knot (n.)
- adhesive
- affix
- affixation
- aggregation
- amass
- anamorphism
- anamorphosis
- annexation
- articulate
- assemblage
- associate
- asymmetry
- attachment
- balance
- ball
- balloon
- band
- batch
- bend
- bilge
- bind
- binding
- bladder
- blain
- bleb
- blister
- blob
- block
- body
- boll
- bolus
- bond
- boss
- bow
- bowknot
- bowline
- bracket
- braid
- bridge
- bubble
- buckle
- bulb
- bulbil
- bulblet
- bulge
- bulla
- bump
- bun
- bunch
- burl
- button
- cake
- celerity
- cement
- chain
- chignon
- chine
- clabber
- clinch
- clot
- clump
- cluster
- cocker
- cockle
- coil
- collect
- collection
- combine
- company
- complex
- concrete
- concretion
- condyle
- conglomerate
- conglomeration
- congregation
- conjugate
- connect
- contortion
- copse
- couple
- cover
- crease
- crimp
- crinkle
- crook
- crookedness
- crop
- crowd
- crux
- cue
- curd
- deviation
- dilemma
- dispatch
- disproportion
- distortion
- ditto
- dowel
- draw
- ear
- ellipsoid
- embrace
- enigma
- entangle
- even
- expedition
- fastener
- fastening
- fastness
- fix
- flange
- flap
- flight
- flit
- flurry
- furrow
- gall
- gang
- gather
- gathering
- gel
- globe
- globule
- glomerulus
- glue
- gnarl
- gob
- gobbet
- group
- grouping
- grove
- handle
- hassock
- haste
- hill
- hooking
- hump
- hunch
- hurry
- imbalance
- instantaneousness
- irregularity
- jelly
- jog
- joggle
- join
- jungle
- knit
- knob
- labyrinth
- lash
- lashing
- league
- ligament
- ligation
- ligature
- link
- lip
- loop
- lopper
- lopsidedness
- lot
- lump
- marshal
- mass
- match
- maze
- meander
- mesh
- mess
- mole
- morass
- mountain
- muddle
- mystery
- nevus
- nexus
- node
- nub
- nubbin
- nubble
- orb
- orbit
- oxymoron
- pair
- papilloma
- paradox
- parallel
- peg
- pellet
- perplexity
- pigtail
- plait
- poser
- precipitation
- problem
- promptitude
- promptness
- pucker
- purse
- puzzle
- puzzlement
- puzzler
- quandary
- question
- queue
- quickness
- quirk
- rapidity
- rattail
- ravel
- reach
- rib
- ridge
- ring
- ripple
- rival
- rpm
- ruck
- ruckle
- rush
- screw
- set
- sheepshank
- shock
- shoulder
- skein
- slew
- slipknot
- snafu
- snarl
- solder
- solid
- span
- speed
- speediness
- sphere
- spheroid
- spherule
- spine
- splice
- spring
- sticker
- sticking
- stud
- stumper
- style
- swiftness
- tab
- tail
- tangle
- tape
- teaser
- tether
- thick
- thicket
- throng
- tie
- topknot
- torsion
- tortuosity
- touch
- tubercle
- tuft
- turn
- tussock
- twist
- unite
- velocity
- verruca
- vesicle
- wale
- warp
- wart
- web
- weld
- welt
- why
- wilderness
- wimple
- wisp
- wrench
- wring
- wrinkle
- yoke
knot (v.)
- accumulate
- affix
- agglutinate
- amass
- articulate
- assemble
- associate
- attach
- balance
- ball
- balloon
- band
- batch
- bend
- bilge
- bind
- blister
- blob
- block
- body
- bond
- boss
- bow
- bracket
- braid
- bridge
- bubble
- buckle
- bulge
- bump
- bunch
- burl
- button
- cake
- cement
- chain
- chine
- clabber
- clinch
- clot
- clump
- cluster
- coagulate
- cocker
- cockle
- coil
- collect
- combine
- company
- complicate
- comprise
- concatenate
- concrete
- confound
- confuse
- congeal
- conglomerate
- conjoin
- conjugate
- connect
- contort
- copulate
- correspond
- corrugate
- couple
- cover
- crease
- crimp
- crinkle
- crook
- crop
- crowd
- crumple
- cue
- curdle
- dispatch
- distort
- ditto
- draw
- ear
- embrace
- embrangle
- encompass
- entangle
- even
- fasten
- fix
- flap
- flight
- flit
- flurry
- furrow
- gall
- gang
- gather
- gel
- gelatinize
- globe
- glue
- gnarl
- group
- handle
- hill
- hump
- hunch
- hurry
- implicate
- include
- inspissate
- involve
- jell
- jellify
- jelly
- jog
- joggle
- join
- knit
- lash
- league
- link
- lip
- loop
- lot
- lump
- marry
- marshal
- mass
- match
- maze
- meander
- merge
- mesh
- mess
- mobilize
- muddle
- nonplus
- nub
- orb
- orbit
- pair
- parallel
- peg
- perplex
- plait
- pucker
- purse
- puzzle
- question
- queue
- quirk
- ramify
- ravel
- reach
- rib
- ridge
- ring
- ripple
- rival
- ruck
- ruckle
- rumple
- rush
- screw
- secure
- set
- shirr
- shock
- shoulder
- slew
- snafu
- snarl
- solder
- span
- speed
- splice
- spring
- stud
- style
- tab
- tail
- tangle
- tape
- tether
- thicken
- throng
- tie
- touch
- turn
- twist
- unify
- unite
- warp
- wart
- web
- weld
- welt
- wrench
- wrest
- wring
- wrinkle
- writhe
- yoke
You are seeking a knot in a bulrush.
A man is a bundle of relations, a knot of roots, whose flower and fruitage is the world.
Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter: that when he speaks,
The air, a chartered libertine, is still.