stirring (n.)
stirring (adj.)
- active
- afoot
- agitating
- alluring
- ardent
- astir
- awe-inspiring
- breathtaking
- burning
- bustling
- challenging
- charged
- cliff-hanging
- disquieting
- disturbing
- dramatic
- driving
- electric
- emotional
- emotive
- emphatic
- encouraging
- energizing
- enthusiastic
- eventful
- evocative
- exciting
- exhilarating
- fervent
- fiery
- galvanic
- galvanizing
- glowing
- gripping
- heady
- impassioned
- impelling
- impressive
- inflammatory
- inspiring
- inspiriting
- intoxicating
- inviting
- jarring
- jolting
- maddening
- melodramatic
- mind-blowing
- mobile
- momentous
- motile
- motivational
- motive
- motor
- moving
- overpowering
- overwhelming
- passionate
- perturbing
- phenomenal
- piquant
- propellant
- propelling
- provocative
- provoking
- ravishing
- rousing
- soul-stirring
- spirited
- stimulant
- stimulating
- stimulative
- stir
- striking
- suspenseful
- suspensive
- tantalizing
- telling
- thrilling
- transitional
- troubling
- upsetting
- urgent
- vehement
- warm
A man that's fond precociously of stirring
Must be a spoon.