chase (n.)
- address
- afforestation
- arboretum
- beat
- beau
- bezel
- boil
- bolt
- boondocks
- boss
- bundle
- bush
- bustle
- career
- cast
- chamfer
- charge
- chink
- chisel
- chuck
- corrugation
- course
- coursing
- court
- crack
- cranny
- crowd
- cut
- dado
- dash
- dendrology
- dog
- drive
- eject
- engraving
- esquire
- falcon
- falconry
- fling
- flush
- flute
- fluting
- follow-up
- following
- forest
- forestry
- found
- fowl
- furrow
- gash
- gouge
- grave
- greenwood
- groove
- gun
- handicap
- hanger
- hawk
- hawking
- heel
- hound
- hunt
- hunting
- hurry
- hustle
- incision
- jack
- jacklight
- jungle
- lash
- leap
- model
- mold
- out
- park
- plunge
- post
- prey
- prosecution
- pursuance
- pursuit
- quarry
- quest
- rabbet
- race
- raise
- rebuff
- reforestation
- refuse
- repulse
- ridge
- rifling
- rout
- ruck
- run
- rush
- rut
- scamper
- score
- scramble
- scratch
- scrub
- scrubland
- sculpture
- scurry
- scuttle
- search
- searching
- seek
- seeking
- serenade
- shadow
- shadowing
- shoot
- shooting
- silviculture
- slit
- snub
- solder
- spark
- speed
- sport
- spurt
- squire
- stake
- stalk
- stalking
- start
- steeplechase
- streak
- stria
- striation
- sue
- sulcus
- swain
- sweep
- sweepstakes
- sweetheart
- tag
- tail
- tailgate
- tear
- timber
- timberland
- track
- tracking
- trail
- trailing
- weld
- wood
- woodland
- woods
- wrinkle
chase (v.)
- address
- assemble
- beat
- boil
- bolt
- boss
- bundle
- bush
- bustle
- career
- carve
- cast
- chamfer
- charge
- chevy
- chink
- chisel
- chivy
- chuck
- course
- court
- crack
- crowd
- cut
- dado
- dash
- dismiss
- dog
- drive
- eject
- emboss
- engrave
- evict
- extrude
- falcon
- festinate
- fling
- flush
- flute
- follow
- forest
- found
- fowl
- furrow
- gash
- gouge
- grave
- groove
- gun
- handicap
- hasten
- hawk
- heel
- hound
- hunt
- hurry
- hustle
- jack
- jacklight
- lash
- leap
- model
- mold
- out
- park
- plunge
- post
- prey
- prosecute
- pursue
- quarry
- quest
- rabbet
- race
- raise
- rebuff
- refuse
- repel
- repulse
- ridge
- rout
- ruck
- run
- rush
- rut
- scamper
- score
- scramble
- scratch
- scrub
- sculpt
- sculpture
- scurry
- scuttle
- search
- seek
- serenade
- shadow
- shoot
- slit
- snub
- solder
- spark
- speed
- sport
- spurn
- spurt
- squire
- stake
- stalk
- start
- still-hunt
- streak
- sue
- sweep
- tag
- tail
- tailgate
- tear
- track
- trail
- weld
- woo
- wood
- woods
- wrinkle
The big round tears
Coursed one another down his innocent nose
In piteous chase.
Chase brave employment with a naked sword
Throughout the world.
Why do you lead me a wild-goose chase?