boot (n.)
- abecedarian
- apprentice
- avail
- bang
- beginner
- bloomer
- blooper
- blow
- bluejacket
- bobble
- boner
- bonnet
- boo-boo
- boots
- bounce
- break
- breech
- bump
- bust
- cadet
- can
- cap
- cashier
- catechumen
- charge
- cloak
- coat
- coif
- colt
- conge
- conscript
- defenestration
- discharge
- dismissal
- draft
- draftee
- duff
- eject
- ejection
- enlistee
- enrollee
- entrant
- expulsion
- extrusion
- fire
- firing
- fledgling
- fluff
- flush
- footgear
- footwear
- foul-up
- freshman
- frock
- frogman
- furlough
- gob
- goof
- gown
- greenhorn
- hat
- help
- hood
- howler
- ignoramus
- inductee
- initiate
- jacket
- jolly
- kick
- kicking
- knee
- layoff
- levy
- lift
- mantle
- marine
- midshipman
- neophyte
- novice
- novitiate
- ouster
- ousting
- postulant
- pratfall
- probationer
- profit
- propel
- punt
- push
- quiver
- rack
- recruit
- rejection
- release
- removal
- remove
- replace
- retirement
- rookie
- rush
- sack
- screamer
- screw
- sensation
- shirt
- shiver
- shoe
- shoes
- shove
- shudder
- sock
- stocking
- strip
- surplus
- suspension
- tenderfoot
- thrill
- thumbscrew
- ticket
- tingle
- tingling
- titillation
- too
- trainee
- tremor
- tyro
- wallop
- wheel
boot (v.)
- apprentice
- avail
- bang
- blow
- bobble
- bonnet
- bounce
- break
- bump
- bust
- can
- cap
- cashier
- charge
- cloak
- coat
- coif
- conge
- conscript
- defrock
- degrade
- demote
- deplume
- depose
- deprive
- disbar
- discharge
- dismiss
- displace
- displume
- draft
- eject
- expel
- fire
- fluff
- flush
- frock
- furlough
- goof
- gown
- hat
- help
- hood
- initiate
- jacket
- jettison
- jolly
- kick
- levy
- lift
- mantle
- marine
- profit
- propel
- punt
- push
- quiver
- rack
- recruit
- release
- remove
- replace
- retire
- rush
- sack
- screw
- shirt
- shiver
- shoe
- shove
- shudder
- sock
- strip
- superannuate
- suspend
- thrill
- ticket
- tingle
- too
- tremor
- unfrock
- wallop
- wheel
boot (adv.)
With all appliances and means to boot.