roll (n.)
- account
- advance
- agenda
- amble
- annals
- backing
- bagel
- bale
- bank
- bankroll
- barge
- barrage
- barrel
- beat
- beating
- bialy
- bialystoker
- billow
- blank
- blunder
- bob
- bobble
- bole
- bolt
- boom
- bore
- bouquet
- bowl
- bowling
- break
- breakers
- budget
- bun
- bundle
- bunt
- butt
- cackle
- cadastre
- calendar
- calender
- cannonade
- careen
- career
- carol
- cartridge
- cask
- cast
- catalog
- catalogue
- caw
- census
- centrifugation
- chatter
- checklist
- cheep
- chirp
- chirrup
- chop
- choppiness
- chronicle
- chronicles
- chuck
- circle
- circulation
- cirrus
- clack
- cluck
- clump
- coast
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- coil
- column
- comb
- comber
- commute
- coo
- corkscrew
- correspondence
- course
- crab
- crap
- craps
- crash
- croak
- croissant
- crow
- cruise
- crumpet
- cuckoo
- curl
- curlicue
- cycle
- cylinder
- dash
- deck
- dip
- directory
- docket
- document
- documentation
- dope
- dossier
- drag
- drift
- drive
- droop
- drum
- drumbeat
- drumfire
- drumming
- eagre
- echo
- elapse
- emulsion
- even
- fagot
- falter
- fardel
- fare
- fasces
- feather
- fell
- fetch
- file
- film
- flit
- float
- flounce
- flounder
- flow
- flush
- flutter
- fly
- foot
- form
- forward
- frame
- gabble
- gad
- gaggle
- gait
- gallop
- gang
- gem
- glide
- go
- gobble
- grade
- growl
- grumble
- gush
- gyration
- gyre
- halt
- heave
- helix
- hie
- history
- hitch
- hobble
- hobbyhorse
- holograph
- honk
- hoo
- hoot
- hop
- index
- instrument
- inventory
- iron
- jog
- jolt
- jump
- kink
- labor
- lay
- letters
- level
- lift
- limp
- lineup
- list
- listing
- loop
- lop
- lumber
- lunge
- lurch
- mangle
- memorial
- microfilm
- mince
- money
- mooch
- move
- muffin
- muster
- natural
- negative
- nick
- nosegay
- orbit
- pace
- pack
- package
- packet
- paddle
- palpitation
- paper
- papers
- paradiddle
- parcel
- parchment
- part
- pass
- patter
- peak
- peal
- pedal
- peep
- peg
- piaffe
- piece
- pillar
- pip
- pipe
- pitch
- pitching
- pitter-patter
- plate
- plod
- plow
- plunge
- pole
- poll
- popover
- porpoise
- portion
- posy
- pound
- pounding
- prance
- press
- program
- progress
- propel
- pulsation
- push
- quack
- questionnaire
- quiver
- rack
- ramble
- range
- rase
- rat-a-tat
- rat-tat
- rataplan
- raze
- rear
- rebound
- record
- recording
- reel
- register
- registry
- relic
- relish
- remains
- return
- returns
- revel
- reverberation
- revolution
- ride
- riffle
- ringlet
- ripple
- rise
- roar
- rob
- rock
- roller
- rolling
- rolls
- roster
- rota
- rotation
- rouleau
- rove
- row
- rub-a-dub
- ruff
- ruffle
- rumble
- run
- sail
- sashay
- saunter
- savor
- schedule
- scold
- scone
- screw
- scrip
- script
- scroll
- scuff
- scuffle
- scuttle
- sea
- send
- shake
- shamble
- sheaf
- shoestring
- shot
- shove
- shroud
- shuffle
- shunt
- sideslip
- sing
- single-foot
- skid
- skip
- slate
- slide
- slip
- slouch
- slowness
- sluice
- smash
- smooth
- somersault
- somerset
- sound
- spatter
- spin
- spinning
- spiral
- splatter
- split
- splutter
- spool
- sputter
- squawk
- stagger
- stalk
- stamp
- steamroller
- stem
- step
- stomp
- straddle
- straggle
- stray
- stream
- stride
- strip
- stroll
- struggle
- strut
- stumble
- stump
- stunt
- surf
- surge
- swag
- swagger
- swathe
- sway
- sweep
- swell
- swing
- swinging
- swirl
- table
- tat-tat
- tattoo
- tendril
- throb
- throbbing
- throw
- thrum
- thrust
- thump
- thumping
- thunder
- token
- tom-tom
- toss
- totter
- trace
- travel
- tread
- treadle
- trill
- trip
- troll
- trolling
- trot
- trough
- trudge
- trundle
- trunk
- truss
- tsunami
- tube
- tumble
- turning
- tweet
- twirl
- twist
- twit
- undulation
- vehicle
- velocity
- vestige
- volute
- volution
- vortex
- wad
- waddle
- wag
- waggle
- walk
- wallop
- wallow
- warble
- wave
- wavelet
- waver
- waving
- welter
- wheel
- wheeling
- whir
- whirl
- whirling
- whistle
- whorl
- wiggle
- wobble
- writ
- writing
- yaw
roll (v.)
