form (n.)
- act
- adjustment
- algorithm
- allocation
- allomorph
- allotment
- anatomy
- angle
- animatism
- animism
- apparition
- appearance
- apportionment
- apprentice
- approach
- architectonics
- architecture
- arrangement
- array
- aspect
- attack
- attitude
- background
- banshee
- bearing
- behavior
- bill
- blank
- blood
- bod
- body
- body-build
- bones
- brand
- break
- breed
- buckram
- build
- building
- built
- burrow
- bylaw
- canon
- carcass
- carriage
- cast
- cave
- ceremonial
- ceremoniousness
- ceremony
- character
- chisel
- civility
- clan
- class
- clay
- clod
- code
- coin
- collation
- collocation
- color
- combine
- commandment
- complexion
- composition
- compound
- condition
- conduct
- configuration
- conformation
- conformity
- constitution
- construct
- construction
- contour
- contract
- control
- convention
- conventionalism
- conventionality
- corpus
- correctness
- couch
- course
- covert
- creation
- criterion
- custom
- cut
- decency
- decorousness
- decorum
- decree
- den
- denomination
- deployment
- deportment
- description
- design
- designation
- detail
- devise
- dictate
- dictation
- dictum
- die
- dignity
- discipline
- disposal
- disposition
- distribution
- docket
- document
- dossier
- drill
- duty
- dybbuk
- earth
- economy
- edict
- effect
- enactment
- etiquette
- exercise
- fabric
- fabrication
- facet
- fantasy
- fashion
- fashioning
- feather
- feature
- fettle
- figure
- file
- fit
- fix
- flesh
- foil
- forge
- forging
- formality
- formalization
- format
- formation
- formula
- formulary
- formulation
- foster
- found
- frame
- framework
- function
- genre
- genus
- gestalt
- get
- getup
- ghost
- grade
- grain
- gravity
- groom
- guide
- guideline
- guise
- habit
- hant
- haunt
- hew
- hole
- holograph
- hulk
- idealism
- ilk
- image
- imago
- immateriality
- imperative
- impression
- institute
- institution
- instrument
- intaglio
- join
- jus
- kidney
- kin
- kind
- label
- lair
- larva
- last
- law
- legislation
- lex
- light
- likeness
- line
- liturgy
- lodge
- look
- lot
- make
- makeup
- making
- manes
- manifestation
- manner
- manners
- manufacture
- mark
- marshal
- material
- materialization
- matrix
- mature
- maxim
- means
- measure
- method
- methodology
- mew
- mint
- mirage
- mitzvah
- mix
- mode
- model
- mold
- molding
- moral
- morph
- morpheme
- morphology
- motif
- mould
- mystery
- nature
- negative
- norm
- norma
- number
- nurse
- nurture
- observance
- office
- oni
- order
- ordering
- ordinance
- organism
- organization
- outline
- paper
- papers
- parchment
- pattern
- person
- persuasion
- phantasm
- phantasma
- phantasmagoria
- phantom
- phase
- phasis
- phenomenon
- phylum
- physique
- placement
- plan
- plot
- poltergeist
- pomp
- pomposity
- pose
- practice
- precept
- prescript
- prescription
- presence
- primness
- principle
- procedure
- proceeding
- process
- produce
- production
- profile
- project
- propriety
- protocol
- punch
- quiet
- race
- raise
- rank
- ready
- rear
- receipt
- recipe
- reference
- regard
- regimen
- regimentation
- regulation
- repair
- respect
- revenant
- rigidness
- rite
- ritual
- rituality
- roll
- roughcast
- routine
- rubric
- rule
- ruling
- run
- sacrament
- scheme
- scrip
- script
- scroll
- sculpture
- seal
- seemliness
- semblance
- service
- set
- setting
- setup
- shade
- shadow
- shape
- shaping
- side
- silhouette
- simulacrum
- skeleton
- slant
- solemnity
- solipsism
- soma
- sort
- species
- specter
- spirit
- spiritualism
- spook
- sprite
- stamp
- standard
- state
- statute
- stiffness
- strain
- stripe
- structure
- style
- stylization
- subjectivism
- syntax
- system
- tack
- tailor
- technique
- tectonics
- template
- tenet
- tenor
- texture
- theme
- theophany
- tint
- tissue
- tone
- torso
- touch
- track
- train
- tribe
- trim
- trunk
- tunnel
- turn
- twist
- type
- universal
- usage
- variety
- view
- viewpoint
- vision
- way
- weave
- web
- weight
- wise
- work
- wraith
- writ
- write
- writing
- zombie
form (v.)
