trick (n.)
- ability
- accomplishment
- ace
- action
- affectation
- alibi
- answer
- antic
- apology
- aroma
- art
- artifice
- attribute
- autism
- automatism
- badge
- bit
- blind
- bluff
- bower
- brand
- bubble
- cabal
- cachet
- caper
- cards
- cast
- catch
- character
- characteristic
- cheat
- chicane
- chicanery
- chimera
- cloak
- clubs
- collusion
- color
- complicity
- con
- confederacy
- configuration
- connivance
- conspiracy
- contrivance
- countermove
- counterplot
- coup
- cover
- cover-up
- covin
- craft
- crotchet
- curve
- custom
- cut
- daydream
- deceit
- deception
- deck
- deed
- delusion
- demarche
- design
- deuce
- device
- diamonds
- diddle
- dido
- differentia
- differential
- dodge
- dogwatch
- dream
- dreamland
- dreamworld
- dummy
- dupe
- earmark
- eccentricity
- effort
- engineering
- exaggeration
- excuse
- expedient
- facade
- fashion
- feat
- feature
- feel
- feint
- fetch
- figure
- finesse
- flavor
- flimflam
- flush
- foible
- fool
- frame-up
- fraud
- frolic
- front
- gag
- gambit
- game
- gammon
- gift
- gimmick
- gloss
- googly
- grandiloquence
- guise
- gull
- gust
- habit
- habitude
- hallmark
- hand
- handle
- hang
- have
- hearts
- hoax
- hocus-pocus
- horseplay
- humbug
- idiosyncrasy
- illusion
- imposture
- impress
- impression
- improvisation
- index
- individualism
- inflation
- intrigue
- jack
- jape
- jig
- joker
- juggle
- jugglery
- keynote
- kid
- king
- knack
- knave
- knavery
- leg-pull
- legerdemain
- machination
- magic
- makeshift
- maneuver
- manipulation
- manner
- mannerism
- mark
- marking
- mask
- means
- measure
- mischief
- misconception
- mock
- mode
- mold
- move
- nature
- odor
- outreach
- overtime
- pack
- pair
- particularity
- pass
- pattern
- peculiarity
- pigeon
- plot
- ploy
- practice
- prank
- praxis
- pretense
- pretension
- pretext
- property
- protestation
- quality
- queen
- quirk
- racket
- refuge
- relay
- resort
- resource
- rhetoric
- rigging
- rook
- round
- rubber
- ruff
- ruse
- savor
- scheme
- screen
- seal
- secret
- self-deceit
- self-deception
- semblance
- shake-up
- sham
- shape
- shift
- show
- singleton
- singularity
- skill
- sleight
- smack
- snow
- solution
- spades
- specialty
- spoof
- sport
- stalking-horse
- stamp
- step
- stereotype
- stint
- stopgap
- straight
- strain
- stratagem
- strategy
- stroke
- stunt
- style
- subterfuge
- swindle
- tactic
- taint
- take
- tang
- taste
- technique
- time
- token
- tomfoolery
- touch
- tour
- trademark
- trait
- trey
- trickery
- trip
- trump
- turn
- usage
- use
- vapor
- varnish
- veil
- vein
- watch
- way
- weakness
- wile
- wont
- work
trick (v.)
- ace
- action
- alibi
- answer
- antic
- art
- attribute
- badge
- bamboozle
- befool
- beguile
- betray
- bilk
- bit
- blind
- bluff
- bower
- brand
- bubble
- cabal
- cajole
- caper
- cast
- catch
- character
- cheat
- chicane
- chouse
- circumvent
- cloak
- color
- complot
- con
- conjure
- counterplot
- coup
- cover
- cozen
- craft
- curve
- custom
- cut
- daydream
- deceive
- deck
- defraud
- delude
- design
- diddle
- dodge
- dream
- dummy
- dupe
- earmark
- excuse
- fashion
- feat
- feature
- feel
- feint
- fetch
- figure
- flavor
- flush
- fool
- forestall
- fraud
- frolic
- front
- gag
- game
- gift
- gloss
- guise
- gull
- gust
- habit
- hand
- handle
- hang
- have
- hoax
- hoodwink
- humbug
- illusion
- impress
- index
- intrigue
- jack
- jig
- juggle
- keynote
- kid
- king
- maneuver
- mark
- mask
- measure
- misguide
- misinform
- mislead
- mock
- mode
- mold
- move
- nature
- outmaneuver
- outsmart
- outwit
- overreach
- pack
- pair
- pass
- pattern
- plot
- ploy
- practice
- prank
- queen
- quirk
- racket
- relay
- resort
- rook
- round
- rubber
- ruff
- ruse
- savor
- scheme
- screen
- seal
- sham
- shape
- shift
- show
- smack
- snow
- spoof
- sport
- stamp
- step
- stereotype
- stint
- strain
- stroke
- stunt
- style
- suffice
- swindle
- taint
- take
- taste
- time
- token
- touch
- tour
- trademark
- trip
- trump
- turn
- two-time
- use
- varnish
- veil
- vein
- victimize
- watch
- way
- work
It was alway yet the trick of our English nation, if they have a good thing to make it too common.
Put thyself into the trick of singularity.
When in doubt, win the trick.
I know a trick worth two of that.