
- hurt
- impalement
- incense
- irk
- irritant
- irritation
- kick
- label
- lace
- lacework
- lacing
- lather
- lattice
- latticework
- lion
- lozenge
- mantling
- martyr
- maul
- megrim
- mesh
- meshwork
- metal
- miff
- migraine
- mope
- motto
- mullet
- murmur
- mutter
- nag
- net
- netting
- nettle
- network
- nip
- odontalgia
- or
- ordinary
- otalgia
- paddle
- pain
- pale
- pean
- peeve
- pet
- pierce
- pinch
- pine
- pique
- plague
- plexus
- pother
- prick
- provocation
- pucker
- puncture
- pyrosis
- quarter
- quartering
- rack
- raddle
- rage
- rant
- rasp
- rave
- raze
- rend
- reticle
- reticulation
- reticule
- reticulum
- riddle
- riffle
- rile
- rip
- ripple
- roil
- rose
- rub
- ruffle
- run
- rupture
- sable
- saltire
- savage
- scald
- scorch
- scotch
- scour
- scrape
- scratch
- screen
- screening
- scrub
- scuff
- scutcheon
- shake
- shield
- sieve
- simmer
- sizzle
- skin
- slash
- slit
- smoke
- smolder
- sorrow
- sprain
- squawk
- squirm
- stab
- stew
- stick
- sting
- stir
- stomachache
- storm
- strain
- sulk
- sweat
- swirl
- swivet
- tatter
- tear
- texture
- tiff
- tincture
- tissue
- tizzy
- toothache
- torment
- torture
- tracery
- trellis
- tweak
- twist
- unicorn
- upset
- vert
- vex
- wattle
- wear
- weather
- weave
- weaving
- web
- webbing
- weft
- whine
- whip
- whisk
- wicker
- wickerwork
- worry
- wound
- wreath
- wrench
- wring
- yale
- yap
- yelp
fret (v.)
- ablate
- abrade
- abrase
- ache
- afflict
- aggravate
- agitate
- agonize
- ail
- annoy
- arms
- arouse
- azure
- bar
- bark
- beat
- beef
- bellyache
- bend
- beset
- billet
- bitch
- bite
- blazon
- bleed
- blemish
- bloody
- bluster
- boil
- bother
- break
- bristle
- brood
- bug
- burn
- canton
- chafe
- charge
- check
- chip
- churn
- clamor
- claw
- cockle
- complain
- concern
- convulse
- crab
- crack
- craze
- crest
- croak
- cross
- crown
- crucify
- cut
- dimple
- disarrange
- discompose
- disquiet
- distress
- disturb
- dither
- dog
- eagle
- embitter
- erase
- ermine
- erode
- exacerbate
- exasperate
- excite
- excoriate
- excruciate
- exercise
- falcon
- ferment
- fess
- fester
- field
- file
- filigree
- flap
- flurry
- fluster
- flutter
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- fume
- fur
- fuss
- gall
- garland
- gash
- gnaw
- grate
- gravel
- graze
- grieve
- grind
- gripe
- grit
- groan
- grouch
- grouse
- growl
- grumble
- grunt
- harass
- harrow
- harry
- hassle
- hasten
- haunt
- holler
- hound
- howl
- huff
- hurt
- incense
- incise
- inflame
- injure
- irk
- irritate
- kick
- label
- lace
- lacerate
- lather
- lion
- maim
- martyr
- martyrize
- maul
- mesh
- metal
- miff
- mope
- mourn
- murmur
- mutilate
- mutter
- nag
- net
- nettle
- network
- niggle
- nip
- or
- paddle
- pain
- pale
- peeve
- persecute
- perturb
- pester
- pet
- pierce
- pinch
- pine
- pique
- plague
- pother
- prick
- provoke
- pucker
- puncture
- quarter
- rack
- raddle
- rage
- rankle
- rant
- rasp
- rave
- raze
- rend
- riddle
- riffle
- rile
- rip
- ripple
- roil
- rose
- roughen
- rub
- ruffle
- rumple
- run
- rupture
- sable
- savage
- scald
- scorch
- scotch
- scour
- scrape
- scratch
- screen
- scrub
- scuff
- seethe
- shake
- shield
- sieve
- simmer
- sizzle
- skin
- slash
- slit
- smoke
- smolder
- sorrow
- sprain
- squawk
- squirm
- stab
- stew
- stick
- sting
- stir
- storm
- strain
- sulk
- sweat
- swirl
- tear
- tincture
- tissue
- torment
- torture
- traumatize
- trellis
- tweak
- twist
- upset
- vert
- vex
- wattle
- wear
- weather
- weave
- weaving
- web
- whine
- whip
- whisk
- worry
- wound
- wrench
- wring
- yap
- yelp
He was one of a lean body and visage, as if his eager soul, biting for anger at the clog of his body, desired to fret a passage through it.
What more felicitie can fall to creature
Than to enjoy delight with libertie,
And to be lord of all the workes of Nature,
To raine in th' aire from earth to highest skie,
To feed on flowres and weeds of glorious feature.