rush (n.)
- ado
- advance
- affluence
- aggression
- ascending
- ascent
- assault
- attack
- backflowing
- backing
- bagatelle
- bamboo
- bang
- bauble
- bean
- belch
- bit
- blackmail
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- boil
- bolt
- boot
- break
- breakthrough
- bundle
- burst
- bustle
- button
- call
- cane
- canter
- career
- cascade
- celerity
- cent
- cereal
- charge
- chase
- claim
- climbing
- commotion
- concourse
- confluence
- conflux
- contribution
- corn
- counterattack
- counteroffensive
- course
- crosscurrent
- crowd
- curio
- current
- dart
- dash
- demand
- descent
- dispatch
- diversion
- dogtrot
- downpour
- draft
- drain
- drift
- driftage
- drive
- duty
- ebb
- ebbing
- emergency
- eructation
- eruption
- exaction
- excitement
- expedition
- extortion
- farce
- farthing
- fastness
- feather
- ferment
- fig
- flare-up
- fleet
- flight
- fling
- flit
- flood
- flow
- flowing
- fluency
- flurry
- flush
- flutter
- flux
- fly
- fog
- folderol
- font
- forward
- forwardness
- fount
- fountain
- frippery
- fuss
- gallop
- gaud
- gewgaw
- geyser
- gimcrack
- grain
- grass
- gush
- hair
- halfpenny
- harum-scarum
- haste
- hastiness
- hie
- hump
- hurriedness
- hurry
- hustle
- imposition
- impost
- impulse
- impulsiveness
- indent
- infiltration
- inflow
- instantaneousness
- issue
- jest
- jet
- joke
- jump
- kick
- kickshaw
- knickknack
- knickknackery
- lash
- leap
- levy
- lift
- lope
- make
- megadeath
- millrace
- mockery
- molehill
- mounting
- mugging
- notice
- offense
- offensive
- onrush
- onset
- onslaught
- order
- outbreak
- outburst
- outflow
- overkill
- passage
- peppercorn
- pin
- pinprick
- plunge
- post
- pother
- pour
- precipitance
- precipitancy
- precipitate
- precipitateness
- precipitation
- precociousness
- precocity
- prematureness
- prematurity
- press
- progress
- promptitude
- promptness
- push
- quickness
- quiver
- race
- rap
- rapidity
- rapids
- reed
- reflux
- regression
- requirement
- requisition
- retrogression
- rising
- rpm
- run
- sally
- scamper
- scour
- scramble
- scud
- scurry
- scuttle
- sensation
- set
- shit
- shiver
- shoot
- shudder
- sinking
- skedaddle
- snap
- soaring
- sortie
- sou
- spate
- speed
- speediness
- spit
- spout
- spouter
- spray
- sprint
- spritz
- spurt
- squirt
- stampede
- storm
- straw
- stream
- strike
- subsiding
- surge
- swiftness
- tax
- tear
- thrill
- tide
- tingle
- tingling
- titillation
- to-do
- torrent
- toy
- tremor
- trend
- tribute
- trifle
- trinket
- triviality
- trot
- tuppence
- turbulence
- turmoil
- twopence
- ultimatum
- undercurrent
- undertow
- untimeliness
- urge
- urgent
- velocity
- warning
- whip
- whiz
rush (v.)
- accelerate
- ado
- advance
- assault
- attack
- bang
- bean
- belch
- bit
- blackmail
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- boil
- bolt
- boot
- break
- bundle
- burst
- bustle
- button
- call
- cane
- canter
- career
- cascade
- cent
- charge
- chase
- claim
- corn
- counterattack
- course
- crowd
- dart
- dash
- demand
- dispatch
- draft
- drain
- drift
- drive
- ebb
- expedite
- farce
- feather
- ferment
- festinate
- fleet
- flight
- fling
- flit
- flood
- flow
- flurry
- flush
- flutter
- flux
- fly
- fog
- forward
- fuss
- gallop
- geyser
- grain
- grass
- gush
- hair
- hasten
- hie
- hump
- hurry
- hurtle
- hustle
- indent
- issue
- jest
- jet
- joke
- jump
- kick
- lash
- leap
- levy
- lift
- lope
- make
- notice
- order
- pin
- plunge
- post
- pother
- pour
- precipitate
- press
- progress
- push
- quicken
- quiver
- race
- rap
- reed
- regurgitate
- requisition
- run
- sally
- scamper
- scoot
- scour
- scramble
- scud
- scurry
- scuttle
- set
- shit
- shiver
- shoot
- shudder
- skedaddle
- snap
- speed
- spew
- spit
- spout
- spray
- sprint
- spritz
- spurt
- squirt
- stampede
- storm
- straw
- stream
- strike
- surge
- tax
- tear
- thrill
- tide
- tingle
- toy
- tremor
- trend
- tribute
- trifle
- trot
- urge
- whip
- whiz
rush (adj.)
- ado
- advance
- ascending
- ascent
- attack
- bang
- bean
- bit
- button
- cane
- cent
- cereal
- climbing
- corn
- course
- current
- dash
- demand
- descending
- descent
- draft
- drift
- duty
- exigent
- fleet
- flight
- fling
- flowing
- flush
- flutter
- fly
- forward
- gimcrack
- halfpenny
- harum-scarum
- haste
- helter-skelter
- hie
- jet
- lash
- lope
- offensive
- ongoing
- order
- pell-mell
- picayune
- post
- precipitate
- press
- reed
- rising
- run
- set
- soaring
- spate
- speed
- straw
- stream
- taxing
- tingling
- to-do
- urgent
- velocity
- warning
- whip
Man but a rush against Othello's breast,
And he retires.
In pride, in reasoning pride, our error lies;
All quit their sphere, and rush into the skies.
Pride still is aiming at the blest abodes:
Men would be angels, angels would be gods.
Aspiring to be gods, if angels fell,
Aspiring to be angels, men rebel.
The combat deepens. On, ye brave,
Who rush to glory or the grave!
Wave, Munich! all thy banners wave,
And charge with all thy chivalry!