mass (n.)
- abundance
- accumulation
- acres
- agglomerate
- agglomeration
- aggregate
- aggregation
- amass
- amount
- amplitude
- anthem
- area
- army
- articulate
- assemblage
- associate
- assortment
- backlog
- bag
- band
- bank
- barrel
- barrels
- batch
- bevy
- bigness
- block
- body
- bond
- bottle
- box
- bracket
- breadth
- breccia
- bridge
- budget
- bulk
- bunch
- bundle
- burden
- bushel
- cake
- caliber
- can
- cantata
- canticle
- carat
- cement
- chain
- chorale
- chunk
- clasp
- clinch
- cling
- clod
- clot
- cloud
- clump
- cluster
- clutter
- coarseness
- collect
- collection
- combine
- commissariat
- commissary
- compare
- concrete
- concreteness
- concretion
- congeries
- conglobation
- conglomerate
- conglomeration
- conjugate
- connect
- copiousness
- core
- cornucopia
- corpulence
- corpus
- corral
- countlessness
- couple
- cover
- coverage
- covey
- crate
- crowd
- crush
- cumulation
- date
- decagram
- decigram
- deluge
- density
- depth
- diameter
- dimension
- doxology
- dram
- dregs
- dump
- durability
- dyne
- embrace
- enormousness
- essence
- expanse
- expansion
- extension
- extent
- fatness
- fill
- firmness
- flight
- flock
- flood
- force
- freight
- fuse
- galaxy
- gather
- gathering
- gauge
- generality
- geotropism
- girth
- gist
- glomeration
- glue
- gob
- gospel
- grain
- gram
- grasp
- gravitation
- graviton
- gravity
- greatness
- grossness
- group
- hail
- heap
- height
- hill
- hive
- hoard
- hold
- horde
- host
- huddle
- hug
- hundredweight
- hunk
- hymn
- hymnody
- immensity
- introit
- inventory
- jam
- join
- kilo
- kilogram
- knot
- lade
- larder
- largeness
- league
- legion
- length
- link
- load
- loads
- loaf
- lot
- lots
- lump
- magnitude
- majority
- many
- marshal
- massiveness
- match
- material
- materiality
- materials
- materiel
- matter
- measure
- measurement
- meat
- meet
- megaton
- mess
- mill
- milligram
- miscellany
- mob
- mole
- most
- motet
- mound
- mountain
- much
- muchness
- multitude
- muster
- nest
- node
- nugget
- numbers
- numerousness
- object
- ocean
- offertory
- oodles
- oratorio
- ounce
- pack
- paean
- pair
- palpability
- panoply
- partner
- passion
- pat
- peck
- pennyweight
- pile
- piles
- plenitude
- plenty
- plurality
- pound
- poundal
- preponderance
- press
- profusion
- proletariat
- proportion
- proportions
- prosodion
- provisions
- psalm
- psalmody
- pyramid
- quantity
- quantum
- rabble
- radius
- raise
- rally
- range
- rations
- reach
- recessional
- rendezvous
- repertoire
- repertory
- requiem
- rick
- riffraff
- rout
- ruck
- sack
- scads
- scale
- scope
- scores
- scruple
- scum
- sea
- set
- ship
- shoal
- shock
- size
- slews
- slug
- snowball
- solder
- solid
- solidity
- soundness
- span
- spate
- spiritual
- splice
- spread
- stability
- stack
- staple
- stay
- steadiness
- stick
- stock
- stock-in-trade
- stockpile
- stone
- store
- stores
- stoutness
- stow
- stream
- strength
- sturdiness
- substance
- substantiality
- substantialness
- sum
- superabundance
- superfluity
- surge
- swarm
- tangibility
- tape
- thickness
- throng
- thrust
- tie
- ton
- tons
- toughness
- trash
- treasure
- treasury
- unite
- unwashed
- volume
- wad
- weight
- weld
- whole
- width
- world
- yoke
mass (v.)
- accumulate
- adhere
- agglomerate
- agglutinate
- aggregate
- aggroup
- amass
- amount
- articulate
- assemble
- associate
- backlog
- bag
- band
- bank
- barrel
- batch
- block
- body
- bond
- bottle
- box
- bracket
- bridge
- budget
- bulk
- bunch
- bundle
- burden
- bushel
- cake
- can
- cement
- chain
- chunk
- clasp
- cleave
- clinch
- cling
- clot
- cloud
- clump
- cluster
- clutter
- coagulate
- cohere
- collect
- colligate
- collocate
- combine
- compare
- compile
- comprise
- concatenate
- concrete
- congeal
- conglomerate
- congregate
- conjoin
- conjugate
- connect
- convene
- converge
- copulate
- core
- corral
- couple
- cover
- crate
- crowd
- crush
- cumulate
- date
- deluge
- dimension
- dump
- dyne
- embrace
- encompass
- fill
- flight
- flock
- flood
- force
- forgather
- freight
- fuse
- gather
- gauge
- girth
- glue
- grain
- gram
- grasp
- group
- hail
- heap
- hill
- hive
- hoard
- hold
- host
- huddle
- hug
- hunk
- hymn
- include
- inventory
- jam
- join
- juxtapose
- knot
- lade
- league
- link
- load
- loaf
- lot
- lump
- magnitude
- marry
- marshal
- match
- material
- matter
- measure
- meet
- merge
- mess
- mill
- mob
- mobilize
- mound
- muster
- nest
- object
- ounce
- pack
- pair
- partner
- pat
- peck
- persist
- pile
- pound
- press
- proportion
- psalm
- pyramid
- rabble
- raise
- rally
- range
- reach
- rendezvous
- rick
- rout
- ruck
- sack
- scale
- scope
- scruple
- scum
- seethe
- set
- ship
- shoal
- shock
- size
- slug
- snowball
- solder
- solidify
- span
- splice
- spread
- stack
- staple
- stay
- stick
- stock
- stockpile
- stone
- store
- stow
- stream
- sum
- surge
- swarm
- tape
- throng
- thrust
- tie
- ton
- trash
- treasure
- unify
- unite
- wad
- weight
- weld
- yoke
mass (adj.)
- agglomerate
- agglutinate
- aggregate
- amount
- army
- articulate
- associate
- bag
- band
- barrel
- block
- bond
- budget
- can
- chain
- cling
- coagulate
- collect
- concrete
- conglomerate
- conjugate
- core
- cover
- crate
- date
- density
- dyne
- essence
- flight
- force
- fuse
- gathering
- gram
- group
- heap
- height
- hill
- league
- legion
- length
- lot
- lump
- many
- material
- meet
- mill
- most
- much
- nest
- ocean
- pat
- peck
- pound
- press
- rabble
- range
- reach
- recessional
- rick
- ruck
- scale
- sea
- set
- ship
- size
- solid
- span
- spate
- spiritual
- spread
- staple
- stick
- stock
- stone
- store
- stream
- strength
- tie
- ton
- unwashed
- weight
- whole
- world
A mass enormous! which in modern days
No two of earth's degenerate sons could raise.
A people is but the attempt of many
To rise to the completer life of one;
And those who live as models for the mass
Are singly of more value than they all.
The leader, mingling with the vulgar host,
Is in the common mass of matter lost.
That jewell'd mass of millinery,
That oil'd and curl'd Assyrian Bull.
The baby figure of the giant mass
Of things to come.