device (n.)
- ability
- achievement
- action
- agency
- agent
- alibi
- alternator
- amplifier
- angle
- annulet
- anode
- answer
- apology
- apparatus
- appliance
- approach
- architectonics
- architecture
- argent
- argument
- armature
- armory
- arrangement
- art
- artifice
- atmosphere
- attack
- attribute
- autoclave
- autograph
- automaton
- azure
- background
- badge
- bandeau
- banner
- bar
- baton
- bend
- billet
- blazon
- blazonry
- blind
- blueprint
- bluff
- broom
- brush
- calculation
- canton
- cap
- capacitor
- capacity
- capital
- catastrophe
- catch
- catchword
- cathode
- chaplet
- character
- characteristic
- characterization
- charge
- charger
- chevron
- chicanery
- chief
- cipher
- cloak
- cockatrice
- cognizance
- coil
- colophon
- color
- comb
- commutator
- complication
- conception
- condenser
- conspiracy
- continuity
- contraption
- contrivance
- controller
- converter
- coronet
- countermove
- countersign
- countersignature
- coup
- coupling
- cover
- cover-up
- craft
- creation
- creature
- crescent
- crest
- cross
- crown
- currycomb
- curve
- cutout
- deceit
- demarche
- denouement
- design
- desire
- development
- devices
- difference
- differentia
- dishcloth
- dishwasher
- disposition
- distributor
- dodge
- doormat
- dummy
- dupe
- duster
- dustpan
- dynamo
- eagle
- earmark
- effort
- electrocardiograph
- electrode
- electroencephalograph
- electrograph
- electrophorus
- electroscope
- emblem
- endorsement
- enterprise
- epigraph
- episode
- epithet
- ermine
- escutcheon
- euphuism
- excuse
- expedient
- fable
- facade
- falcon
- fancy
- feint
- fess
- fetch
- field
- figure
- figuring
- file
- fleur-de-lis
- floridity
- flourish
- flower
- foresight
- forethought
- fret
- front
- funds
- fur
- fuse
- fusil
- gadget
- gambit
- game
- garland
- generator
- gimcrack
- gimmick
- gizmo
- gloss
- go-between
- googly
- graph
- grapheme
- grid
- griffin
- ground
- guise
- hackle
- hairbrush
- hallmark
- hand
- handkerchief
- handle
- handmaid
- handmaiden
- helmet
- hickey
- hocus-pocus
- holystone
- hose
- idea
- idiosyncrasy
- ignition
- image
- imagery
- impalement
- implement
- improvisation
- incident
- inclination
- index
- indicant
- indicator
- inductor
- influence
- inscription
- insignia
- instrument
- instrumentality
- insulator
- intention
- intermediary
- intermediate
- intermediation
- intermedium
- interrupter
- intrigue
- invention
- joker
- juggle
- jugglery
- jumper
- keynote
- knavery
- label
- layout
- legend
- letter
- lever
- line
- lineup
- lion
- logo
- logotype
- lozenge
- machination
- machine
- machinery
- magnet
- magneto
- makeshift
- maneuver
- manipulation
- mantling
- mapping
- mark
- mask
- means
- measure
- mechanism
- mediation
- mediator
- medium
- metal
- method
- methodology
- midwife
- minion
- monogram
- mood
- mop
- motif
- motive
- motto
- move
- movement
- mullet
- napkin
- note
- or
- ordinary
- organ
- organization
- ornament
- oscillator
- oscillograph
- oscilloscope
- outlet
- pacemaker
- pale
- pass
- pattern
- pawn
- pean
- peculiarity
- peripeteia
- picture
- pile
- plan
- planning
- play
- plaything
- pleasure
- plot
- ploy
- plug
- polygraph
- power
- prearrangement
- pretense
- pretension
- pretext
- procedure
- program
- property
- protestation
- puppet
- quarter
- quartering
- racket
- radar
- radio
- radiophone
- rake
- rationalization
- reactor
- receiver
- receptacle
- recognition
- recourse
- rectifier
- refuge
- relay
- representation
- representative
- resistor
- resort
- resource
- resources
- rheostat
- rose
- ruse
- sable
- saltire
- schedule
- schema
- schematization
- scheme
- scraper
- screen
- scrubber
- scutcheon
- seal
- self-starter
- selsyn
- semblance
- servant
- service
- serviette
- setup
- shake-up
- sham
- shield
- shift
- show
- shunt
- sign
- signal
- signature
- signet
- slant
- slave
- sleight
- slogan
- socket
- solution
- sonar
- spectrophotometer
- speedometer
- sponge
- stalking-horse
- stamp
- starter
- step
- stereo
- stock
- stooge
- stopgap
- story
- stratagem
- strategy
- stroke
- structure
- subject
- subscription
- subterfuge
- supply
- swab
- switch
- symbol
- symptom
- system
- systematization
- tactic
- tactics
- tap
- terminal
- theme
- thingumajig
- timer
- tincture
- tone
- tool
- toothbrush
- toothpick
- topic
- towel
- toy
- trait
- transformer
- trick
- trickery
- trope
- trump
- tuner
- twist
- type
- unicorn
- utensil
- varnish
- vehicle
- veil
- vert
- visa
- vise
- walkie-talkie
- washboard
- washer
- watcher
- watchword
- way
- ways
- weapon
- wherewithal
- whim
- whisk
- widget
- wile
- will
- wisp
- wreath
- wringer
- writing
- yale
A banner with the strange device.