minute (n.)
- absolute
- annum
- baby
- balance
- bantam
- bell
- book
- breath
- breathing
- calendar
- carry
- catalog
- century
- chalk
- chronicle
- close
- concrete
- constant
- cool
- coup
- crack
- credit
- cut
- day
- debit
- decade
- decennary
- decennium
- diminutive
- dinky
- docket
- document
- enter
- entry
- express
- extraordinary
- file
- fine
- flash
- fortnight
- full
- grave
- hep
- hip
- hot
- hour
- in
- index
- individual
- inessential
- inferior
- infinitesimal
- inner
- insert
- instant
- interval
- intimate
- item
- jiffy
- journal
- juncture
- latest
- least
- light
- list
- little
- log
- lunation
- luster
- lustrum
- matriculate
- memorandum
- mere
- microsecond
- millennium
- millisecond
- mini
- miniature
- minor
- minuscule
- minutes
- modern
- moment
- month
- moon
- narrow
- nice
- nonessential
- notation
- note
- now
- particular
- peewee
- period
- personal
- petty
- point
- poll
- post
- private
- proceedings
- quarter
- quinquennium
- record
- register
- religious
- resume
- rigid
- season
- sec
- second
- semester
- session
- shake
- singular
- slight
- small
- smart
- space
- span
- special
- specific
- spell
- stage
- stretch
- strict
- stroke
- summary
- sun
- tape
- technical
- term
- tick
- time
- tiny
- transactions
- transcript
- trice
- trifling
- trimester
- twelvemonth
- twinkle
- twinkling
- twitch
- videotape
- wee
- week
- weekday
- while
- wink
- write
- year
minute (v.)
- baby
- balance
- bell
- book
- breath
- calendar
- capitalize
- carry
- carve
- catalog
- certain
- chalk
- chronicle
- close
- concrete
- cool
- correct
- coup
- crack
- credit
- cut
- day
- debit
- docket
- document
- engrave
- enroll
- enter
- exact
- express
- file
- fine
- flash
- full
- grave
- hip
- impanel
- in
- incise
- index
- inscribe
- insert
- intimate
- light
- list
- little
- log
- luster
- matriculate
- minor
- moon
- narrow
- nice
- note
- now
- point
- poll
- post
- quarter
- record
- register
- resume
- season
- second
- shake
- slight
- smart
- space
- span
- spell
- stage
- stretch
- strict
- stroke
- sun
- tabulate
- tape
- term
- tick
- time
- tiny
- transcribe
- trice
- twinkle
- twitch
- videotape
- wee
- wink
- write
minute (adj.)
- absolute
- accurate
- attentive
- bantam
- bitsy
- bitty
- blow-by-blow
- book
- breathing
- careful
- carry
- ceaseless
- certain
- close
- concrete
- conscientious
- constant
- continuous
- cool
- correct
- crack
- critical
- cut
- day
- defined
- definite
- delicate
- demanding
- detailed
- determinate
- different
- diminutive
- dinky
- dispensable
- distinct
- distinguished
- enter
- esoteric
- especial
- exact
- exacting
- exceptional
- exigent
- express
- exquisite
- extraordinary
- fashionable
- fine
- finical
- finicky
- fixed
- flash
- full
- fussy
- grave
- hep
- hip
- hot
- immaterial
- in
- inappreciable
- incessant
- inconsequential
- inconsiderable
- individual
- inessential
- inferior
- infinitesimal
- inner
- insignificant
- instant
- interminable
- intimate
- irrelevant
- item
- itsy-bitsy
- itty-bitty
- latest
- least
- light
- list
- little
- log
- luster
- mere
- meticulous
- micro
- microscopic
- mini
- miniature
- minor
- minuscule
- modern
- moment
- narrow
- negligible
- nice
- nonessential
- noteworthy
- particular
- particularized
- personal
- petty
- picayune
- piddling
- pint-sized
- point
- post
- precise
- private
- punctilious
- punctual
- refined
- religious
- respective
- rigid
- rigorous
- scrupulous
- sec
- second
- several
- singular
- slight
- small
- smart
- span
- special
- specific
- stage
- stretch
- strict
- stylish
- subtle
- summary
- technical
- teensy-weensy
- teeny
- teeny-weeny
- term
- thorough
- tick
- time
- tiny
- trendy
- trifling
- trivial
- twinkling
- unceasing
- unessential
- unimportant
- unimpressive
- uninterrupted
- wee
- while
- year
Choose a firm cloud before it fall, and in it
Catch, ere she change, the Cynthia of this minute.
Take all the pleasures of all the spheres,
And multiply each through endless years,—
One minute of heaven is worth them all.
A gentleman, nurse, that loves to hear himself talk, and will speak more in a minute than he will stand to in a month.
A violet in the youth of primy nature,
Forward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting,
The perfume and suppliance of a minute.
His conversation does not show the minute-hand, but he strikes the hour very correctly.