- accumulate
- acquire
- act
- angle
- appear
- apprentice
- approach
- arise
- arrange
- array
- assemble
- attack
- background
- bill
- blank
- blood
- body
- brand
- break
- breed
- buckram
- build
- burrow
- carve
- cast
- cave
- character
- chisel
- class
- clay
- code
- codify
- coin
- color
- combine
- complexion
- compose
- compound
- comprise
- conceive
- concoct
- condition
- conduct
- constitute
- construct
- contour
- contract
- contrive
- control
- couch
- course
- create
- crystallize
- cultivate
- custom
- cut
- decree
- den
- deploy
- design
- detail
- develop
- devise
- dictate
- die
- discipline
- dispose
- docket
- document
- drill
- earth
- edict
- effect
- effectuate
- elaborate
- elevate
- embody
- envisage
- envision
- erect
- establish
- evolve
- exercise
- extrude
- fabricate
- fantasy
- fashion
- feather
- feature
- fettle
- figure
- file
- fit
- fix
- flesh
- foil
- forge
- formalize
- format
- formulate
- foster
- found
- frame
- function
- get
- ghost
- grade
- grain
- groom
- grow
- guide
- guise
- habit
- hant
- harmonize
- haunt
- hew
- hole
- house-train
- housebreak
- hulk
- ilk
- image
- imagine
- improve
- inaugurate
- incorporate
- indite
- install
- institute
- instrument
- invent
- join
- kin
- knead
- label
- last
- law
- lex
- light
- line
- lines
- lodge
- look
- lot
- make
- manufacture
- mark
- marshal
- material
- materialize
- mature
- measure
- mew
- mint
- mitzvah
- mix
- mode
- model
- mold
- morph
- mould
- nature
- negative
- normalize
- number
- nurse
- nurture
- office
- order
- organize
- originate
- outline
- pacify
- paper
- pattern
- phase
- plan
- plot
- pose
- practice
- prefabricate
- prepare
- process
- produce
- profile
- project
- punch
- quiet
- race
- raise
- rank
- ready
- realize
- rear
- receipt
- reference
- regard
- regularize
- regulate
- rehearse
- repair
- respect
- rite
- roll
- roughcast
- rubric
- rule
- run
- scheme
- script
- scroll
- sculpt
- sculpture
- seal
- service
- set
- shade
- shadow
- shape
- side
- silhouette
- slant
- sort
- spirit
- spook
- stamp
- standardize
- state
- strain
- stripe
- structure
- style
- synthesize
- systematize
- tack
- tailor
- template
- theme
- tint
- tissue
- tone
- touch
- track
- train
- tranquilize
- trim
- tunnel
- turn
- twist
- type
- view
- vision
- visualize
- way
- weave
- web
- weight
- wise
- work
- write
form (adj.)
- act
- angle
- astral
- attack
- bearing
- bill
- blank
- blood
- breed
- buckram
- building
- built
- cast
- cave
- ceremonial
- class
- color
- compound
- condition
- course
- covert
- custom
- cut
- den
- die
- duty
- earth
- edict
- effect
- elaborate
- erect
- fashion
- figure
- fit
- flesh
- formulary
- foster
- found
- get
- grade
- hant
- hole
- imperative
- incorporate
- incorporeal
- jus
- kin
- kind
- last
- law
- lex
- light
- line
- lot
- making
- mark
- material
- mature
- mint
- mode
- model
- moral
- negative
- order
- person
- phantom
- phase
- plan
- pose
- practice
- prescription
- quiet
- rank
- ready
- rear
- regulation
- revenant
- rite
- ritual
- roll
- routine
- ruling
- run
- sacramental
- script
- seal
- seeming
- service
- set
- setting
- shape
- shaping
- side
- slant
- species
- standard
- state
- statute
- style
- tack
- tenor
- tone
- track
- transcendental
- trim
- turn
- universal
- way
- weight
- wise
- work
- writing
Sacred religion! mother of form and fear.
What outward form and feature are
He guesseth but in part;
But what within is good and fair
He seeth with the heart.
This goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me than a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god!
As some tall cliff that lifts its awful form,
Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm,—
Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread,
Eternal sunshine settles on its head.
Look here, upon this picture, and on this,
The counterfeit presentment of two brothers.
See, what a grace was seated on this brow:
Hyperion's curls; the front of Jove himself;
An eye like Mars, to threaten and command;
A station like the herald Mercury
New-lighted on a heaven-kissing hill,—
A combination and a form indeed,
Where every god did seem to set his seal,
To give the world assurance of a man.
No more was seen the human form divine.
For of the soule the bodie forme doth take;
For soule is forme, and doth the bodie make.
And ne'er did Grecian chisel trace
A Nymph, a Naiad, or a Grace
Of finer form or lovelier face.
The expectancy and rose of the fair state,
The glass of fashion and the mould of form,
The observed of all observers!
His form had yet not lost
All her original brightness, nor appear'd
Less than archangel ruin'd, and th' excess
Of glory obscur'd.
She was a form of life and light
That seen, became a part of sight,
And rose, where'er I turn'd mine eye,
The morning-star of memory!
Yes, love indeed is light from heaven;
A spark of that immortal fire
With angels shared, by Alla given,
To lift from earth our low desire.
His form was of the manliest beauty,
His heart was kind and soft;
Faithful below he did his duty,
But now he's gone aloft.
Then marble soften'd into life grew warm,
And yielding, soft metal flow'd to human form.
For of the soule the bodie forme doth take;
For soule is forme, and doth the bodie make.
What if he has borrowed the matter and spoiled the form, as it oft falls out?
The canvas glow'd beyond ev'n Nature warm,
The pregnant quarry teem'd with human form.