solder (n.)
- amass
- articulate
- associate
- band
- bind
- blaze
- blister
- bond
- bracket
- brand
- bridge
- burn
- cast
- cement
- chain
- char
- chase
- chisel
- coal
- collect
- combine
- conjugate
- connect
- couple
- cover
- crack
- cupel
- cut
- embrace
- flame
- found
- fuse
- gather
- glue
- grave
- gum
- join
- knot
- league
- link
- marshal
- mass
- model
- mold
- pair
- parch
- paste
- scorch
- sculpture
- singe
- span
- splice
- tape
- tie
- unite
- weld
- yoke
solder (v.)
- accumulate
- agglutinate
- amass
- articulate
- assemble
- associate
- band
- bind
- blaze
- blister
- bond
- bracket
- brand
- braze
- bridge
- burn
- carve
- cast
- cauterize
- cement
- chain
- char
- chase
- chisel
- coal
- collect
- combine
- comprise
- concatenate
- conjoin
- conjugate
- connect
- copulate
- couple
- cover
- crack
- cut
- embrace
- encompass
- engrave
- flame
- found
- fuse
- gather
- glue
- grave
- gum
- include
- join
- knot
- league
- link
- marry
- marshal
- mass
- merge
- mobilize
- model
- mold
- oxidate
- oxidize
- pair
- parch
- paste
- scorch
- sculpt
- sculpture
- sear
- singe
- span
- splice
- swinge
- tape
- tie
- unify
- unite
- vesicate
- vulcanize
- weld
- yoke
Friendship! mysterious cement of the soul!
Sweetener of life! and solder of society!