beam (n.)
- abutment
- actinism
- amplitude
- arc-boutant
- backside
- balk
- bank
- bar
- batten
- beacon
- beam
- behind
- billet
- blaze
- blind
- bloom
- board
- boarding
- boom
- border
- bottom
- bounce
- brace
- breadth
- breakwater
- broadcast
- broadness
- broadside
- bulwark
- burn
- buttress
- buttressing
- can
- caper
- cheek
- chirp
- chirrup
- chop
- clapboard
- coast
- corbel
- cord
- cordwood
- crank
- crossbeam
- crosstie
- crow
- crowbar
- dance
- daze
- dazzle
- deal
- delight
- derriere
- display
- driftwood
- echo
- embankment
- expanse
- extent
- fanny
- firewood
- flame
- flank
- flare
- flash
- frolic
- fullness
- gambol
- girder
- glance
- glare
- gleam
- glint
- glow
- grin
- grinning
- groin
- hand
- handedness
- handspike
- hardwood
- haunch
- hip
- jam
- jetty
- jimmy
- joist
- jowl
- joy
- laterality
- lath
- latitude
- laugh
- leam
- lever
- lilt
- limb
- lintel
- log
- lumber
- luster
- marker
- marlinespike
- mole
- newscast
- outrigger
- paneling
- patch
- peavey
- pedal
- pencil
- photoemission
- photon
- picture
- pier
- plank
- planking
- plyboard
- plywood
- pole
- post
- posterior
- prize
- profile
- pry
- purr
- pylon
- quarter
- racon
- radiation
- radio
- rafter
- rampart
- ray
- reading
- rear
- reflection
- return
- ribbon
- ridgepole
- romp
- seat
- seawall
- send
- shaft
- shake
- sheathing
- sheeting
- shine
- shingle
- shoot
- shore
- shoulder
- side
- sideboard
- siding
- signal
- sill
- simper
- sing
- skip
- slab
- slat
- sleeper
- smile
- smiling
- smirk
- softwood
- span
- spar
- sparkle
- splat
- sportscast
- spot
- spread
- sprit
- stave
- stick
- streak
- stream
- streamer
- strut
- stud
- summer
- temple
- tie
- timber
- trace
- transom
- trave
- traverse
- treadle
- trestle
- truss
- two-by-four
- weatherboard
- whistle
- wideness
- width
- wireless
- wood
beam (v.)
- balk
- bank
- bar
- batten
- beacon
- beam
- bedazzle
- behind
- billet
- blaze
- blind
- bloom
- board
- boom
- border
- bottom
- bounce
- brace
- broadcast
- broadside
- bulwark
- burn
- buttress
- can
- caper
- caracole
- cheek
- chirp
- chirrup
- chop
- clapboard
- coast
- corbel
- cord
- crank
- crow
- dance
- daze
- dazzle
- deal
- delight
- display
- echo
- flame
- flank
- flare
- flash
- frolic
- gambol
- glance
- glare
- gleam
- glint
- glow
- grin
- groin
- hand
- hip
- incandesce
- jam
- jimmy
- joy
- laugh
- leam
- lever
- lilt
- limb
- log
- lumber
- luster
- patch
- pedal
- pencil
- picture
- plank
- pole
- post
- prize
- profile
- pry
- purr
- quarter
- radiate
- radio
- rafter
- ray
- rear
- return
- romp
- seat
- send
- shaft
- shake
- shine
- shingle
- shoot
- shore
- shoulder
- side
- signal
- simper
- sing
- skip
- slat
- smile
- smirk
- span
- spar
- sparkle
- splat
- sportscast
- spot
- spread
- stave
- stick
- streak
- stream
- strut
- stud
- summer
- tie
- trace
- transmit
- traverse
- treadle
- truss
- whistle
- wood
beam (adv.)
beam (adj.)
- bar
- beam
- behind
- blaze
- blind
- bloom
- board
- bottom
- broadside
- burn
- can
- cheek
- crank
- deal
- flame
- flare
- flash
- gleam
- glow
- hand
- hip
- leam
- lever
- log
- luster
- pedal
- post
- posterior
- prize
- pry
- pylon
- radiate
- radio
- ray
- rear
- ribbon
- shore
- shoulder
- side
- signal
- sing
- smiling
- span
- spot
- spread
- stick
- streak
- stream
- tie
- timber
- transverse
- wireless
- wood
So dear to heav'n is saintly chastity,
That when a soul is found sincerely so,
A thousand liveried angels lackey her,
Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt,
And in clear dream and solemn vision
Tell her of things that no gross ear can hear,
Till oft converse with heav'nly habitants
Begin to cast a beam on th' outward shape.
Be thou the rainbow to the storms of life,
The evening beam that smiles the clouds away,
And tints to-morrow with prophetic ray!
"Antiquitas saeculi juventus mundi." These times are the ancient times, when the world is ancient, and not those which we account ancient ordine retrogrado, by a computation backward from ourselves.