side (n.)
- actor
- affectation
- affiliation
- airs
- angle
- antagonist
- antihero
- arrogance
- aspect
- attitude
- auxiliary
- avert
- axis
- aye
- backhand
- bank
- basis
- beeline
- bevel
- bezel
- bind
- birth
- bit
- blood
- bloodline
- bluff
- bluster
- board
- boast
- boastfulness
- boasting
- bombast
- book
- border
- bound
- boundaries
- boundary
- brag
- braggadocio
- bragging
- branch
- bravado
- breed
- brim
- brink
- brow
- bullying
- bumptiousness
- bustle
- camp
- cast
- caucus
- cause
- character
- chord
- chute
- clad
- coast
- cockiness
- con
- conceit
- conceitedness
- condescension
- configuration
- consanguinity
- continuity
- cue
- derivation
- descent
- deviant
- diagonal
- diameter
- direction
- disposition
- division
- domineeringness
- edge
- effect
- extra
- extraction
- eye
- face
- facet
- faction
- family
- fashion
- favor
- featheredge
- feature
- feeder
- figure
- filiation
- five
- flange
- flank
- flurry
- fluster
- footing
- form
- frame
- framework
- fringe
- fuss
- gasconade
- gee
- gestalt
- glance
- grade
- gradient
- guise
- hand
- haughtiness
- hauteur
- haw
- heavy
- hem
- hero
- heroics
- heroine
- hillside
- house
- image
- imago
- immodesty
- impression
- incidental
- inclination
- incline
- ingenue
- insolence
- interest
- intimidation
- jactation
- jactitation
- jib
- labium
- labrum
- lap
- lateral
- lead
- ledge
- lee
- leeward
- libretto
- light
- likeness
- limb
- limbus
- limits
- line
- lineage
- lip
- list
- loftiness
- look
- manner
- march
- marge
- margin
- minor
- move
- nay
- nine
- no
- normal
- oblique
- obtrusiveness
- odd
- off
- offshoot
- opinion
- outlook
- overbearingness
- part
- party
- perimeter
- periphery
- perkiness
- perpendicular
- person
- personage
- pertness
- phase
- phasis
- philosophy
- phylum
- piece
- pitch
- place
- plane
- playbook
- position
- posture
- pretension
- pretentiousness
- pride
- pro
- protagonist
- purl
- race
- radius
- ramp
- rant
- reference
- regard
- remove
- respect
- rim
- rodomontade
- role
- scarp
- scenario
- school
- score
- script
- secant
- secondary
- sect
- sector
- seed
- segment
- self-assertiveness
- selvage
- semblance
- send
- sept
- shape
- shift
- shore
- shortcut
- shunt
- shy
- sideline
- sides
- sidestep
- sidetrack
- sight
- simulacrum
- sinister
- situation
- skin
- skirt
- slant
- slope
- soubrette
- spare
- splinter
- splutter
- sputter
- squad
- stance
- stand
- standpoint
- stem
- stock
- straight
- straightaway
- strain
- string
- style
- subordinate
- subsidiary
- succession
- superbia
- support
- surface
- swagger
- swank
- switch
- system
- talus
- tangent
- team
- text
- thirteen
- together
- trim
- twist
- universe
- uppishness
- uppityness
- vanity
- vaporing
- vaunt
- vector
- verge
- view
- viewpoint
- villain
- walk-on
- weather
- windward
- wing
- wise
side (v.)
