point (n.)
- abode
- accent
- ace
- acerbity
- acidity
- acme
- acridity
- acrimony
- aculeus
- address
- advantage
- aim
- airhead
- ambition
- amount
- ancestor
- angle
- animus
- announcer
- antecedent
- antler
- apex
- apogee
- applicability
- application
- appropriateness
- area
- article
- ascender
- aspect
- aspiration
- astringency
- atom
- attribute
- auger
- avail
- avant-garde
- awl
- ax
- azimuth
- back
- barb
- barbwire
- basis
- beachhead
- bear
- beard
- bearing
- behalf
- bellwether
- belly
- bend
- benefit
- bent
- bevel
- bias
- bifurcation
- bight
- bill
- birthmark
- bit
- bite
- bitterness
- blade
- blaze
- blemish
- blotch
- bodkin
- body
- borer
- bottom
- boundary
- bracket
- bradawl
- brand
- breakwater
- bridgehead
- brink
- brow
- buccinator
- burden
- burin
- bushwhacker
- butt
- caesura
- caliber
- caltrop
- cant
- cap
- cape
- capital
- case
- cast
- chalk
- chapter
- character
- characteristic
- check
- cheval-de-frise
- chevron
- chisel
- cicatrix
- climax
- cockspur
- coin
- colon
- coloring
- comma
- compass
- concern
- conjugate
- connotation
- consideration
- constituent
- convenience
- core
- corner
- cornerstone
- counsel
- count
- counter
- course
- crank
- crest
- crisis
- crook
- crotchet
- crown
- crumb
- crux
- culmination
- current
- cusp
- cut
- cutlery
- cutter
- dab
- dagger
- dapple
- dash
- datum
- day
- decline
- deflection
- degree
- delta
- denotation
- descender
- desideratum
- design
- desire
- detail
- details
- determination
- dibble
- die
- direction
- discolor
- discoloration
- district
- dogleg
- dole
- dot
- dram
- dribble
- driblet
- drift
- drill
- drop
- droplet
- dwarf
- earmark
- edge
- effect
- elbow
- element
- ell
- em
- emplacement
- en
- engraving
- entity
- essence
- essential
- exhibit
- explorer
- extension
- extent
- extreme
- extremity
- face
- facet
- fact
- factor
- farthing
- feature
- feet
- fierceness
- file
- fishhook
- fitting
- fix
- fleck
- flick
- flyspeck
- focus
- font
- force
- forebear
- forefront
- foreland
- forerunner
- fork
- fragment
- freckle
- front-runner
- frontiersman
- fugleman
- fun
- function
- fundamental
- furcation
- gaff
- gag
- gash
- gimlet
- gist
- gnat
- go
- goad
- goal
- gobbet
- grade
- grain
- granule
- graver
- graving
- grind
- grip
- groat
- groove
- groundbreaker
- guide
- guts
- hack
- hair
- handful
- harbinger
- harpoon
- harshness
- hatch
- head
- heading
- headland
- heart
- heaven
- heavens
- height
- herald
- hilltop
- hint
- hole
- hone
- hook
- horn
- hour
- howler
- icepick
- idea
- impact
- implication
- import
- impress
- imprint
- incidental
- inclination
- incline
- individual
- inflection
- innovator
- instance
- instant
- intaglio
- integer
- intension
- intent
- intention
- interest
- interval
- iota
- issue
- italic
- item
- jape
- jest
- joke
- jot
- juncture
- keenness
- kernel
- keystone
- knee
- knife
- knoll
- lance
- lancet
- landmark
- laugh
- lay
- lead
- leader
- lean
- leap
- lentigo
- letter
- level
- lie
- lieu
- ligature
- limit
- line
- little
- locale
- locality
- location
- locus
- logotype
- macula
- majuscule
- mallet
- mark
- marking
- marlinespike
- material
- matter
- maximum
- meaning
- measure
- meat
- mention
- meridian
- messenger
- microbe
- microorganism
- midge
- milestone
- mind
- minim
- minimum
- minuscule
- minute
- minutia
- mite
- modicum
- module
- mole
- molecule
- moment
- mordacity
- mote
- motif
- motive
- mottle
- mull
- nail
- navigation
- naze
- neb
- needle
- ness
- nevus
- nib
- nicety
- nick
- nisus
- nook
- noon
- notch
- notion
- nuance
- nub
- nucleus
- nutshell
- object
- objective
- oilstone
- orientation
- ounce
- outpost
- overtone
- panic
- part
- particle
- particular
- pas
- patch
- pathfinder
- pause
- peak
- pebble
- peg
- pencil
- peninsula
- pepper
- percentage
- period
- person
- persona
- pertinence
- pi
- pic
- pica
- pico
- pike
- piloting
- pin
- pinch
- pinhead
- pinnacle
- pinpoint
- pioneer
- pitch
- pitchfork
- pith
- pittance
- pivot
- place
- placement
- plan
- plane
- plateau
- play
- plunge
- poignancy
- pointer
- pole
- position
- precedent
