hot (n.)
- animal
- approaching
- ardent
- bad
- baking
- bawdy
- blistering
- boiling
- boss
- broiling
- bully
- burning
- cardinal
- carmine
- carnation
- carnelian
- cerise
- cherry
- close
- combustible
- cool
- cordial
- crackerjack
- crimson
- damask
- dandy
- delicious
- disappearing
- drunk
- ducky
- earnest
- erotic
- explosive
- fab
- faithful
- fanatic
- flaming
- fugitive
- gear
- glowing
- great
- grilling
- heavy
- het
- infrared
- intent
- intimate
- itching
- jazz
- keen
- live
- lurid
- madcap
- maroon
- mean
- must
- neat
- okay
- peachy
- puce
- pyretic
- quick
- racy
- ragtime
- randy
- rechauffe
- red
- ripping
- roasting
- rubric
- ruby
- rum
- runaway
- rust
- rusty
- scarlet
- sexual
- simmering
- smashing
- solid
- stammel
- sudorific
- super
- sweating
- swell
- toasting
- tough
- tropic
- vermilion
- warm
- wine-colored
- wizard
hot (adv.)
hot (adj.)
- abandoned
- ablaze
- activated
- afire
- animal
- approaching
- approximate
- ardent
- bad
- baking
- bang-up
- banned
- bawdy
- blistering
- bonzer
- boss
- breathless
- brisk
- bully
- burning
- canicular
- cardinal
- carmine
- carnal
- carnation
- cerise
- charged
- cherry
- cherry-red
- close
- combustible
- committed
- concupiscent
- contaminated
- cool
- cordial
- corking
- crimson
- damask
- dandy
- dedicated
- delicious
- delirious
- detectable
- determinable
- devoted
- devout
- dirty
- discernible
- discoverable
- drunk
- earnest
- ebullient
- enthusiastic
- erotic
- estral
- estrous
- estrual
- excited
- explosive
- exuberant
- fab
- faithful
- fanatic
- febrile
- fervent
- fervid
- fevered
- feverish
- feverous
- fiery
- flame-colored
- flaming
- fleshly
- flushed
- fugitive
- gear
- glorious
- glowing
- great
- groovy
- hard-core
- hasty
- hearty
- heated
- heavy
- hectic
- het
- high-tension
- horny
- hot-blooded
- hot-tempered
- hotheaded
- hunky-dory
- impassioned
- infected
- inflamed
- infrared
- intense
- intent
- intimate
- intoxicated
- itching
- jazzy
- keen
- laky
- lascivious
- lecherous
- lewd
- libidinous
- live
- lively
- loyal
- lubricious
- lurid
- lustful
- madcap
- maroon
- mean
- mild
- must
- musty
- near
- neat
- nifty
- nigh
- nippy
- nobby
- nymphomaniacal
- obscene
- okay
- overheated
- passionate
- peachy
- peppery
- perfervid
- plagiarized
- priapic
- proximal
- proximate
- prurient
- pyretic
- quick
- quick-tempered
- racy
- radioactive
- randy
- recooked
- red
- red-hot
- reddened
- reddish
- reddish-brown
- resolute
- ripping
- rubicund
- ruby
- ruby-red
- ruddy
- rum
- runaway
- rust
- rust-red
- rusty
- ruttish
- rutty
- salacious
- satyric
- scarlet
- scorching
- scrumptious
- searing
- seasoned
- seething
- sensual
- serious
- sex-starved
- sexual
- sexy
- short-tempered
- sincere
- sizzling
- slap-up
- smashing
- smoldering
- snappy
- solid
- spicy
- spiffing
- spiffy
- spirited
- spunky
- steaming
- steamy
- stunning
- sudorific
- sultry
- summery
- super
- swell
- sweltering
- sweltry
- swingy
- syncopated
- tangy
- torrid
- tough
- tropic
- tropical
- unrestrained
- unsatisfied
- vehement
- vermilion
- vicinal
- vigorous
- vinaceous
- volcanic
- warm
- warmed
- white-hot
- wine-red
- wizard
- zealous
- zestful
- zesty
- zippy
For in my youth I never did apply
Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood.
Where eldest Night
And Chaos, ancestors of Nature, hold
Eternal anarchy amidst the noise
Of endless wars, and by confusion stand;
For hot, cold, moist, and dry, four champions fierce,
Strive here for mast'ry.
You should hammer your iron when it is glowing hot.
And there was mounting in hot haste.
Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot
That it do singe yourself.
Clo. Yes, by Saint Anne, and ginger shall be hot i' the mouth too.
The brain may devise laws for the blood, but a hot temper leaps o'er a cold decree.