leap (n.)
- access
- accession
- accretion
- accrual
- accruement
- accumulation
- addition
- advance
- aggrandizement
- amount
- amplification
- appreciation
- ascension
- ascent
- augmentation
- ballooning
- boom
- boost
- bounce
- bound
- breakthrough
- broadening
- buck
- buildup
- bundle
- bustle
- caesura
- caliber
- canter
- caper
- capriole
- chase
- clamber
- clear
- clearance
- climb
- climbing
- coinage
- compass
- crescendo
- crowd
- curvet
- cut
- dance
- dash
- degree
- development
- discontinuity
- discovery
- edema
- elevation
- enlargement
- escalade
- escalation
- exordium
- expansion
- extension
- extent
- flood
- foreword
- fountain
- fox-trot
- frisk
- frolic
- frontispiece
- gain
- gallop
- gambol
- get
- git
- grade
- growth
- gush
- height
- hiatus
- hike
- hop
- hotfoot
- hurdle
- hurry
- hustle
- increase
- increment
- inflation
- innovation
- interim
- interruption
- interstice
- interval
- introduction
- invention
- jet
- jump
- lacuna
- leapfrog
- leeway
- level
- levitation
- lope
- margin
- mark
- measure
- mount
- mounting
- multiplication
- neologism
- notch
- novelty
- nuance
- overture
- pas
- peg
- period
- pitch
- plane
- plateau
- plunge
- point
- post
- postulate
- pounce
- prance
- preamble
- preface
- prefix
- preliminary
- prelude
- premise
- presupposition
- productiveness
- prolegomenon
- prolepsis
- proliferation
- prologue
- proportion
- race
- raise
- range
- ratio
- reach
- remove
- rise
- rising
- romp
- room
- round
- run
- rung
- rush
- saltation
- scale
- scamper
- scope
- scramble
- scurry
- scuttle
- shade
- shadow
- skip
- soaring
- space
- spout
- spread
- spring
- sprint
- spurt
- stair
- standard
- start
- steeplechase
- step
- stint
- surge
- swelling
- take
- takeoff
- tear
- tread
- trip
- trot
- tumescence
- up
- updraft
- upgrade
- uphill
- uplift
- upping
- uprising
- upsurge
- upturn
- vault
- verse
- voluntary
- waxing
- widening
leap (v.)
- accept
- access
- accession
- advance
- amount
- boom
- boost
- bounce
- bound
- buck
- bundle
- bustle
- canter
- caper
- capriole
- cavort
- chase
- clamber
- clear
- climb
- compass
- crescendo
- crowd
- curvet
- cut
- dance
- dash
- escalade
- festinate
- flood
- frisk
- frolic
- gain
- gallop
- gambol
- get
- grade
- gush
- hasten
- hightail
- hike
- hop
- hotfoot
- hurdle
- hurry
- hustle
- increase
- jet
- jump
- leapfrog
- level
- lope
- mark
- measure
- mount
- negotiate
- notch
- overleap
- peg
- pitch
- plane
- plunge
- point
- post
- postulate
- pounce
- prance
- preamble
- preface
- prefix
- prelude
- premise
- proportion
- race
- raise
- range
- rapidly
- reach
- remove
- rise
- romp
- room
- round
- run
- rush
- scale
- scamper
- scope
- scramble
- scurry
- scuttle
- shade
- shadow
- skip
- space
- spout
- spread
- spring
- sprint
- spurt
- start
- step
- stint
- surge
- take
- tear
- tread
- trip
- trot
- up
- upgrade
- uplift
- uprise
- vault
- verse
I am just going to leap into the dark.
"Darest thou, Cassius, now
Leap in with me into this angry flood,
And swim to yonder point?" Upon the word,
Accoutred as I was, I plunged in
And bade him follow.
Look ere ye leape.
As the ancients
Say wisely, have a care o' th' main chance,
And look before you ere you leap;
For as you sow, ye are like to reap.
By heaven, methinks it were an easy leap
To pluck bright honour from the pale-faced moon,
Or dive into the bottom of the deep,
Where fathom-line could never touch the ground,
And pluck up drowned honour by the locks.