festivity (n.)
- amusement
- assembly
- assignation
- ball
- banquet
- blowout
- boisterousness
- brawl
- carnival
- caucus
- celebration
- ceremony
- cheer
- colloquium
- commemoration
- commission
- committee
- conclave
- concourse
- congregation
- congress
- conventicle
- convention
- conviviality
- convocation
- council
- dance
- date
- diet
- dinner
- do
- eisteddfod
- elation
- entertainment
- exultation
- fair
- fanfare
- feast
- felicity
- festival
- fete
- fiesta
- forum
- frivolity
- gaiety
- gala
- gathering
- glee
- heartiness
- hilarity
- holiday
- hoopla
- house-raising
- housewarming
- jamboree
- jollification
- jollity
- joviality
- joyfulness
- jubilance
- jubilation
- jubilee
- levee
- mask
- masque
- masquerade
- meet
- meeting
- memorialization
- memory
- merriment
- merrymaking
- mirth
- observance
- ovation
- panel
- party
- picnic
- plenum
- prom
- quorum
- rally
- reception
- rejoicing
- remembrance
- rendezvous
- revel
- revelry
- rite
- salute
- salvo
- seance
- session
- shindig
- shindy
- shower
- sit-in
- sitting
- smoker
- soiree
- solemnization
- stag
- symposium
- synod
- testimonial
- toast
- treat
- tribute
- triumph
- turnout
- whoopee
Venice once was dear,
The pleasant place of all festivity,
The revel of the earth, the masque of Italy.