spare (n.)
- abandon
- accessory
- agent
- allow
- alternate
- alternative
- amnesty
- analogy
- ascetic
- auxiliary
- award
- backup
- balance
- bald
- basic
- bear
- bonus
- bony
- change
- changeling
- chary
- collateral
- common
- commonplace
- comparison
- conserve
- copy
- copyright
- counterfeit
- deputy
- discharge
- dividend
- donate
- double
- drop
- dry
- dummy
- dump
- equal
- equivalent
- ersatz
- essential
- excess
- exchange
- excuse
- exempt
- expletive
- extra
- fake
- fill-in
- flat
- forbear
- frank
- free
- fundamental
- gaunt
- ghost
- ghostwriter
- give
- gratuity
- guard
- hold
- homespun
- idle
- imitation
- incidental
- keep
- lagniappe
- lank
- lean
- left
- leftover
- leisure
- limited
- makeshift
- margin
- mean
- melt
- mere
- metaphor
- metonymy
- mint
- mock
- more
- narrow
- natural
- neat
- net
- new
- nonessential
- odd
- off
- open
- original
- other
- over
- overage
- overplus
- overrun
- oversupply
- pardon
- patent
- personnel
- phony
- pinch
- plain
- plus
- poor
- pourboire
- preserve
- primary
- prosy
- proxy
- pure
- quitclaim
- refrain
- register
- release
- relief
- remainder
- remise
- remit
- replacement
- representative
- reprieve
- rescue
- reserve
- reserves
- ringer
- rustic
- sacrifice
- save
- saving
- scant
- scanty
- secondary
- short
- shun
- side
- sign
- simple
- single
- skinny
- slight
- slim
- small
- stand
- stand-in
- starvation
- stint
- stopgap
- sub
- subsistence
- substitute
- substitution
- succedaneum
- supernumerary
- supplanter
- support
- surplus
- surplusage
- surrender
- surrogate
- symbol
- synecdoche
- temporary
- thaw
- thin
- tide
- tip
- token
- understudy
- unemployed
- uniform
- utility
- vicar
- vice-regent
- yield
spare (v.)
- abandon
- abjure
- absolve
- abstain
- afford
- allow
- alternate
- amnesty
- avoid
- award
- balance
- bald
- bare
- bear
- bestow
- cede
- change
- conserve
- copy
- copyright
- counterfeit
- deliver
- direct
- discharge
- disgorge
- dispense
- donate
- double
- drop
- dry
- dull
- dummy
- dump
- endure
- equal
- eschew
- except
- exchange
- exculpate
- excuse
- exempt
- exonerate
- fake
- flat
- forbear
- forgive
- forgo
- forsake
- forswear
- frank
- free
- fresh
- further
- ghost
- give
- guard
- hold
- idle
- keep
- lank
- lean
- liberate
- maintain
- mean
- melt
- mint
- mock
- narrow
- net
- new
- off
- open
- other
- over
- overrun
- overstock
- oversupply
- pardon
- patent
- pinch
- plain
- plus
- preserve
- protect
- pure
- recant
- redeem
- refrain
- register
- relax
- release
- relent
- relieve
- relinquish
- remainder
- remise
- remit
- renounce
- reprieve
- rescue
- reserve
- resign
- retract
- sacrifice
- save
- scant
- scrimp
- severe
- short
- shrive
- shun
- side
- sign
- single
- skimp
- slight
- slim
- sober
- stand
- stint
- sub
- substitute
- support
- surrender
- sustain
- thaw
- thin
- tide
- tip
- token
- undergo
- understudy
- uniform
- unnecessary
- uphold
- vacate
- waive
- withhold
- yield
spare (adj.)
- abstemious
- accessory
- additional
- allow
- alternate
- alternative
- ancillary
- angular
- another
- ascetic
- austere
- auxiliary
- award
- bald
- bare
- basic
- bony
- cadaverous
- candid
- canny
- careful
- casual
- change
- chary
- chaste
- cheeseparing
- collateral
- common
- commonplace
- conserved
- contributory
- counterfeit
- direct
- dispensable
- double
- dry
- dull
- dummy
- dwarfish
- economic
- elementary
- equal
- equivalent
- ersatz
- essential
- excess
- exempt
- exiguous
- expendable
- extra
- fake
- farther
- flat
- forehanded
- frank
- free
- fresh
- frugal
- fundamental
- further
- gangling
- gangly
- gaunt
- gawky
- give
- gratuitous
- guard
- held
- homely
- homespun
- homogeneous
- idle
- imitation
- impoverished
- incidental
- indivisible
- irreducible
- jejune
- kept
- lank
- lanky
- lean
- left
- leftover
- leisured
- liberate
- limited
- makeshift
- matter-of-fact
- meager
- mean
- mere
- mint
- miserly
- mock
- modest
- monolithic
- more
- narrow
- natural
- neat
- needless
- net
- new
- niggardly
- nonessential
- occasional
- odd
- off
- open
- original
- other
- out-of-the-way
- outstanding
- over
- overage
- paltry
- parsimonious
- part-time
- patent
- penny-wise
- personnel
- phony
- plain
- pleonastic
- plus
- poor
- preserved
- primal
- primary
- pristine
- prolix
- prosaic
- prosy
- provident
- provisional
- prudent
- prudential
- puny
- pure
- rawboned
- redundant
- release
- remaining
- representative
- reserved
- retained
- retired
- rustic
- saved
- saving
- scant
- scanty
- scraggy
- scrawny
- scrimpy
- secondary
- severe
- short
- side
- sign
- simple
- single
- skeletal
- skimpy
- skinny
- slender
- slight
- slim
- small
- sober
- sparing
- sparse
- spidery
- spindly
- stark
- stingy
- stinted
- straightforward
- stunted
- substitute
- supererogatory
- superfluous
- supernumerary
- supplemental
- supplementary
- support
- surplus
- surrogate
- surviving
- suspended
- tautologic
- temporary
- tentative
- thin
- thrifty
- token
- twiggy
- ulterior
- unadorned
- unaffected
- unbeaten
- uncalled-for
- uncluttered
- unconsumed
- undersized
- underweight
- undifferentiated
- unemployed
- unessential
- unexpended
- uniform
- unimaginative
- unnecessary
- unneeded
- unoccupied
- unspent
- untapped
- untouched
- untrodden
- unused
- unvarnished
- utility
- verbose
- vicarious
- watered
- watery
- wiry
- yield
And join with thee calm Peace and Quiet,
Spare Fast, that oft with gods doth diet.
Visions of glory, spare my aching sight!
Ye unborn ages, crowd not on my soul!
Woodman, spare that tree!
Touch not a single bough!
In youth it sheltered me,
And I 'll protect it now.
Oh leave this barren spot to me!
Spare, woodman, spare the beechen tree!
There is nothynge that more dyspleaseth God,
Than from theyr children to spare the rod.
Love is a boy by poets styl'd;
Then spare the rod and spoil the child.
They spare the rod, and spoyle the child.