space (n.)
- accommodation
- aerospace
- airspace
- alien
- allot
- amount
- amplitude
- aperture
- area
- array
- bar
- belt
- berth
- bit
- blank
- brace
- breadth
- break
- bump
- burden
- caesura
- caliber
- capacity
- cavity
- ceiling
- chaos
- chasm
- check
- chronology
- clearance
- clearing
- cleft
- compass
- confines
- content
- continuity
- cordage
- corridor
- country
- crack
- crosswind
- cut
- day
- deal
- degree
- department
- disclosure
- discontinuity
- distance
- district
- divergence
- division
- duration
- em
- en
- environs
- expanse
- expansion
- extent
- extraterrestrial
- farness
- fenestra
- field
- fistula
- fix
- flat
- fog
- fontanel
- foramen
- front
- gap
- gape
- gat
- grade
- ground
- gulf
- heartland
- height
- hiatus
- hinterland
- hole
- hollow
- hour
- infinity
- inlet
- instant
- interim
- intermission
- interruption
- interstice
- interval
- ionosphere
- jump
- juncture
- lacuna
- land
- lapse
- lastingness
- latitude
- leak
- leap
- leeway
- length
- level
- light-year
- limit
- line
- margin
- mark
- marshal
- measure
- mileage
- milieu
- minute
- moment
- neighborhood
- notch
- nuance
- opening
- order
- orifice
- outlet
- overcast
- parsec
- part
- parts
- pas
- passageway
- pause
- peg
- period
- perspective
- piece
- pitch
- place
- plane
- plateau
- play
- point
- pore
- poundage
- premises
- proportion
- proportional
- quad
- quantity
- quarter
- rally
- range
- rank
- ratio
- reach
- regiment
- region
- remoteness
- remove
- room
- rope
- roughness
- round
- rung
- salient
- scale
- scope
- season
- seat
- section
- separate
- separation
- shade
- shadow
- slot
- slug
- soil
- soup
- space-time
- spaciousness
- span
- spell
- split
- spread
- staff
- stage
- stair
- standard
- stave
- step
- stint
- stoma
- stowage
- stratosphere
- stretch
- stride
- surface
- swing
- tense
- term
- terrain
- territory
- tide
- time
- tolerance
- tonnage
- tread
- tropopause
- troposphere
- trough
- turbulence
- vicinity
- visibility
- volume
- wait
- way
- ways
- while
- yawn
- zone
space (v.)
- alien
- align
- allocate
- allot
- amount
- apportion
- arrange
- array
- bar
- belt
- berth
- bit
- blank
- brace
- break
- bump
- burden
- ceiling
- check
- collocate
- compass
- compose
- content
- crack
- cut
- day
- deal
- dispose
- distance
- distribute
- district
- em
- en
- field
- fix
- flat
- fog
- front
- gap
- gape
- grade
- ground
- gulf
- hole
- hollow
- jump
- land
- lapse
- leak
- leap
- level
- limit
- line
- mark
- marshal
- measure
- minute
- notch
- order
- organize
- overcast
- part
- pause
- peg
- piece
- pitch
- place
- plane
- play
- point
- pore
- proportion
- quarter
- rally
- range
- rank
- reach
- regiment
- remove
- room
- rope
- round
- scale
- scope
- season
- seat
- section
- separate
- shade
- shadow
- slot
- slug
- soil
- soup
- span
- spell
- split
- spread
- staff
- stage
- stave
- step
- stint
- stretch
- stride
- surface
- swing
- tense
- term
- tide
- time
- tread
- wait
- way
- whet
- yawn
- zone
Ye Gods! annihilate but space and time,
And make two lovers happy.
Thus would I double my life's fading space;
For he that runs it well, runs twice his race.