drift (n.)
- aberrancy
- aberration
- accumulation
- advance
- aeroplane
- affluence
- aim
- airlift
- airplane
- alluvion
- alluvium
- amble
- anthill
- army
- array
- ascending
- ascent
- atmospherics
- azimuth
- backflowing
- backing
- balloon
- bank
- bat
- batch
- bearing
- bend
- bent
- bias
- blaring
- bum
- bunch
- bundle
- career
- climbing
- clump
- cluster
- clutch
- coast
- cock
- colony
- color
- coloring
- concourse
- confluence
- conflux
- connotation
- consequence
- corner
- course
- crawling
- creeping
- crook
- crosscurrent
- cruise
- current
- curve
- dance
- dart
- debris
- declination
- delay
- denotation
- departure
- deposit
- descent
- detour
- detritus
- deviance
- deviation
- deviousness
- digression
- direction
- disposition
- divagation
- divarication
- divergence
- diversion
- dogleg
- double
- downpour
- driftage
- drifting
- drive
- drove
- dune
- ebbing
- effect
- embankment
- err
- errantry
- essence
- excursion
- excursus
- extension
- fading
- ferry
- flicker
- flight
- flit
- float
- flock
- flood
- flow
- flowing
- fluency
- flutter
- flux
- fly
- foot
- force
- gad
- gam
- gang
- ghost
- gist
- glide
- group
- gush
- hairpin
- haycock
- haymow
- hayrick
- haystack
- heading
- heap
- herd
- hill
- hobo
- hop
- host
- hover
- hydroplane
- idea
- idle
- impact
- implication
- import
- inclination
- inclining
- indirection
- inflow
- intension
- intent
- intention
- interference
- jaunt
- jet
- kennel
- lay
- leeway
- lie
- line
- linger
- litter
- loess
- lot
- mainstream
- mass
- meander
- meaning
- millrace
- molehill
- mooch
- mope
- moraine
- motion
- mound
- mountain
- mounting
- movement
- mow
- muck
- navigation
- noise
- object
- obliquity
- onrush
- orientation
- outflow
- overtone
- pack
- parcel
- partiality
- passage
- penchant
- pertinence
- pile
- piloting
- pith
- pod
- point
- predilection
- pride
- progress
- progression
- propensity
- prowl
- purport
- purpose
- pyramid
- quarter
- race
- ramble
- rambling
- range
- reception
- reference
- referent
- reflux
- regression
- relation
- relevance
- rest
- retrogression
- rick
- ride
- rising
- rove
- run
- rush
- sag
- sail
- sailplane
- saunter
- school
- scope
- scree
- scud
- seaplane
- sediment
- sense
- set
- shift
- shifting
- shoal
- shock
- shoot
- significance
- signification
- silt
- sinking
- skim
- slant
- slip
- sloth
- snake
- snowdrift
- soar
- soaring
- spate
- spirit
- stack
- static
- steerage
- steering
- straggle
- stray
- stream
- stroll
- subsiding
- substance
- sum
- surge
- sweep
- swerve
- swerving
- swing
- swinging
- tack
- tendency
- tenor
- tide
- tone
- track
- tramp
- trend
- trip
- troop
- turn
- turning
- twist
- undercurrent
- undertone
- undertow
- vagabond
- value
- variation
- waft
- wandering
- warp
- wash
- way
- wind
- wing
- yaw
- zigzag
drift (v.)
- advance
- aim
- airlift
- amble
- array
- balloon
- bank
- bat
- batch
- bend
- bias
- bum
- bunch
- bundle
- career
- clump
- cluster
- clutch
- coast
- cock
- color
- corner
- course
- crook
- cruise
- curve
- dance
- dart
- delay
- deposit
- detour
- divagate
- double
- drive
- effect
- err
- ferry
- flicker
- flight
- flit
- flitter
- float
- flock
- flood
- flow
- flutter
- flux
- fly
- foot
- force
- gad
- gallivant
- gang
- ghost
- glide
- group
- gush
- heap
- herd
- hibernate
- hill
- hop
- host
- hover
- hydroplane
- idle
- impact
- import
- jaunt
- jet
- kennel
- lay
- lie
- line
- linger
- litter
- lot
- mass
- maunder
- meander
- mooch
- mope
- mosey
- motion
- mound
- mow
- muck
- navigate
- noise
- object
- pack
- parcel
- peregrinate
- pile
- pith
- pod
- point
- pride
- progress
- prowl
- purport
- purpose
- pyramid
- quarter
- race
- ramble
- range
- reference
- rest
- rick
- ride
- roam
- rove
- run
- rush
- sag
- sail
- sailplane
- saunter
- school
- scope
- scud
- seaplane
- sediment
- sense
- set
- sheer
- shift
- shoal
- shock
- shoot
- silt
- sinter
- skew
- skim
- skulk
- slant
- slip
- snake
- soar
- spirit
- stack
- stagnate
- straggle
- stray
- stream
- stroll
- sum
- surge
- sweep
- swerve
- swing
- tack
- tide
- tone
- track
- traipse
- tramp
- trend
- trip
- troop
- turn
- twist
- vagabond
- value
- veer
- vegetate
- waft
- wander
- warp
- wash
- way
- wind
- wing
- yaw
- zigzag
drift (adv.)
drift (adj.)
- advance
- army
- ascending
- ascent
- bearing
- bend
- bent
- bias
- blaring
- blasting
- bum
- climbing
- color
- corner
- course
- current
- descending
- descent
- double
- drifting
- effect
- essence
- fading
- flicker
- flight
- float
- flowing
- flutter
- fly
- foot
- force
- group
- heap
- hill
- idle
- import
- intent
- jet
- lay
- line
- litter
- lot
- mass
- meaning
- muck
- ongoing
- pod
- point
- purpose
- rambling
- range
- referent
- rest
- rick
- rising
- run
- rush
- school
- sense
- set
- sheer
- shift
- shifting
- skew
- skim
- slant
- slip
- soaring
- spate
- static
- stray
- straying
- stream
- swerving
- swinging
- tack
- tenor
- tone
- track
- trip
- turn
- turning
- vagabond
- wandering
- wash
- way
- wind
- wing
- zigzag
Round and round, like a dance of snow
In a dazzling drift, as its guardians, go
Floating the women faded for ages,
Sculptured in stone on the poet's pages.