move (n.)
- accomplishment
- achievement
- act
- acta
- action
- activity
- actuation
- advance
- adventure
- advocate
- affect
- alteration
- anchor
- annoy
- answer
- approach
- arouse
- art
- artifice
- assay
- attempt
- awake
- back
- be
- bear
- begin
- bend
- bias
- bid
- bivouac
- blind
- blow
- bowl
- broach
- budge
- bunt
- burrow
- butt
- camp
- caper
- carry
- caution
- change
- charge
- chicanery
- circle
- climb
- color
- commute
- conduct
- conspiracy
- contrivance
- countermove
- coup
- course
- crack
- craft
- dealings
- deceit
- deed
- demarche
- design
- device
- disquiet
- do
- dodge
- doing
- doings
- drive
- dump
- dynamics
- ebb
- effort
- endeavor
- enterprise
- essay
- exist
- exit
- expedient
- experiment
- exploit
- fan
- fare
- feat
- feint
- fetch
- fire
- flame
- fling
- flit
- flow
- force
- forward
- foster
- frenzy
- function
- gambit
- game
- gang
- gest
- gesticulation
- gesture
- get
- gimmick
- go
- goad
- going
- hand
- handiwork
- heat
- hie
- hive
- hurry
- impress
- improvisation
- incense
- incline
- influence
- intrigue
- job
- jugglery
- kinematics
- kinesis
- kinetics
- knavery
- launch
- lead
- leave
- lick
- live
- make
- makeshift
- maneuver
- march
- market
- means
- measure
- melt
- merchandise
- mobilization
- modification
- moor
- moot
- motion
- motivation
- mount
- movement
- nest
- nudge
- offer
- operation
- opportunity
- park
- pass
- passage
- pedal
- people
- perch
- performance
- pierce
- pique
- play
- plot
- ploy
- plunge
- pole
- pose
- postulate
- power
- practice
- procedure
- proceeding
- prod
- production
- progress
- prompt
- propel
- proposition
- push
- racket
- reach
- regress
- relocation
- removal
- remove
- replace
- reside
- resort
- resource
- restlessness
- retail
- rise
- roll
- roost
- rouse
- row
- ruffle
- run
- running
- ruse
- rush
- sacrifice
- sashay
- scheme
- sell
- send
- serve
- settle
- shake-up
- shift
- ship
- shot
- shove
- shunt
- side
- sink
- sleight
- smart
- soar
- solution
- spark
- spin
- spur
- squat
- stab
- stand
- start
- stem
- step
- sting
- stir
- stirring
- stop
- stopgap
- stratagem
- strategy
- stream
- strike
- stroke
- stunt
- subterfuge
- sway
- sweep
- tactic
- thing
- thrust
- time
- tinge
- tone
- touch
- transaction
- transfer
- transport
- travel
- treadle
- trial
- trick
- trickery
- troll
- trump
- trundle
- try
- turn
- undercut
- undertaking
- unrest
- up
- upset
- urge
- variation
- velocity
- wake
- wane
- warm
- whack
- whirl
- wholesale
- wile
- work
- working
- works
move (v.)
- acquit
- act
- action
- activate
- actuate
- admonish
- advance
- adventure
- advocate
- affect
- agitate
- anchor
- animate
- annoy
- answer
- approach
- arouse
- art
- ascend
- assay
- attempt
- awake
- awaken
- back
- be
- bear
- begin
- behave
- bend
- bias
- bid
- bivouac
- blind
- blow
- bowl
- breathe
- bring
- broach
- budge
- bunt
- burrow
- busy
- butt
- camp
- caper
- carry
- caution
- change
- charge
- circle
- climb
- colonize
- color
- commence
- commute
- compel
- comport
- conduct
- convey
- coup
- course
- crack
- craft
- decamp
- delocalize
- demean
- depart
- deport
- descend
- design
- dislocate
- dislodge
- displace
- dispose
- disquiet
- disturb
- do
- dodge
- domesticate
- drive
- dump
- ebb
- emigrate
- encourage
- endeavor
- energize
- enjoin
- enkindle
- enrage
- ensconce
- essay
- excite
- exhort
- exist
- exit
- experiment
- exploit
- expostulate
- fan
- fare
- feat
- feint
- fetch
- fire
- flame
- fling
- flit
- flow
- foment
- force
- forward
- foster
- function
- galvanize
- game
- gang
- gest
- gesture
- get
- go
- goad
- going
- grieve
- gyrate
- hand
- hasten
- heat
- hie
- hive
- hurry
- impel
- impress
- incense
- incite
- incline
- induce
- inflame
- influence
- infuriate
- inhabit
- inspire
- intrigue
- introduce
- job
- kindle
- launch
- lead
- leave
- lick
- live
- locate
- madden
- make
- maneuver
- manhandle
- march
- market
- measure
- melt
- merchandise
- misbehave
- mobilize
- moor
- moot
- motion
- motivate
- mount
- moving
- nest
- nudge
- offer
- operate
- park
- pass
- pedal
- penetrate
- people
- perch
- persuade
- pierce
- pique
- play
- plot
- ploy
- plunge
- pole
- populate
- pose
- postulate
- power
- practice
- preach
- predispose
- prefer
- prevail
- proceed
- prod
- progress
- promote
- prompt
- propel
- propose
- proposition
- propound
- provoke
- push
- quicken
- racket
- reach
- recommend
- regress
- relocate
- remind
- remonstrate
- remove
- replace
- resell
- reside
- resort
- retail
- retrogress
- rise
- roll
- roost
- rotate
- rouse
- row
- ruffle
- run
- ruse
- rush
- sacrifice
- sadden
- sashay
- scheme
- sell
- send
- serve
- settle
- shift
- ship
- shove
- shunt
- side
- sink
- smart
- smite
- soar
- soften
- spark
- spin
- spur
- squat
- stab
- stand
- start
- stem
- step
- stimulate
- sting
- stir
- stop
- stream
- strike
- stroke
- stunt
- submit
- subside
- subsist
- suggest
- supersede
- supplant
- sway
- sweep
- thrust
- time
- tinge
- tone
- touch
- transfer
- transmit
- transport
- travel
- treadle
- trick
- troll
- trump
- trundle
- try
- turn
- undercut
- undersell
- unload
- up
- upset
- urge
- wake
- waken
- wane
- warm
- warn
- wend
- whack
- whirl
- wholesale
- withdraw
- work
True ease in writing comes from art, not chance,
As those move easiest who have learn'd to dance.
'T is not enough no harshness gives offence,—
The sound must seem an echo to the sense.