party (n.)
- accessory
- accomplice
- accuser
- actor
- advocate
- affiliation
- aid
- alliance
- ally
- appellant
- approver
- assembly
- assignation
- associate
- bacchanal
- bacchanalia
- backer
- ball
- band
- banquet
- bash
- battalion
- beano
- being
- bevy
- bloc
- blowout
- body
- branch
- brawl
- brigade
- bunch
- bust
- cabal
- cadre
- caller
- camp
- carnival
- carousal
- carouse
- cast
- cat
- caucus
- celebration
- champion
- chap
- character
- church
- claimant
- clique
- club
- cluster
- coalition
- cohort
- colloquium
- combine
- commission
- committee
- communion
- community
- company
- complainant
- complement
- conclave
- concourse
- confederacy
- confederate
- confederation
- congregation
- congress
- contingent
- contributor
- conventicle
- convention
- convocation
- copartner
- corps
- cosignatory
- cosigner
- cotenant
- coterie
- council
- covey
- creature
- crew
- crowd
- customer
- dance
- date
- debauch
- defendant
- defender
- denomination
- detachment
- detail
- diet
- dinner
- division
- do
- duck
- earthling
- eisteddfod
- endorser
- entertainment
- exponent
- faction
- fair
- feast
- federation
- fellow
- fellowship
- festival
- festivity
- fete
- fiesta
- fleet
- forum
- frolic
- function
- gala
- gang
- gathering
- groundling
- group
- grouping
- guarantor
- guy
- hand
- head
- helper
- homo
- hop
- house-raising
- housewarming
- human
- individual
- informer
- insurer
- interest
- jamboree
- joker
- junta
- junto
- league
- levee
- life
- litigant
- litigator
- machine
- man
- mask
- masque
- masquerade
- meet
- meeting
- mob
- mortal
- movement
- nose
- notary
- offshoot
- one
- order
- organization
- orgy
- outfit
- pack
- panel
- partaker
- partial
- participant
- partisan
- partner
- person
- personage
- personality
- persuasion
- petitioner
- phalanx
- phoner
- picnic
- plaintiff
- platoon
- plenum
- posse
- prom
- promoter
- proponent
- prosecutor
- quorum
- rally
- ratifier
- rave
- reception
- regiment
- rendezvous
- ring
- romp
- salon
- saturnalia
- schism
- school
- seance
- seconder
- sect
- sectarian
- sectary
- sectional
- segment
- session
- set
- shareholder
- sharer
- shindig
- shindy
- shower
- side
- signatory
- signer
- single
- sit-in
- sitting
- smoker
- society
- soiree
- somebody
- someone
- soul
- splinter
- spree
- squad
- stable
- stag
- string
- subscriber
- suitor
- supporter
- symposium
- synod
- team
- telephoner
- tellurian
- tribe
- troop
- troupe
- turnout
- underwriter
- union
- unit
- upholder
- variety
- version
- wing
- witness
- worldling
party (v.)
- actor
- advocate
- aid
- ally
- associate
- ball
- band
- banquet
- bash
- being
- body
- branch
- brawl
- brigade
- bunch
- bust
- cabal
- camp
- carouse
- cast
- cat
- caucus
- champion
- chap
- character
- church
- club
- cluster
- combine
- commission
- company
- complement
- confederate
- crew
- crowd
- dance
- date
- debauch
- detail
- diet
- do
- duck
- fair
- feast
- fete
- fleet
- frolic
- function
- gang
- group
- guy
- hand
- head
- hop
- interest
- league
- life
- machine
- man
- mask
- masquerade
- meet
- mob
- nose
- one
- order
- outfit
- pack
- panel
- partner
- picnic
- rally
- rave
- regiment
- rendezvous
- ring
- romp
- school
- sect
- segment
- set
- shower
- side
- single
- splinter
- spree
- stable
- stag
- string
- team
- troop
- wing
- witness
party (adj.)
- accessory
- aid
- ally
- appellant
- associate
- bacchanal
- ball
- band
- bipartisan
- branch
- bust
- caller
- camp
- cast
- cat
- champion
- church
- confederate
- contingent
- cosignatory
- date
- denominational
- do
- fair
- fellow
- fete
- fleet
- gathering
- group
- guy
- hand
- head
- human
- individual
- interest
- interested
- league
- life
- man
- mask
- meet
- meeting
- mortal
- nose
- one
- order
- partial
- partisan
- person
- rave
- ring
- school
- sect
- sectarian
- sectional
- set
- side
- signatory
- single
- sitting
- stable
- string
- tellurian
- union
- wing
Who, born for the universe, narrow'd his mind,
And to party gave up what was meant for mankind;
Though fraught with all learning, yet straining his throat
To persuade Tommy Townshend to lend him a vote.
Who too deep for his hearers still went on refining,
And thought of convincing while they thought of dining:
Though equal to all things, for all things unfit;
Too nice for a statesman, too proud for a wit.
He serves his party best who serves the country best.
Party honesty is party expediency.
The soft blue sky did never melt
Into his heart; he never felt
The witchery of the soft blue sky!
Party is the madness of many for the gain of a few.