- precipice
- precipitate
- precursor
- predecessor
- present
- prick
- prickle
- problem
- profit
- project
- projection
- promontory
- prong
- property
- proportion
- proposal
- prospectus
- punch
- punctuation
- puncture
- purport
- purpose
- quality
- quarter
- question
- quiddity
- quill
- quoin
- railhead
- range
- ratio
- reach
- reef
- reference
- referent
- regard
- region
- relation
- relevance
- remove
- reset
- resolution
- resolve
- respect
- riddle
- ridge
- rigor
- riot
- rocker
- roman
- roughness
- round
- rowel
- rubric
- run
- rung
- sake
- say
- scale
- scar
- scope
- score
- scorper
- scotch
- scout
- scrap
- scratch
- scratching
- scream
- script
- scruple
- seal
- seam
- season
- semicolon
- sense
- serve
- service
- set
- settle
- severity
- shade
- shadow
- shank
- sharpener
- sharpness
- shoulder
- show
- side
- sidesplitter
- significance
- signification
- single
- singleton
- sink
- site
- situation
- situs
- skewer
- sky
- smidgen
- snip
- snippet
- solder
- something
- soul
- space
- span
- spatula
- spearhead
- speck
- speckle
- spell
- spicule
- spiculum
- spike
- spine
- spire
- spirit
- spit
- splash
- splotch
- spoonful
- sport
- spot
- spotlight
- spur
- stage
- stain
- stair
- stamp
- standard
- staple
- station
- stead
- steel
- steer
- steerage
- steering
- stem
- step
- stigma
- sting
- stint
- stop
- story
- strap
- streak
- stress
- stretch
- striate
- stridency
- stringency
- stripe
- striving
- strop
- stub
- study
- stump
- style
- subject
- substance
- suggestion
- sum
- summit
- swerve
- sword
- tack
- tactic
- tag
- tail
- tally
- tang
- taper
- tartness
- tattoo
- teeth
- tend
- tendency
- tenor
- text
- theme
- thimbleful
- thing
- thought
- thrust
- thumbtack
- tick
- time
- tine
- tip
- tittle
- tongue
- top
- topic
- tor
- trace
- track
- trailblazer
- train
- trait
- tread
- trenchancy
- trend
- trivia
- turn
- type
- typeface
- underline
- underscore
- undertone
- unit
- use
- utmost
- value
- van
- vanguard
- vehemence
- verge
- vertex
- view
- violence
- virulence
- warp
- watermark
- way
- wheeze
- whereabouts
- while
- whit
- whittle
- will
- worth
- wow
- yarn
- zag
- zenith
- zig
- zigzag
point (v.)
- accent
- accentuate
- ace
- acuminate
- address
- advantage
- aim
- ambition
- amount
- analyze
- angle
- appropriate
- apt
- article
- attribute
- avail
- awl
- ax
- back
- barb
- bear
- beard
- belly
- bend
- benefit
- bevel
- bias
- bight
- bill
- bit
- bite
- blade
- blaze
- blemish
- blotch
- body
- bottom
- bracket
- brand
- burden
- butt
- cant
- cap
- cape
- case
- cast
- chalk
- character
- check
- chisel
- cicatrize
- climax
- coin
- compass
- concern
- conduce
- conjugate
- contribute
- convenience
- core
- corner
- counsel
- count
- counter
- course
- crank
- crest
- crook
- crown
- crumb
- cut
- dab
- dapple
- dash
- day
- decline
- define
- delimit
- demarcate
- descend
- design
- designate
- desire
- detail
- determine
- dibble
- die
- direct
- discolor
- dispose
- district
- dole
- dot
- dribble
- drift
- drill
- drop
- dwarf
- earmark
- edge
- effect
- elbow
- ell
- em
- emphasize
- en
- engrave
- exhibit
- face
- fact
- factor
- feature
- feet
- file
- fix
- fleck
- flick
- focus
- force
- fork
- fragment
- freckle
- fun
- function
- gag
- gash
- go
- goad
- grade
- grain
- gravitate
- grind
- grip
- groove
- guide
- hack
- hair
- harbinger
- harpoon
- hatch
- head
- heart
- herald
- hint
- hole
- hone
- hook
- horn
- hyphenate
- identify
- impact
- imply
- import
- impress
- imprint
- incline
- indicate
- inflect
- instance
- interest
- issue
- jest
- joke
- jot
- knife
- lance
- laugh
- lay
- lead
- lean
- leap
- letter
- level
- lie
- limit
- line
- little
- mark
- material
- matter
- measure
- mention
- mind
- minute
- mite
- mote
- mottle
- mull
- nail
- needle
- ness
- nick
- notch
- nub
- object
- ounce
- panic
- parse
- part
- patch
- pause
- peak
- peg
- pencil
- pepper
- pike
- pin
- pinch
- pinnacle
- pinpoint
- pioneer
- pitch
- pitchfork
- pith
- pivot
- place
- plan
- plane
- play
- plunge
- pole
- position
- precipitate
- present
- prick
- prickle
- profit
