backing (n.)
- abetment
- about-face
- advance
- advocacy
- advocate
- aegis
- affirmation
- aid
- alpenstock
- approval
- approving
- arm
- ascending
- ascent
- assistance
- attestation
- auspices
- authentication
- back
- backbone
- backflowing
- backsliding
- backup
- bandeau
- bearer
- bearing
- binding
- bookbinding
- bookcase
- bra
- brace
- bracer
- bracket
- brassiere
- bushing
- buttress
- buttressing
- cane
- capitalization
- care
- career
- carriage
- carrier
- cartridge
- case
- certification
- cervix
- championship
- charity
- chassis
- climbing
- confirmation
- cooperation
- corroboration
- corset
- countenance
- course
- cover
- crook
- crutch
- current
- descent
- disenchantment
- documentation
- dope
- drift
- driftage
- ebbing
- emulsion
- encouragement
- endorsement
- favor
- film
- financing
- flight
- flip-flop
- flow
- flux
- folding
- fortification
- fosterage
- frame
- fulcrum
- funding
- funds
- gathering
- girdle
- goodwill
- grant
- grubstake
- guidance
- guy
- headband
- help
- infrastructure
- interest
- investment
- jacket
- jock
- jockstrap
- lapse
- lining
- mainstay
- maintainer
- maintenance
- mast
- microfilm
- money
- mount
- mounting
- neck
- negative
- onrush
- pack
- passage
- patronage
- plate
- pro
- progress
- proof
- prop
- proving
- ratification
- recidivism
- reclamation
- reflux
- regress
- regression
- rehabilitation
- reinforcement
- reinforcer
- reinstatement
- relapse
- reliance
- rest
- restitution
- restoration
- retrogression
- retroversion
- return
- reversal
- reverse
- reversion
- reverting
- revulsion
- rigging
- rising
- roll
- rounding
- run
- rush
- set
- setting
- sewing
- shoulder
- shroud
- signature
- sinking
- skeleton
- slipcover
- smashing
- soaring
- spine
- sponsorship
- sprit
- staff
- stake
- stave
- stay
- stick
- stiffener
- stream
- strengthener
- strengthening
- subsiding
- subsidy
- substantiation
- subvention
- succor
- support
- supporter
- supporting
- sustainer
- sustainment
- sustenance
- sustentation
- sympathy
- tipping
- trend
- trimming
- turn
- turnabout
- turnaround
- tutelage
- underframe
- upholder
- upkeep
- validation
- vehicle
- verification
- volte-face
- wrapper
Call you that backing of your friends? A plague upon such backing!
Call you that backing of your friends? A plague upon such backing!