attack (n.)
- abuse
- access
- action
- activation
- affect
- affection
- aggression
- aggressiveness
- ailment
- algorithm
- ambush
- apoplexy
- approach
- arrangement
- arrest
- articulation
- assail
- assault
- attack
- attempt
- batter
- battering
- battle
- begin
- bellicosity
- belligerence
- belligerency
- berating
- blackening
- blister
- blitz
- blockade
- blockage
- bloodshed
- blueprint
- bout
- burn
- butcher
- butchery
- calculation
- censure
- challenge
- charge
- chauvinism
- citation
- clonus
- combat
- combativeness
- complaint
- conception
- contrivance
- contumely
- convulsion
- corrosion
- course
- cramp
- criticism
- delivery
- denigration
- denunciation
- deprecation
- descent
- design
- destruction
- device
- diatribe
- disease
- disorder
- disorderliness
- disparagement
- disposition
- dissolve
- drive
- eat
- eclampsia
- endeavor
- enterprise
- enunciation
- epilepsy
- erosion
- execration
- fall
- fashion
- fay
- fever
- fight
- fighting
- figuring
- fit
- foray
- foresight
- forethought
- form
- frenzy
- furor
- fury
- game
- grip
- guise
- hammer
- harry
- hit
- hostilities
- ictus
- idea
- implication
- incrimination
- inculpation
- incursion
- inroad
- intention
- invasion
- invective
- involvement
- jeremiad
- jingoism
- jump
- killing
- laryngospasm
- lash
- layout
- line
- lineup
- lockjaw
- loot
- looting
- manner
- mapping
- massacre
- maul
- means
- method
- methodology
- militarization
- mobilization
- mode
- mug
- muster
- obstreperousness
- occlusion
- offense
- offensive
- onset
- onslaught
- order
- organization
- orgasm
- outbreak
- paroxysm
- philippic
- phonation
- pillage
- pillaging
- plan
- planning
- pound
- practice
- prearrangement
- press
- procedure
- proceeding
- process
- program
- pronunciation
- pugnacity
- push
- rage
- raid
- ramp
- rampage
- rant
- rape
- rating
- rationalization
- rave
- revilement
- riot
- rioting
- roar
- roast
- routine
- ruin
- rush
- sack
- sacking
- sally
- savage
- scathe
- schedule
- schema
- schematization
- scheme
- scorch
- screed
- seizure
- setup
- siege
- slash
- slaughter
- sortie
- spasm
- spell
- start
- stoppage
- storm
- strategy
- strike
- stroke
- style
- surprise
- system
- systematization
- tack
- tackle
- tactics
- tear
- technique
- tetanus
- tetany
- throes
- thromboembolism
- thrombosis
- tirade
- tone
- tongue-lashing
- trismus
- turn
- unruliness
- utterance
- vilification
- violation
- visitation
- vituperation
- vocalization
- voicing
- war
- warfare
- warmongering
- wartime
- waste
- wasting
- way
- wise
- wreck
attack (v.)
- abuse
- accept
- access
- action
- affect
- ambush
- approach
- arrest
- assail
- assault
- assume
- attack
- attempt
- barbarize
- batter
- battle
- begin
- beleaguer
- berate
- beset
- besiege
- blister
- blitz
- blockade
- blueprint
- bout
- brutalize
- burn
- bushwhack
- butcher
- castigate
- censure
- challenge
- charge
- combat
- condemn
- corrode
- course
- cramp
- criminate
- criticize
- decompose
- decry
- defy
- denigrate
- denounce
- deprecate
- design
- destroy
- devour
- disorder
- disparage
- dissolve
- drive
- eat
- encompass
- endeavor
- erode
- excoriate
- fall
- fashion
- fight
- fit
- foray
- form
- fustigate
- game
- grip
- guise
- hammer
- harass
- harry
- hit
- implicate
- impugn
- incriminate
- inculpate
- infect
- invade
- invest
- involve
- irrupt
- jump
- lash
- line
- lines
- loot
- malign
- massacre
- maul
- mode
- mug
- muster
- order
- pillage
- plan
- pound
- practice
- press
- process
- program
- push
- rage
- raid
- ramp
- rampage
- rant
- rape
- rave
- revile
- riot
- roar
- roast
- ruin
- rush
- sack
- sally
- savage
- scarify
- schedule
- scheme
- scorch
- seize
- siege
- slash
- slaughter
- spell
- start
- storm
- strike
- stroke
- style
- surprise
- tack
- tackle
- tear
- terrorize
- tone
- trounce
- turn
- undertake
- vandalize
- vilify
- violate
- war
- waste
- way
- wise
- wreck
attack (adj.)
- amok
- attack
- berate
- berating
- bout
- burn
- course
- criminate
- descent
- eat
- enterprise
- fashion
- fighting
- fit
- forethought
- form
- game
- hit
- killing
- lash
- line
- malign
- mode
- mug
- offensive
- order
- plan
- pound
- practice
- press
- program
- rage
- raid
- rant
- rating
- rave
- riot
- roast
- routine
- rush
- savage
- start
- style
- tack
- tone
- turn
- violate
- war
- warring
- waste
- way
- wise
Attack is the reaction. I never think I have hit hard unless it rebounds.