object (n.)
- affair
- aim
- article
- artifact
- attribute
- balk
- ban
- beef
- being
- bitch
- blackball
- body
- boycott
- break
- bulk
- butt
- challenge
- clash
- complement
- conflict
- counter
- creature
- critter
- cutting
- demur
- design
- destination
- disfavor
- dispute
- dissent
- doodad
- duty
- end
- entelechy
- entity
- fact
- filler
- focus
- front
- frown
- function
- gadget
- game
- gimmick
- gizmo
- goal
- hickey
- holler
- howl
- idea
- individual
- intent
- intention
- item
- jangle
- jar
- jib
- jigger
- jostle
- kick
- life
- march
- mark
- mass
- material
- matter
- mismatch
- modifier
- monad
- objective
- organism
- person
- persona
- personality
- phenomenon
- picket
- plan
- predicate
- prey
- protest
- purpose
- pursuit
- qualifier
- quarry
- rail
- rally
- rant
- rave
- reality
- reason
- refuse
- reject
- revolt
- scruple
- slot
- something
- soul
- squawk
- stand
- storm
- strata
- strike
- structure
- stuff
- subject
- substance
- syntax
- tangible
- target
- teleology
- thing
- thingumabob
- thingumajig
- thingummy
- unit
- use
- vary
- volume
- widget
object (v.)
- aim
- article
- attribute
- balk
- ban
- beef
- being
- bitch
- blackball
- body
- boggle
- boycott
- break
- bulk
- butt
- challenge
- clash
- collide
- complain
- complement
- conflict
- confront
- contradict
- counter
- criticize
- demonstrate
- demur
- deprecate
- design
- differ
- disaccord
- disagree
- disallow
- disapprove
- disfavor
- dispute
- dissent
- end
- except
- exclude
- expostulate
- fact
- focus
- front
- frown
- function
- game
- holler
- howl
- jangle
- jar
- jib
- jostle
- kick
- life
- march
- mark
- mass
- material
- matter
- mismatch
- mismate
- negate
- oppose
- ostracize
- picket
- plan
- predicate
- prey
- protest
- purpose
- quarry
- rail
- rally
- rant
- rave
- reason
- recalcitrate
- refuse
- reject
- remonstrate
- revolt
- scruple
- slot
- spurn
- squawk
- stand
- stickle
- storm
- strike
- structure
- stuff
- subject
- target
- use
- vary
- withstand
Let our object be our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country.
An object in possession seldom retains the same charm that it had in pursuit.