pattern (n.)
- action
- actions
- activity
- acts
- address
- affectation
- air
- anatomy
- antitype
- archetype
- architectonics
- architecture
- arrangement
- automatism
- background
- barometer
- bearing
- behavior
- biotype
- blueprint
- build
- building
- canon
- carriage
- cartoon
- cast
- characteristic
- chart
- check
- comportment
- composition
- conduct
- configuration
- conformation
- consistency
- constellation
- constitution
- construction
- copy
- creation
- criterion
- custom
- cut
- cycle
- decoration
- degree
- delineation
- demeanor
- deportment
- design
- detail
- device
- diagram
- doing
- doings
- draft
- drawing
- duplicate
- elevation
- epitome
- example
- exemplar
- fabric
- fabrication
- fashion
- fashioning
- figuration
- figure
- foil
- forging
- form
- format
- formation
- frame
- fugleman
- gauge
- genotype
- genre
- gestalt
- getup
- graph
- guide
- guise
- habit
- habitude
- ideal
- idealism
- impression
- innovation
- instance
- layout
- lead
- make
- makeup
- making
- manner
- manners
- manufacture
- matrix
- measure
- method
- methodology
- mien
- mimic
- mirror
- modality
- mode
- model
- mold
- molding
- motif
- motive
- mould
- nonpareil
- norm
- noumenon
- order
- orderliness
- organism
- organization
- original
- ornament
- outline
- paradigm
- paragon
- parameter
- peculiarity
- percept
- physique
- plan
- plot
- poise
- port
- pose
- posture
- practice
- praxis
- precedent
- presence
- procedure
- proceeding
- production
- profile
- projection
- prototype
- quantity
- reading
- readout
- regularity
- repetition
- representation
- representative
- rough
- rule
- sample
- scale
- sequence
- set
- setting
- setup
- shape
- shaping
- skeleton
- sketch
- specimen
- stamp
- standard
- stencil
- stereotype
- structure
- style
- system
- table
- tactics
- tectonics
- template
- test
- texture
- theme
- tissue
- tone
- touch
- touchstone
- trick
- turn
- type
- universal
- usage
- use
- value
- way
- ways
- weave
- web
- wont
- yardstick
pattern (v.)
- action
- address
- air
- background
- blueprint
- build
- cartoon
- cast
- chart
- check
- conduct
- copy
- custom
- cut
- cycle
- decorate
- design
- detail
- diagram
- draft
- duplicate
- emulate
- fashion
- figure
- foil
- follow
- form
- format
- frame
- gauge
- graph
- guide
- guise
- habit
- ideate
- imitate
- instance
- lead
- make
- manufacture
- measure
- mimic
- mirror
- mode
- model
- mold
- motions
- mould
- order
- ornament
- outline
- plan
- plot
- poise
- port
- pose
- posture
- practice
- profile
- rough
- rule
- sample
- scale
- sequence
- set
- shape
- simulate
- sketch
- stamp
- stencil
- stereotype
- structure
- style
- table
- template
- test
- theme
- tissue
- tone
- touch
- trick
- turn
- type
- use
- value
- way
- weave
- web
Put out the light, and then put out the light:
If I quench thee, thou flaming minister,
I can again thy former light restore
Should I repent me; but once put out thy light,
Thou cunning'st pattern of excelling nature,
I know not where is that Promethean heat
That can thy light relume.
I do not give you to posterity as a pattern to imitate, but as an example to deter.
Letters of Junius. Letter xii. To the Duke of Grafton.