span (n.)
- ace
- amass
- amplitude
- apse
- arcade
- arch
- archway
- articulate
- assay
- associate
- band
- beam
- bit
- bond
- brace
- bracket
- breadth
- bridge
- broadness
- caliper
- camber
- carry
- catwalk
- cement
- chain
- clearance
- collect
- combine
- compass
- concha
- conjugate
- connect
- couple
- couplet
- course
- cove
- cover
- crack
- cross
- cupola
- day
- dial
- distance
- distich
- divergence
- divide
- dome
- doublet
- drawbridge
- duad
- duet
- duo
- duration
- dyad
- earreach
- earshot
- embrace
- equipage
- estimate
- expanse
- extension
- extent
- farness
- fathom
- flyover
- footbridge
- four-in-hand
- fullness
- gangboard
- gangplank
- gangway
- gather
- gauge
- glue
- go
- graduate
- gunshot
- hair
- hairsbreadth
- hold
- hour
- igloo
- inch
- infinity
- instant
- interval
- join
- juncture
- jut
- keystone
- knot
- lap
- latitude
- league
- leeway
- length
- lengthiness
- lie
- link
- little
- longitude
- longness
- margin
- marshal
- mass
- match
- mate
- mates
- measure
- mete
- meter
- mileage
- minute
- moment
- ogive
- overcrossing
- overhang
- overlap
- overpass
- override
- pace
- pair
- period
- perpetuity
- perspective
- piece
- plumb
- point
- prize
- probe
- range
- rate
- reach
- remoteness
- rig
- run
- season
- separation
- shingle
- size
- solder
- sound
- space
- spell
- spike
- splice
- spread
- spurt
- stage
- step
- straddle
- stretch
- stride
- surround
- survey
- sweep
- tandem
- tape
- team
- term
- tie
- time
- turnout
- twain
- two
- twosome
- unicorn
- unite
- value
- vault
- vaulting
- viaduct
- voussoir
- way
- ways
- weld
- while
- wideness
- width
- yardage
- yoke
span (v.)
- accumulate
- ace
- agglutinate
- amass
- appraise
- appreciate
- apse
- arch
- articulate
- assay
- assemble
- assess
- associate
- band
- beam
- bestride
- bit
- bond
- brace
- bracket
- bridge
- calculate
- calibrate
- caliper
- camber
- carry
- cement
- chain
- collect
- combine
- compass
- comprise
- compute
- concatenate
- conjoin
- conjugate
- connect
- copulate
- couple
- course
- cover
- crack
- cross
- day
- dial
- distance
- divide
- double-team
- embrace
- encompass
- environ
- estimate
- evaluate
- extend
- fathom
- gather
- gauge
- glue
- go
- graduate
- hair
- hold
- imbricate
- inch
- include
- join
- jut
- knot
- lap
- league
- lie
- link
- little
- marry
- marshal
- mass
- match
- mate
- measure
- mensurate
- merge
- meter
- minute
- mobilize
- overarch
- overhang
- overlap
- overlie
- override
- pace
- pair
- piece
- plumb
- point
- prize
- probe
- quantify
- quantize
- range
- rate
- reach
- rig
- run
- season
- shingle
- size
- solder
- sound
- space
- spell
- spike
- splice
- spread
- spurt
- stage
- step
- straddle
- stretch
- stride
- surround
- survey
- sweep
- tape
- team
- term
- tie
- time
- triangulate
- unify
- unite
- valuate
- value
- vault
- way
- weigh
- weld
- yoke
span (adj.)
- ace
- agglutinate
- arch
- articulate
- associate
- band
- beam
- bit
- bond
- both
- carry
- chain
- collect
- conjugate
- course
- cover
- crack
- cross
- day
- dial
- distance
- go
- graduate
- imbricate
- instant
- league
- length
- little
- mass
- mate
- mensurate
- minute
- moment
- piece
- plumb
- point
- prize
- range
- rate
- reach
- rig
- run
- size
- sound
- spread
- stage
- step
- stretch
- term
- tie
- time
- triangulate
- two
- vaulting
- way
- ways
- weigh
- while
Pity the sorrows of a poor old man,
Whose trembling limbs have borne him to your door,
Whose days are dwindled to the shortest span;
Oh give relief, and Heaven will bless your store.
Were I so tall to reach the pole,
Or grasp the ocean with my span,
I must be measured by my soul:
The mind's the standard of the man.
Whose life is a bubble, and in length a span.
The world's a bubble, and the life of man
Less than a span.
Spick and span new.
While the honour thou hast got
Is spick and span new.
As they use to say, spick and span new.
Our days begin with trouble here,
Our life is but a span,
And cruel death is always near,
So frail a thing is man.