homely (adj.)
- affable
- amiable
- ascetic
- austere
- bald
- bare
- baseborn
- basic
- blemished
- bourgeois
- cacophonic
- cacophonous
- campy
- candid
- casual
- chaste
- cheerful
- classic
- classical
- cockney
- comfortable
- comfy
- commodious
- common
- commonplace
- congenial
- contented
- convenient
- cordial
- cosy
- cozy
- cushioned
- cushiony
- cushy
- degage
- direct
- disfigured
- domestic
- dry
- dull
- dysphemistic
- easy
- easygoing
- elementary
- essential
- everyday
- familiar
- folksy
- frank
- friendly
- fundamental
- garden
- general
- gracious
- homelike
- homespun
- homey
- homogeneous
- humble
- ill-favored
- indivisible
- inelegant
- informal
- inglorious
- innocuous
- intimate
- irreducible
- irregular
- kitschy
- lean
- least
- loose
- low
- lowborn
- lowbred
- lowest
- lowly
- luxurious
- marred
- matter-of-fact
- mean
- mere
- modest
- monolithic
- natural
- neat
- nondescript
- offhand
- offhanded
- open
- ordinary
- peaceful
- plain
- plebeian
- poor
- pop
- popular
- primal
- primary
- prosaic
- prosy
- public
- pure
- relaxed
- relaxing
- reposeful
- restful
- roomy
- rude
- rustic
- serene
- severe
- shabby-genteel
- simple
- single
- small
- snug
- sober
- sociable
- soft
- spare
- spoiled
- stark
- straightforward
- teachable
- tranquil
- ugly
- unadorned
- unaesthetic
- unaffected
- unassuming
- unattractive
- unceremonious
- uncluttered
- uncomely
- unconstrained
- unconventional
- undifferentiated
- undistinguished
- unelaborate
- uniform
- unimaginative
- unimportant
- unlovely
- unofficial
- unornamented
- unostentatious
- unpleasing
- unpretending
- unpretentious
- unsightly
- unsophisticated
- unstudied
- unvarnished
- vernacular
- vulgar
- warm
- workaday
It is for homely features to keep home,—
They had their name thence; coarse complexions
And cheeks of sorry grain will serve to ply
The sampler and to tease the huswife's wool.
What need a vermeil-tinctur'd lip for that,
Love-darting eyes, or tresses like the morn?
Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits.