burning (n.)
- acid
- approaching
- ardent
- baking
- beaming
- beheading
- bitter
- blazing
- blistering
- boiling
- branding
- bright
- broiling
- burn
- calcination
- carbonization
- caustic
- cauterant
- cauterization
- cautery
- chafing
- cineration
- close
- combustion
- cordial
- cracking
- cremation
- crucifixion
- crying
- decapitation
- defenestration
- deflagration
- distillation
- drunk
- earnest
- electrocution
- execution
- faithful
- festering
- fever
- fire
- flaming
- flashing
- fusillade
- garrote
- gassing
- gay
- gleaming
- glowing
- grilling
- hanging
- heat
- heating
- hemlock
- hot
- hotness
- hypothermia
- illuminant
- imperative
- incalescence
- incineration
- instant
- intent
- intimate
- keen
- lapidation
- live
- living
- luminant
- must
- orient
- oxidation
- oxidization
- poisoning
- pyre
- pyretic
- pyrolysis
- racy
- raging
- raw
- red
- refining
- rich
- roasting
- sensitive
- shining
- shooting
- simmering
- smart
- smarting
- smoking
- sore
- stewing
- sting
- stinging
- stirring
- stoning
- strangling
- strangulation
- streaming
- sudorific
- suttee
- sweating
- tender
- tingle
- tingling
- toasting
- urgent
- urtication
- vesication
- warm
- warming
- warmness
- warmth
- withering
burning (adj.)
- abandoned
- ablaze
- acerb
- acerbic
- acid
- acidic
- acidulent
- acidulous
- acrimonious
- afire
- aflame
- aflicker
- aglow
- algetic
- alight
- angry
- approaching
- approximate
- ardent
- baking
- beaming
- beamy
- bitter
- blazing
- blistering
- blushing
- breathless
- bright
- brilliant
- brisk
- burn
- calefacient
- calefactive
- calefactory
- caloric
- candent
- candescent
- canicular
- caustic
- chafed
- choleric
- clamant
- clamorous
- close
- colorful
- comburent
- committed
- cordial
- cracking
- crying
- dedicated
- delirious
- devoted
- devout
- dire
- drunk
- earnest
- ebullient
- emphatic
- enthusiastic
- estral
- estrous
- estrual
- excited
- exciting
- exigent
- exotic
- exuberant
- faithful
- febrile
- fervent
- fervid
- fevered
- feverish
- feverous
- fiery
- fire
- flagrant
- flaming
- flaring
- flashy
- flickering
- flushed
- fulgurant
- fulgurating
- galled
- gay
- gleaming
- glinting
- glowing
- gorgeous
- hanging
- hearty
- heat
- heated
- heating
- hectic
- hot
- hot-blooded
- ignescent
- ignited
- impassioned
- imperative
- importunate
- incandescent
- inflamed
- instant
- intense
- intent
- intimate
- intoxicated
- irritated
- keen
- kindled
- lighted
- live
- lively
- living
- loyal
- luminiferous
- luminous
- lustrous
- meteoric
- must
- musty
- near
- nigh
- nippy
- overheated
- passionate
- peppery
- perfervid
- provoking
- proximal
- proximate
- pyretic
- racy
- radiant
- raging
- rancorous
- raw
- red
- red-hot
- reeking
- resentful
- resolute
- rich
- ruttish
- rutty
- scintillant
- scintillating
- scorching
- searing
- seasoned
- seething
- sensitive
- serious
- shining
- shiny
- shooting
- sincere
- sizzling
- smart
- smoking
- smoldering
- snappy
- sore
- spicy
- spirited
- splenetic
- starlike
- starry
- steaming
- steamy
- stimulating
- sting
- stinging
- stirring
- streaming
- sudorific
- sunny
- sweltering
- sweltry
- tangy
- tender
- tingling
- torrid
- unrestrained
- urgent
- vehement
- vicinal
- vigorous
- violent
- virulent
- vivid
- warm
- warming
- white-hot
- withering
- zealous
- zestful
- zesty
- zippy
He was a burning and a shining light.
One fire burns out another's burning,
One pain is lessen'd by another's anguish.
The boy stood on the burning deck,
Whence all but him had fled;
The flame that lit the battle's wreck
Shone round him o'er the dead.
His spear, to equal which the tallest pine
Hewn on Norwegian hills to be the mast
Of some great ammiral were but a wand,
He walk'd with to support uneasy steps
Over the burning marle.
Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning.