lot (n.)
- abundance
- acres
- affluence
- aggregate
- aggregation
- all
- allot
- allotment
- allow
- allowance
- amount
- ampleness
- amplitude
- army
- array
- assemblage
- astrology
- avalanche
- bank
- barrel
- batch
- bevy
- bit
- bite
- block
- blood
- body
- bonanza
- bountifulness
- brand
- break
- breed
- budget
- bunch
- bundle
- call
- case
- cast
- casualness
- chance
- character
- chunk
- circle
- circumstance
- clan
- clearing
- close
- cloud
- clump
- cluster
- clutch
- clutter
- color
- commission
- complement
- condition
- conglomerate
- conglomeration
- constellation
- contingent
- copiousness
- copse
- count
- covey
- croft
- crop
- crowd
- cup
- cut
- deal
- decree
- demesne
- denomination
- description
- designation
- destination
- destiny
- detail
- dividend
- dole
- domain
- doom
- dose
- earmark
- enclave
- end
- estate
- extravagance
- exuberance
- fatality
- fate
- feather
- fertility
- field
- fix
- flight
- flock
- flood
- flow
- footing
- foreordination
- form
- fortuitousness
- fortuity
- fortune
- forty
- frontage
- fullness
- future
- gamble
- game
- generosity
- generousness
- genre
- genus
- give
- gob
- gobs
- grain
- grounds
- group
- grouping
- grove
- gush
- hail
- half
- hap
- happenstance
- hassock
- heap
- heaps
- helping
- hive
- holding
- holdings
- honor
- host
- hunk
- ilk
- indeterminacy
- indeterminateness
- inevitability
- interest
- jam
- kidney
- kin
- kind
- kismet
- knot
- kraal
- label
- land
- lands
- landslide
- lashings
- lavishness
- legion
- liberality
- liberalness
- line
- loads
- location
- lots
- luck
- lump
- luxuriance
- make
- making
- manner
- manor
- many
- mark
- mass
- maximum
- measure
- meed
- mess
- messuage
- mint
- mob
- modality
- mode
- modicum
- moiety
- mold
- much
- muchness
- multiplicity
- multitude
- myriad
- nature
- nest
- number
- numbers
- numerousness
- oodles
- opportunity
- opulence
- outpouring
- overflow
- pack
- package
- pale
- parcel
- part
- pass
- patch
- peck
- percentage
- persuasion
- phylum
- pickle
- piece
- pile
- piles
- place
- plat
- play
- plenitude
- plenteousness
- plentifulness
- plenty
- plight
- plot
- plurality
- portion
- position
- posture
- pot
- power
- predestination
- predetermination
- predicament
- prevalence
- probability
- prodigality
- productiveness
- profuseness
- profusion
- property
- proportion
- push
- quad
- quadrangle
- quantity
- quantum
- quota
- race
- raft
- rafts
- rake-off
- rank
- ration
- realty
- repletion
- reserve
- richness
- riot
- risk
- rout
- ruck
- run
- scads
- schedule
- scores
- section
- segment
- serendipity
- set
- shape
- share
- shoal
- shock
- shower
- sight
- situation
- slew
- slews
- slice
- sort
- spate
- species
- sport
- spot
- stack
- stacks
- stake
- stamp
- standing
- stars
- state
- station
- status
- stock
- stockholding
- stockholdings
- strain
- stream
- stripe
- style
- substantiality
- substantialness
- sum
- superabundance
- swarm
- tag
- teemingness
- thicket
- throng
- toss
- tract
- tribe
- tuft
- tussock
- type
- uncertainty
- variety
- wad
- wads
- wealth
- weird
- wisp
lot (v.)
- aggregate
- all
- allocate
- allot
- allow
- allowance
- amount
- appoint
- apportion
- array
- assign
- avalanche
- bank
- barrel
- batch
- bit
- bite
- block
- blood
- body
- brand
- break
- breed
- budget
- bunch
- bundle
- calculate
- call
- case
- cast
- chance
- character
- chunk
- circle
- close
- cloud
- clump
- cluster
- clutch
- clutter
- color
- commission
- complement
- condition
- conglomerate
- count
- crop
- crowd
- cup
- cut
- deal
- decree
- depend
- destine
- detail
- dole
- doom
- dose
- earmark
- end
- estate
- fate
- feather
- field
- fix
- flight
- flock
- flood
- flow
- foredoom
- form
- gamble
- game
- give
- grain
- group
- gush
- hail
- hap
- heap
- hive
- honor
- host
- hunk
- ilk
- interest
- jam
- kin
- knot
- label
- land
- line
- luck
- lump
- make
- mark
- mass
- measure
- mess
- mint
- mob
- mode
- mold
- nature
- nest
- number
- ordain
- overflow
- pack
- package
- pale
- parcel
- part
- pass
- patch
- peck
- pickle
- piece
- pile
- place
- plat
- play
- plight
- plot
- portion
- position
- posture
- pot
- power
- proportion
- push
- race
- raft
- rank
- ration
- reserve
- restrict
- riot
- risk
- rout
- ruck
- run
- schedule
- section
- segment
- set
- shape
- share
- shoal
- shock
- shower
- sight
- slew
- slice
- sort
- speculate
- sport
- spot
- stack
- stake
- stamp
- state
- station
- stock
- strain
- stream
- stripe
- style
- sum
- swarm
- tag
- throng
- toss
- tract
- type
- wad
lot (adv.)
lot (adj.)
- aggregate
- all
- allow
- amount
- army
- barrel
- bit
- block
- blood
- breed
- budget
- case
- cast
- chance
- close
- color
- condition
- conglomerate
- considerable
- contingent
- count
- crop
- cut
- deal
- destine
- end
- estate
- fertility
- field
- flight
- form
- forty
- future
- game
- give
- group
- half
- heap
- holding
- interest
- kin
- kind
- land
- legion
- line
- lump
- making
- many
- mark
- mass
- maximum
- mint
- mode
- much
- myriad
- nest
- pale
- part
- pass
- peck
- piece
- place
- play
- pot
- power
- raft
- rank
- ration
- riot
- risk
- ruck
- run
- section
- set
- shape
- sight
- spate
- species
- spot
- standing
- state
- stock
- stream
- style
- tract
- weird
The lot assigned to every man is suited to him, and suits him to itself.
To be a Prodigal's favourite,—then, worse truth,
A Miser's pensioner,—behold our lot!
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Have you not heard these many years ago
Jeptha was judge of Israel?
He had one only daughter and no mo,
The which he loved passing well;
And as by lott,
God wot,
It so came to pass,
As God's will was.
Each cursed his fate that thus their project crossed;
How hard their lot who neither won nor lost!
The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.
It is the lot of man but once to die.
To labour is the lot of man below;
And when Jove gave us life, he gave us woe.
The lot of man,—to suffer and to die.
Have paid scot and lot there any time this eighteen years.
Suit thyself to the estate in which thy lot is cast.
Behold how brightly breaks the morning!
Though bleak our lot, our hearts are warm.
It is an unhappy lot which finds no enemies.
Oft has it been my lot to mark
A proud, conceited, talking spark.