hive (n.)
- aerie
- amass
- anchor
- apiary
- army
- beehive
- bevy
- bivouac
- bunch
- burrow
- camp
- charm
- clot
- cloud
- cluster
- clutter
- collect
- couple
- covey
- crowd
- date
- eyrie
- flight
- flock
- fuse
- gaggle
- garner
- gather
- hail
- horde
- host
- huddle
- jam
- league
- legion
- link
- lots
- many
- mass
- meet
- mill
- mob
- moor
- move
- muchness
- multitude
- murmuration
- muster
- nest
- nidus
- numbers
- pack
- park
- people
- perch
- plague
- plurality
- rally
- rendezvous
- reside
- roost
- rout
- ruck
- scores
- settle
- shoal
- skein
- spring
- squat
- stand
- stockpile
- stream
- surge
- swarm
- throng
- unite
- watch
hive (v.)
- amass
- anchor
- assemble
- bivouac
- bunch
- burrow
- camp
- charm
- clot
- cloud
- cluster
- clutter
- collect
- colonize
- congregate
- converge
- copulate
- couple
- crowd
- cumulate
- date
- domesticate
- ensconce
- flight
- flock
- forgather
- fuse
- gaggle
- garner
- gather
- hail
- host
- huddle
- inhabit
- jam
- league
- link
- locate
- mass
- meet
- merge
- mill
- mob
- moor
- move
- muster
- nest
- pack
- park
- people
- perch
- plague
- populate
- rally
- relocate
- rendezvous
- reside
- roost
- rout
- ruck
- seethe
- settle
- shoal
- spring
- squat
- stand
- stockpile
- stream
- surge
- swarm
- throng
- unite
- watch
His helmet now shall make a hive for bees,
And lovers' songs be turned to holy psalms;
A man-at-arms must now serve on his knees,
And feed on prayers, which are old age's alms.