link (n.)
- accord
- addition
- adjunct
- affairs
- affiliation
- affinity
- agent
- alliance
- ally
- amass
- ankle
- appendage
- approximation
- arm
- articulate
- articulation
- assemblage
- associate
- association
- band
- bind
- bond
- bough
- boundary
- bracket
- branch
- bridge
- broker
- bunch
- butt
- cement
- cervix
- chain
- clinch
- closeness
- closure
- clot
- cluster
- collect
- combination
- combine
- component
- conjugate
- connect
- connectedness
- connection
- connector
- constituent
- contiguity
- contrariety
- correlate
- couple
- coupling
- cover
- crowd
- date
- dealings
- deduction
- disjunction
- distributor
- dovetail
- elbow
- element
- embrace
- filiation
- flambeau
- flare
- fuse
- fusee
- gather
- glue
- go-between
- hand
- hinge
- hip
- hive
- homology
- horde
- huddle
- imp
- intercourse
- interdependence
- interface
- intermediary
- intermedium
- intimacy
- jobber
- join
- joining
- joint
- junction
- juncture
- knee
- knot
- knuckle
- league
- leg
- liaison
- ligament
- ligature
- limb
- linkage
- linking
- lobe
- lobule
- marshal
- mass
- mediary
- mediator
- medium
- meet
- member
- middleman
- mill
- miter
- mortise
- muster
- nearness
- neck
- nexus
- offshoot
- organ
- pair
- parallel
- pinion
- pivot
- propinquity
- proximity
- rabbet
- rally
- ramification
- rapport
- relate
- relatedness
- relation
- relations
- relationship
- rendezvous
- runner
- scarf
- scion
- seam
- shoulder
- similarity
- solder
- span
- splice
- spray
- sprig
- spur
- stitch
- stream
- string
- surge
- suture
- swarm
- switch
- sympathy
- symphysis
- tail
- tape
- tendril
- thread
- throng
- tie
- tie-in
- tie-up
- toggle
- torch
- twig
- union
- unite
- wed
- weld
- wholesaler
- wing
- wrist
- yoke
link (v.)
- accord
- accumulate
- agglutinate
- ally
- amass
- ankle
- apply
- arm
- articulate
- assemble
- associate
- band
- bind
- bond
- bracket
- branch
- bridge
- broker
- bunch
- butt
- catenate
- cement
- chain
- clinch
- closure
- clot
- cluster
- collect
- combine
- comprise
- concatenate
- congregate
- conjoin
- conjugate
- connect
- continue
- converge
- copulate
- correlate
- couple
- cover
- crowd
- date
- dovetail
- elbow
- embrace
- encompass
- equate
- flare
- forgather
- fuse
- gather
- glue
- hand
- hinge
- hip
- hive
- huddle
- identify
- imp
- include
- intercourse
- interrelate
- join
- joint
- knot
- knuckle
- league
- leg
- limb
- lobe
- marry
- marshal
- mass
- meet
- member
- merge
- mill
- miter
- mobilize
- mortise
- muster
- neck
- pair
- parallel
- parallelize
- pinion
- pivot
- rabbet
- rally
- relate
- relativize
- rendezvous
- scarf
- seam
- seethe
- shoulder
- solder
- span
- splice
- spray
- spur
- stitch
- stream
- string
- surge
- suture
- swarm
- switch
- tail
- tape
- thread
- throng
- tie
- toggle
- torch
- twig
- unify
- unite
- wed
- weld
- wing
- yoke
The last link is broken
That bound me to thee,
And the words thou hast spoken
Have render'd me free.
True love's the gift which God has given
To man alone beneath the heaven:
It is not fantasy's hot fire,
Whose wishes soon as granted fly;
It liveth not in fierce desire,
With dead desire it doth not die;
It is the secret sympathy,
The silver link, the silken tie,
Which heart to heart and mind to mind
In body and in soul can bind.