- account
- advance
- align
- amble
- arrive
- bale
- bank
- bankroll
- barge
- barrage
- barrel
- bask
- beat
- billow
- blank
- blunder
- bob
- bobble
- bolt
- boom
- bore
- bowl
- break
- budget
- bundle
- bunt
- butt
- cackle
- calendar
- calender
- cannonade
- careen
- career
- carol
- cast
- catalog
- catalogue
- caw
- census
- chatter
- cheep
- chirk
- chirp
- chirr
- chirrup
- chitter
- chop
- chronicle
- chuck
- circle
- clack
- cluck
- clump
- coast
- coggle
- coil
- comb
- commute
- coo
- corkscrew
- course
- crab
- crap
- craps
- crash
- croak
- cronk
- crow
- cruise
- cuckoo
- curl
- cycle
- dangle
- dash
- deck
- dip
- disappear
- docket
- document
- dope
- drag
- drift
- drive
- droop
- drum
- echo
- elapse
- enfold
- enshroud
- envelop
- enwrap
- equalize
- evaporate
- even
- expire
- fagot
- falter
- fare
- feather
- fell
- fetch
- file
- film
- fishtail
- flatten
- flit
- float
- flounce
- flounder
- flow
- fluctuate
- flush
- flutter
- fly
- foot
- footslog
- form
- forward
- frame
- furl
- gabble
- gad
- gaggle
- gallivant
- gallop
- gang
- glide
- go
- gobble
- grade
- grovel
- growl
- grumble
- guggle
- gush
- gyrate
- halt
- heave
- hie
- hitch
- hobble
- honk
- hoo
- hoot
- hop
- impel
- index
- indulge
- instrument
- inventory
- iron
- jog
- jolt
- jump
- kink
- labor
- lay
- level
- librate
- lift
- limp
- list
- loop
- lop
- lumber
- lunge
- lurch
- luxuriate
- mangle
- microfilm
- mince
- mooch
- move
- muster
- negative
- nick
- nutate
- orbit
- oscillate
- pace
- pack
- package
- paddle
- palpitate
- paper
- parcel
- part
- pass
- patter
- peak
- peal
- pedal
- peep
- peg
- piece
- pip
- pipe
- pitch
- pitter-patter
- plate
- plod
- plow
- plunge
- pole
- poll
- portion
- pound
- prance
- press
- proceed
- program
- progress
- propel
- pulsate
- push
- quack
- quiver
- rack
- ramble
- range
- rase
- raze
- rear
- rebound
- record
- reecho
- reel
- register
- relish
- resonate
- resound
- return
- revel
- reverberate
- revolve
- ride
- riffle
- ripple
- rise
- roam
- roar
- rob
- rock
- roller
- rollick
- rolling
- rotate
- rove
- row
- ruff
- ruffle
- rumble
- run
- sail
- sashay
- saunter
- savor
- scend
- schedule
- scold
- screw
- script
- scroll
- scuff
- scuffle
- scuttle
- seethe
- send
- shake
- shamble
- shove
- shroud
- shuffle
- shunt
- sidle
- sing
- single-foot
- skid
- skip
- slate
- slide
- slink
- slip
- slither
- slog
- slouch
- sluice
- smash
- smooth
- smoothen
- somersault
- sound
- spatter
- spin
- spiral
- splatter
- split
- splutter
- spool
- sputter
- squawk
- stagger
- stalk
- stamp
- steamroll
- steamroller
- stem
- step
- stomp
- straddle
- straggle
- stray
- stream
- stride
- strip
- stroll
- struggle
- strut
- stumble
- stump
- stunt
- surf
- surge
- swag
- swagger
- swathe
- sway
- sweep
- swell
- swing
- swirl
- table
- tattoo
- throb
- throw
- thrum
- thrust
- thump
- thunder
- tittup
- toddle
- token
- toss
- totter
- trace
- traipse
- travel
- tread
- treadle
- trill
- trip
- troll
- trot
- trudge
- trundle
- truss
- tube
- tumble
- tweet
- twirl
- twist
- twit
- uncoil
- uncurl
- undulate
- unfold
- unfurl
- unroll
- unwind
- vacillate
- vanish
- vibrate
- volute
- wad
- waddle
- wag
- waggle
- walk
- wallop
- wallow
- wamble
- warble
- wave
- waver
- welter
- wend
- wheel
- whir
- whirl
- whistle
- wiggle
- wobble
- yaw
roll (adj.)
- account
- advance
- align
- barrel
- beat
- billowing
- blank
- booming
- bore
- budget
- cast
- course
- dash
- directory
- drift
- drum
- eagre
- enfold
- even
- fell
- float
- flush
- flutter
- fly
- foot
- form
- forward
- gem
- go
- grade
- halt
- hie
- involute
- iron
- lay
- level
- limp
- list
- memorial
- natural
- negative
- part
- pass
- pedal
- peg
- piece
- pound
- press
- program
- quack
- rack
- range
- rear
- rise
- rolling
- row
- ruff
- run
- script
- sea
- shot
- sing
- skid
- slip
- smooth
- sound
- spinning
- spiral
- split
- staccato
- step
- stray
- stream
- swagger
- swell
- swinging
- table
- throbbing
- thumping
- token
- trip
- trolling
- tumble
- turning
- undulate
- velocity
- volute
- waving
- wheel
- wheeling
- writing
Must helpless man, in ignorance sedate,
Roll darkling down the torrent of his fate?
I am not in the roll of common men.
I have considered the pension list of the republic a roll of honor.
Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean, roll!
Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain;
Man marks the earth with ruin,—his control
Stops with the shore.
Wherever waves can roll, and winds can blow.