fabric (n.)
- acetate
- alpaca
- anatomy
- architectonics
- architecture
- arrangement
- arras
- astrakhan
- baize
- batik
- braiding
- broadcloth
- broadloom
- brocade
- build
- building
- bunting
- cadre
- calico
- cambric
- canvas
- carpeting
- casa
- case
- casement
- cashmere
- casing
- castor
- chassis
- cheesecloth
- chiffon
- chinchilla
- chintz
- cloth
- coating
- composition
- configuration
- conformation
- constitution
- construct
- construction
- consulate
- cord
- corduroy
- core
- cotton
- crash
- creation
- crepe
- cretonne
- crinoline
- dacha
- damask
- deanery
- denim
- distillate
- distillation
- doeskin
- doorframe
- drapery
- drill
- drilling
- drugget
- duck
- duffel
- edifice
- elixir
- embassy
- erection
- essence
- establishment
- fabrication
- farm
- farmhouse
- fashion
- fashioning
- felt
- fiber
- flannel
- flannelette
- fleece
- forging
- form
- format
- formation
- foulard
- foundation
- frame
- framework
- framing
- frieze
- fustian
- gauze
- getup
- gingham
- gist
- goods
- gossamer
- grenadine
- grogram
- grosgrain
- gunny
- haircloth
- hall
- heart
- herringbone
- hessian
- homespun
- horsehair
- house
- houseboat
- huck
- huckaback
- jersey
- kernel
- knitting
- lace
- lacing
- lame
- lattice
- latticework
- lawn
- linen
- linoleum
- linsey-woolsey
- lisle
- list
- lodge
- luster
- mackinaw
- mackintosh
- madras
- make
- makeup
- making
- maline
- manse
- manta
- mantua
- manufacture
- marrow
- mat
- material
- matter
- matting
- meat
- medium
- mohair
- moire
- mold
- molding
- moleskin
- muslin
- nainsook
- nankeen
- napery
- net
- netting
- nub
- nylon
- oilcloth
- organdy
- organism
- organization
- organza
- paisley
- parsonage
- pattern
- penthouse
- pepper-and-salt
- percale
- physique
- pile
- pique
- pith
- plaid
- plan
- plush
- polyester
- pongee
- poplin
- prefab
- prefabrication
- production
- pyramid
- quilting
- quintessence
- radium
- rag
- rayon
- rectory
- rep
- roof
- rugging
- russet
- sackcloth
- sacking
- sailcloth
- sap
- sarcenet
- sash
- sateen
- satin
- say
- seersucker
- serge
- setup
- shantung
- shape
- shaping
- sharkskin
- sheeting
- shell
- shoddy
- silk
- skeleton
- skyscraper
- soul
- spirit
- stammel
- stockinette
- structure
- stuff
- substance
- suede
- superstructure
- tabby
- taffeta
- tangible
- tapestry
- tarpaulin
- tartan
- tectonics
- textile
- texture
- tick
- ticking
- tissue
- tower
- tulle
- tussah
- tussore
- tweed
- twill
- twisting
- veiling
- velours
- velvet
- velveteen
- vicarage
- voile
- weave
- weaving
- web
- webbing
- weft
- woof
- wool
- worsted
Anon out of the earth a fabric huge
Rose, like an exhalation.
Fly, dotard, fly!
With thy wise dreams and fables of the sky.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
Silently as a dream the fabric rose,
No sound of hammer or of saw was there.
No hammers fell, no ponderous axes rung;
Like some tall palm the mystic fabric sprung.
Majestic silence!