- project
- proportion
- punch
- punctuate
- puncture
- purport
- purpose
- quarter
- question
- range
- reach
- reef
- reference
- regard
- remind
- remove
- reset
- resolve
- respect
- riddle
- ridge
- riot
- round
- rowel
- rubric
- run
- sake
- say
- scale
- scar
- scarify
- scope
- score
- scotch
- scout
- scrap
- scratch
- scream
- script
- scruple
- seal
- seam
- season
- sense
- serve
- service
- set
- settle
- shade
- shadow
- shank
- sharpen
- shoulder
- show
- side
- single
- sink
- site
- skewer
- sky
- snip
- solder
- space
- span
- spearhead
- speck
- speckle
- spell
- spike
- spire
- spirit
- spit
- splash
- splotch
- sport
- spot
- spotlight
- spur
- stage
- stain
- stamp
- staple
- station
- stead
- steel
- steer
- stem
- step
- stigmatize
- sting
- stint
- stop
- strap
- streak
- stress
- stretch
- striate
- stripe
- strop
- stub
- study
- stump
- style
- subject
- subside
- suggest
- sum
- summit
- swerve
- tack
- tag
- tail
- tally
- taper
- tattoo
- teeth
- tend
- theme
- thrust
- thumbtack
- tick
- time
- tine
- tip
- tongue
- top
- tor
- trace
- track
- train
- tread
- trend
- turn
- type
- underline
- underscore
- use
- value
- van
- veer
- verge
- view
- warp
- way
- wheeze
- whet
- whittle
- will
- wow
- yarn
- zag
- zigzag
point (adj.)
- ace
- aculeate
- acuminate
- amount
- angle
- antecedent
- applicable
- apposite
- appropriate
- apropos
- apt
- avant-garde
- ax
- back
- bearing
- bend
- bent
- bias
- bill
- bit
- blaze
- bottom
- brow
- cant
- cap
- capital
- case
- cast
- characteristic
- circumstantial
- conjugate
- constituent
- core
- corner
- count
- counter
- course
- crank
- crown
- current
- cuspidate
- cut
- cutter
- dagger
- dash
- day
- designate
- die
- direct
- drift
- edge
- effect
- ell
- em
- en
- essence
- essential
- extreme
- face
- fact
- fid
- fitting
- flyspeck
- force
- fundamental
- germane
- go
- grade
- guts
- hack
- head
- heart
- height
- hole
- hook
- horn
- immaterial
- imply
- import
- inappropriate
- inapt
- incidental
- inconsequential
- individual
- instant
- intent
- interest
- irrelevant
- italic
- item
- lance
- lay
- lead
- lean
- letter
- level
- line
- little
- majuscule
- malapropos
- mark
- material
- maximum
- meaning
- meridian
- mind
- minimum
- minuscule
- minute
- mite
- moment
- mote
- motive
- ness
- notch
- nub
- objective
- panic
- parse
- part
- particular
- peg
- person
- pertinent
- pic
- place
- plan
- plane
- play
- pointless
- precedent
- precipitate
- present
- profit
- purpose
- quality
- question
- range
- reach
- referent
- relevant
- reset
- resolution
- riot
- roman
- round
- run
- rung
- say
- scale
- score
- scotch
- script
- seal
- sense
- serve
- service
- set
- shoulder
- side
- single
- site
- sky
- span
- speck
- spot
- stage
- stair
- standard
- staple
- step
- sting
- stop
- story
- streak
- stretch
- striate
- style
- subject
- tack
- tactic
- tail
- tend
- tenor
- thing
- thought
- tick
- time
- tine
- top
- topic
- tor
- track
- trait
- turn
- unimportant
- upmost
- uppermost
- use
- utmost
- van
- way
- while
- will
- worth
- zag
- zigzag
He left the name at which the world grew pale,
To point a moral, or adorn a tale.
Arm'd at point exactly, cap-a-pe.
Don't put too fine a point to your wit for fear it should get blunted.
But, alas, to make me
A fixed figure for the time of scorn
To point his slow unmoving finger at!
Written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond.
I have touched the highest point of all my greatness;
And from that full meridian of my glory
I haste now to my setting: I shall fall
Like a bright exhalation in the evening,
And no man see me more.
My little daughter lieth at the point of death.
"Darest thou, Cassius, now
Leap in with me into this angry flood,
And swim to yonder point?" Upon the word,
Accoutred as I was, I plunged in
And bade him follow.
I have peppered two of them: two I am sure I have paid, two rogues in buckram suits. I tell thee what, Hal, if I tell thee a lie, spit in my face; call me horse. Thou knowest my old ward: here I lay, and thus I bore my point. Four rogues in buckram let drive at me—