cloak (n.)
- alibi
- apology
- arm
- armor
- blanket
- blind
- block
- bonnet
- boot
- breech
- camouflage
- canopy
- cap
- cape
- champion
- cloud
- coat
- coif
- color
- concealment
- cope
- copyright
- cover
- cover-up
- coverage
- covering
- covert
- cowl
- cowling
- curtain
- cushion
- device
- disguise
- drape
- drapery
- eclipse
- ensure
- excuse
- facade
- face
- feint
- fence
- film
- frock
- front
- gloss
- gown
- guarantee
- guard
- guise
- handle
- hanging
- harbor
- hat
- haven
- hide
- hood
- housing
- jacket
- keep
- mantle
- mask
- muffle
- nestle
- occult
- overcoat
- overlay
- pall
- patent
- police
- poncho
- pretense
- pretension
- pretext
- protestation
- refuge
- register
- robe
- safeguard
- screen
- scum
- semblance
- shade
- sham
- shelter
- shield
- shirt
- shoe
- show
- shroud
- sock
- stalking-horse
- stocking
- stratagem
- subterfuge
- trick
- varnish
- veil
- veneer
- vestment
- whitewash
- wrap
cloak (v.)
- alibi
- arm
- armor
- becloud
- befog
- blanket
- bless
- blind
- block
- bonnet
- boot
- camouflage
- canopy
- cap
- cape
- champion
- clothe
- cloud
- coat
- coif
- color
- conceal
- cope
- copyright
- cover
- cowl
- curtain
- cushion
- defend
- disguise
- dissemble
- dissimulate
- drape
- eclipse
- ensconce
- enshroud
- ensure
- envelop
- excuse
- face
- feint
- fence
- fend
- film
- frock
- front
- gloss
- gown
- guarantee
- guard
- guise
- handle
- harbor
- hat
- hide
- hood
- insure
- jacket
- keep
- mantle
- mask
- muffle
- nestle
- obfuscate
- obscure
- occult
- overlay
- overspread
- pall
- patent
- police
- protect
- register
- robe
- safeguard
- screen
- scum
- secure
- shade
- sham
- shelter
- shield
- shirt
- shoe
- show
- shroud
- sock
- superimpose
- superpose
- trick
- underwrite
- varnish
- veil
- veneer
- whitewash
- wrap
But he lay like a warrior taking his rest,
With his martial cloak around him.
Seems, madam! nay, it is; I know not "seems."
'T is not alone my inky cloak, good mother,
Nor customary suits of solemn black.
King Stephen was a worthy peere,
His breeches cost him but a croune;
He held them sixpence all too deere,
Therefore he call'd the taylor loune.
He was a wight of high renowne,
And those but of a low degree;
Itt's pride that putts the countrye doune,
Then take thine old cloake about thee.