instance (n.)
- abetment
- article
- aspect
- case
- citation
- cite
- count
- datum
- demonstration
- detail
- document
- element
- emblem
- encouragement
- event
- example
- exemplar
- exemplification
- explanation
- exponent
- facet
- fact
- factor
- goading
- ground
- illustration
- incidental
- insistence
- item
- matter
- minutia
- motion
- name
- occurrence
- particular
- pass
- point
- precedent
- pressing
- pressure
- pricking
- prodding
- proof
- proposal
- proposition
- quotation
- quote
- reason
- reference
- regard
- representative
- request
- resolution
- respect
- sample
- sampling
- say
- specimen
- spurring
- suggestion
- symbol
- thing
- type
- urging
instance (v.)
- adduce
- anatomize
- article
- atomize
- case
- circumstantiate
- cite
- count
- demonstrate
- detail
- document
- event
- exemplify
- fact
- factor
- ground
- illustrate
- itemize
- matter
- motion
- name
- particularize
- pass
- point
- pressure
- proof
- proposition
- quote
- reason
- reference
- regard
- request
- respect
- sample
- say
- specify
- substantiate
- type
instance (adv.)
Nature is fine in love, and where 't is fine,
It sends some precious instance of itself
After the thing it loves.