- actor
- adjoin
- airs
- angle
- avert
- backhand
- bank
- bevel
- bind
- birth
- bit
- blood
- bluff
- bluster
- board
- boast
- book
- border
- bound
- brag
- branch
- breed
- brim
- bustle
- camp
- cast
- caucus
- cause
- character
- chord
- chute
- coast
- con
- cue
- delocalize
- dislodge
- displace
- edge
- effect
- eye
- face
- fashion
- favor
- feature
- figure
- five
- flank
- flurry
- fluster
- form
- frame
- fringe
- fuss
- gasconade
- gee
- glance
- grade
- guise
- hand
- haw
- hem
- house
- image
- incline
- interest
- jib
- lap
- lead
- ledge
- lee
- light
- limb
- line
- lines
- lip
- list
- look
- manhandle
- march
- minor
- move
- nine
- off
- part
- party
- phase
- piece
- pitch
- place
- plane
- position
- posture
- prefer
- pride
- purl
- race
- ramp
- rant
- reference
- regard
- relocate
- remove
- respect
- rim
- role
- school
- score
- script
- sect
- seed
- segment
- send
- shape
- shift
- shore
- shunt
- shy
- sideline
- sidestep
- sidetrack
- sidle
- sight
- skin
- skirt
- slant
- slope
- spare
- splinter
- splutter
- sputter
- stance
- stand
- stem
- stock
- strain
- streamline
- string
- style
- subordinate
- support
- surface
- swagger
- swank
- switch
- team
- together
- trim
- twist
- vaunt
- verge
- view
- weather
- wing
- wise
side (adv.)
- airs
- basis
- bit
- blood
- board
- con
- effect
- extra
- eye
- face
- fashion
- glance
- hand
- heavy
- house
- jointly
- lap
- lead
- lee
- leeward
- light
- line
- manner
- nay
- no
- off
- part
- part-time
- person
- piece
- place
- position
- pro
- rim
- shore
- sidelong
- sides
- sideward
- sidewards
- sideway
- sideways
- sidewise
- sight
- slant
- stance
- straight
- straightaway
- together
- view
- windward
- wing
- wise
side (adj.)
- airs
- ancillary
- angle
- auxiliary
- avert
- backhand
- backhanded
- bit
- blood
- bluff
- blustering
- board
- book
- bound
- brag
- bragging
- branch
- breed
- brow
- bullying
- camp
- cast
- casual
- circuitous
- clad
- descent
- deviant
- devious
- diagonal
- digressive
- divergent
- domineering
- edge
- effect
- excursive
- extra
- eye
- face
- fashion
- figure
- five
- form
- grade
- hand
- heavy
- hoity-toity
- house
- incidental
- inconsequential
- inconsiderable
- indirect
- insignificant
- interest
- lateral
- lead
- lee
- leeward
- left-handed
- lesser
- light
- limits
- line
- lip
- list
- marginal
- marginate
- minor
- nine
- no
- normal
- oblique
- occasional
- odd
- off
- out-of-the-way
- part
- part-time
- party
- patronizing
- perpendicular
- person
- phase
- piece
- place
- plane
- pro
- rant
- rim
- school
- score
- script
- secondary
- sect
- seed
- seeming
- shape
- shift
- shore
- shy
- sidelong
- sides
- sideways
- sight
- sinister
- sinistral
- skirting
- slant
- slope
- spare
- stance
- stock
- straight
- straightaway
- string
- style
- subordinate
- subsidiary
- support
- surface
- swagger
- swank
- tangential
- thirteen
- together
- transversal
- trim
- unimportant
- walk-on
- weather
- windward
- wing
- wise
O, what may man within him hide,
Though angel on the outward side!
Back and side go bare, go bare,
Both foot and hand go cold;
But, belly, God send thee good ale enough,
Whether it be new or old.
Hands promiscuously applied,
Round the slight waist, or down the glowing side.
Of which all Europe rings from side to side.
Thou slave, thou wretch, thou coward!
Thou little valiant, great in villany!
Thou ever strong upon the stronger side!
Thou Fortune's champion that dost never fight
But when her humorous ladyship is by
To teach thee safety.
If I had thought thou couldst have died,
I might not weep for thee;
But I forgot, when by thy side,
That thou couldst mortal be.
The laws are with us, and God on our side.
He could distinguish and divide
A hair 'twixt south and southwest side.
As half in shade and half in sun
This world along its path advances,
May that side the sun's upon
Be all that e'er shall meet thy glances!
So, when a raging fever burns,
We shift from side to side by turns;
And 't is a poor relief we gain
To change the place, but keep the pain.